
得意之色  dé yì zhī sè







  • 我看到官员脸上露出了得意之色
    I saw the Officer's face light up.

  • 突然,我看到海关脸上浮起得意之色
    Suddenly, I saw the Officer's face light up.

  • 在人类的情感方面,最可怕的是得意之色
    No human sentiment can be as terrible as joy.

  • “我已经成为富人了”,面露得意之色的老人眼睛眯成一条缝。
    "I have become rich, " beams the old man through creased eyes.

  • 可是有一天晚上,她的丈夫回家的时候手里拿着一个大信封,满脸得意之色
    But, one evening, her husband returned home with a triumphant air, and holding a large envelope in his hand.

  • 可是有一天晚上,她的丈夫回家的时候手里拿着一个大信封,满脸得意之色
    One evening her husband came home with an exultant air, holding a large envelope in his hand.

  • 实际上侍者提及此事时面有得意之色,仿佛这是当地人民引以为荣的一段故事。
    in fact the waiter mentioned with complacency, as if it were a story on which the locality prided itself, that the Conte had been unfortunate in love, and had never married.

  • 记者曾向竞标成功方绿地集团的一位副总探询感受,人家回避了,脸上却掩不住得意之色
    told reporters successful bidding side green groups had made inquiries about a vice chief, others avoided, but barely concealed satisfaction of color face.

  • 记者曾向竞标成功方绿地集团的一位副总探询感受,人家回避了,脸上却掩不住得意之色
    Journalists have competitive success side of the green groups had made inquiries about a vice chief, others avoided, but barely concealed satisfaction of color face.

  • 他脸上露出几分恶意,却又颇有得意之色;他正用长长的手指对那位姑娘指指点点,似乎觉得她怎么也跳不出他的手掌心。
    His face wore a threatening, though somewhat satisfied expression, while he pointed his long finger at the girl, and seemed to regard her as a creature completely within his influence.

  • 伯爵在爱情上受过挫折,并从此未曾结婚,云云。实际上侍者提及此事时面有得意之色,仿佛这是当地人民引以为荣的一段故事。
    in fact the waiter mentioned with complacency, as if it were a story on which the locality prided itself, that the Conte had been unfortunate in love, and had never married.

  • 得意之色造句相关
