
张牙舞爪  zhāng yá wǔ zhǎo








  • 一只恶狗张牙舞爪猛地朝他扑来, 撕破了他的上衣。
    A wild cur flung itself at him with bared fangs and slashed a rent in his overcoat.

  • 只留得面具,在暗处张牙舞爪
    Just stay too mask, in the dark claws.

  • 如果你不准备打架,就不要张牙舞爪
    Don't show your teeth unless you are prepared to fight.

  • 它们还会张牙舞爪
    They lift a paw or bare their teeth.

  • 骆驼,长颈鹿,还有张牙舞爪的狮子,全都在喷水。
    Camels and camelopards and an ebullient lion, all are vomitting water.

  • 当飞到船的上空时,它张牙舞爪向他们猛扑了下来。
    When flies ship's sky, it made threatening gestures to them to pounce upon suddenly down.

  • 一只恶狗张牙舞爪猛地朝他扑来,撕破了他的上衣。
    A wild cur flung itself at him with bared fangs and slashed a rent in his overcoat.

  • 看那张牙舞爪的样子,别说用手摸,就是见了也叫人发怵。
    See the look of that make threatening gestures, never mention it feel with the hand, saw namely also call a person to be scared.

  • 当你一帆风顺的时候,千万不要张牙舞爪,因为不全是你个人的因素;
    When you are Bon voyage, never make threatening gestures, because of not whole is your personal factor;

  • 猫妈妈一共有四个宝宝,这四个宝宝的从小深得猫妈真传,个个张牙舞爪
    The four babies of the cat mother are all very ferocious too.

  • 采珠人如果被海中张牙舞爪的怪物钳住,他就得不到宝贵、闪闪发亮的珍珠。
    Should the diver pause. From the ravening monster's jaw he'd never hold the precious pearl, the bright pearl, in his grasp.

  • 采珠人如果被海中张牙舞爪的怪物吓住,他就得不到宝贵的闪闪发亮的珍珠。
    If pearl picker was frightened by the saber rattling monsters in the sea, he could never get the precious and brilliant/sparkling/shining pearl.

  • 诡计如此简单,以至于真相都跑到我们面前张牙舞爪了,我们却还视若无睹。
    The trick was so simple, that we refused to look at the truth when it came up and kicked us.

  • 采珠人如果被海中张牙舞爪的怪物吓住,他就得不到宝贵的闪闪发亮的珍珠。
    Should the diver parse, from the ravening monster's jaw he'd never hold the precious pearl, the bright pearl, in his grasp.

  • 我相当熟悉自己的意向,也总是一意孤行;若需要搏斗,我会张牙舞爪拼命。
    I knew my own mind well enough and always had my own way, even if I had to fight tooth and nail for it.

  • 不管它张牙舞爪的样子给人的印象多么深刻,你绝不能指望一条弱神经型的犬来护卫。
    No matter how impressive the display, you can never rely on a weak nerved dog for protection.

  • 两岸都曾经张牙舞爪的叫嚣着战争,但只要台湾在短期内不宣布独立,他们就会没事。
    There has been saber rattling from both sides but as long as Taiwan stops short of a verbal decree of independence they have been left alone.

  • 而这种张扬,如果是以隐性的形式而存在,而不是张牙舞爪,则更是一种至高的境界。
    This publicity, if the form is hidden existence, not rear its ugly head, it is even more is a high level.

  • 他们俩象是一对异种的狗,原应互相张牙舞爪的,而因情境所迫,便不得不挂着一副笑脸。
    They were two alien dogs which would have liked to snarl at one another, But which smiled instead, perforce.

  • 图中的双龙戏珠,色彩热烈活跃,用色对比强烈,两条金龙飞腾蜿蜒,张牙舞爪,强劲有力。
    Mapshuang long xi zhu , active warm colors with strong color contrast, two golden dragon winding Feiteng, rear its ugly head, strong.

  • 机器人五花八门,既有会爬楼梯的灵活敏捷的侦察机器人,又有张牙舞爪的柴油动力机器人。
    The robots range from a nimble, stair-climbing reconnaissance unit to a diesel-powered robot with a large claw.

  • 采珠人如果被海中张牙舞爪的怪物吓住,他就得不到宝贵的闪闪发亮的珍珠。——科威特国王贾比尔。
    Should the diver parse, from the ravening monster's jaw he'd never hold the precious pearl, the bright pearl, in his grasp. —— Jaber, Kuwait king.

  • 他朝着棚子逃回来,一下也不敢往后看,他觉得一回头就会看到那人形迈着大步张牙舞爪地跟在他后面。
    He began to run towards the shed, not daring to look behind him. It seemed to him, that if he turned his head, he should see that form following him with great strides and waving its arms.

  • 然而,在这如此恐怖的灾难面前,的中国子民没有退缩,一起手挽手去挑战地震----张牙舞爪的恶魔。
    However, in this case before the terrorist disaster, we Chinese people no retreat, to join us Shou Wanshou to challenge this earthquake ---- Zhangyawuzhao the devil.

  • 地球娴淑如昔,像是一位期待游子的慈母,星群却耀武扬威,一个个张牙舞爪,恨不得蜂拥到母亲的怀抱里。
    The stars, on the other hand, looked fierce. Each one of them baring their fangs and flashing their claws, eager to flock to the arms of the mother.

  • 描述:13/16毗邻。猫在一个鸡笼里,笼子下面是一只鸡,鸡可不会像猫那样对搬运者张牙舞爪,或加以伤害。
    Caption :Juxtaposition. Cats are kept in a chicken wire cage above a chicken that is less likely to try to scratch or otherwise hurt its handler.

  • 但这一切最终都因为一个小个子男人而化为了泡影:他裹着藏红色长袍戴着黑色毡帽,张牙舞爪地大声喊着:“恐怖主义!”
    And so it might have been were it not for a short man, swathed in saffron robes and a black felt hat waving his arms around and shouting: "Terrorism! ""

  • 晚霞有的像清澈的小河,有的像张牙舞爪的龙,有的像端午节人们赛龙舟,还有的像一位美丽的公主在天边散步,多么优雅呀!
    Afterglow some like the bottom of the river, and some like a fierce dragon, and some people like the Dragon Boat Festival race, like a beautiful princess in fancy walking, how elegant!

  • 然而,即使甘地夫人的儿媳,也就是印度当前最高的领导人索尼娅·甘地有此想法,她却没有足够的自由来对抗那些对老虎张牙舞爪的势力。
    Yet, even if she wanted to, India's current supremo, Mrs Gandhi's daughter-in-law Sonia Gandhi, has less license to fight tooth-and-claw for the big cat.

  • 一到夏天她就非常爱打盹。常常是昏睡一整天。各种睡姿一一为你呈现。横着的,竖着的,淑女的,性感的,四仰八叉的,张牙舞爪的。不谈美感,只要舒展。
    She becomes so sleepy in summer, and can sleep all day along, changing many many sleeping gestures-girl alike, sexy, gentle, or exaggerated. For her, not post gesture but be comfortable.

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