
异曲同工  yì qǔ tóng gōng








  • 某种意义上说,友谊和爱情有异曲同工之妙。
    In a way, friendship and love have something similar.

  • 这两种方式异曲同工,都是愚弄消费者的行为。
    Both methods achieve the same effect, is to fool consumers.

  • 在电影界,“数字娱乐体系”的发展也是异曲同工
    The Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem aims to do the same for films.

  • 韩式骨与中国传统按摩同宗共祖,有异曲同工之效。
    Korean bone and traditional Chinese massage same clan ancestors, a similar effect.

  • 我认为美国的印第安文化与中国的文化有异曲同工之妙。
    I think the American Indian culture is the same as my country's culture.

  • 他的其他作品很有象征意味,简直和漫画有异曲同工之妙。
    His other works are symbolic almost to the point of caricature.

  • 貌似就是“我给你脸你不要脸”,啧啧,异曲同工异曲同工……
    I give you face you don't want my face.

  • 百褶帘从形式上看和风琴帘有异曲同工之妙,开合的方向基本一样。
    Bozhe screens Formally organ screens and the result is different, the basic direction of cooperation.

  • 这个无目标性和达尔文式看待地球生物的观点,是否有异曲同工之妙?
    Is this aimlessness in line with a Darwinian view of life on planet Earth?

  • 将来有一天,你会在自己的灶台上配备一台制肉机,亦有异曲同工之妙。
    Someday, you might have a meat machine on your kitchen counter that works the same way.

  • 仿写是写作教学中的一个必要环节,向书法、美术中的临摹,有异曲同工之妙。
    Teaching aims:Read this passage to get the writing method and develop the writing ability of the Ss.

  • 克特西比乌斯的发明,和20世纪全美国风行的装置——抽水马桶,有异曲同工之妙。
    Ktesibios's invention is first cousin to that all-American 20th-century fixture, the flush toilet.

  • 这点十分重要,与我们本月早些时候关于政治资金募集中的范式变革的论述异曲同工
    That's an important point, and echoes what we said earlier this month about the paradigm shift in political fundraising.

  • 山下南侧有一座汉白玉石桥,原名“绿野梯桥”,为元代所建,与赵州桥有异曲同工之妙。
    Yamashita south side there is a white marble stone bridge, was originally called "green ladder bridge", which was built in the Yuan Dynasty, and Zhaozhou Bridge similar in essence.

  • 鬼伏的登场与维德当年异曲同工,当他扼杀那位义军军官时,观众立刻知道他是个大坏蛋。
    It's a way of introducing Grievous the way Vader was introduced to us, when he strangles that Rebel officer. You know he's a bad guy.

  • 这部中国产的好莱坞电影精品其情节、主题与原作有所不同,但其思想性和艺术性却异曲同工
    The Hollywood film made in China is somewhat different in its plot and theme from those of the literary text, but is equally satisfactory in its ideology and art.

  • 你不曾蔑视我在尘土中玩的幼稚游戏,在娱乐室里我听见的足音,其实与群星间的回响异曲同工
    Thoudidst not turn in contempt from my childish play among dust, and the steps that I heard in my playroom are the same that are echoing from star to star.

  • 这个论点与美国未来学家托夫勒的“21世纪是消费文化的世纪”如出一辙,具有异曲同工之妙。
    This argument with the U. S. futurist author of "The 21st century is a century consumer culture, " no, it is equally interesting.

  • 音乐与艺术之间是有共鸣的,画家朝画布上堆叠色彩,音乐家在五线谱上作曲,都有异曲同工之妙。
    There are echoes between music and art, grand intersections where painters ply their canvases and composers corral their notes.

  • 哥伦布通过提问来解答心中的疑惑,所有伟大的侦探们也这么做——现实世界和小说空间异曲同工
    Columbo solves his mysteries by asking many questions; as do all the great detectives –in real life as well as fiction.

  • 西式套房崇尚禅宗的俭朴、单纯、自然等理念,和西方最时尚的“简约主义”在精神本质上有异曲同工之妙。
    Suites of western way adhere to the philosophy of plainness, pureness and nature, sharing the same essence of the simplicity, which is now coming in the West.

  • 李文所为其实和北京正在进行的文明礼仪宣传教育有异曲同工之妙,只是这边是和风细雨,那边是如针刺头。
    Wen Ho Lee, and Beijing for the ongoing civil ceremonies education of a similar result, only a mild side, there is as her head.

  • IPTV一直被认为是网络时代占据家庭电视客户端的电信业务,与全球正在推进的数字电视发展有着异曲同工之妙。
    IPTV has been considered to be the family television network era occupy the client's telecommunications business, and the world are promoting the development of digital television has a similar Miao.

  • 最后,还有一个几年前曾经在收音机里说过的故事,它对于运用同样的态度处理我们成人之间的关系有着异曲同工之妙。
    One last story that illustrates the application of this attitude in an adult context was told on the radio several years back.

  • 这个短语源自罗马历史,意思是做一件事,用所有方法去做,都可以达到同样的效果,没有哪一种更出色,也即异曲同工
    this phrase originated from Rome history, meaning that all the ways of doing something end in the same result, no one better than another.

  • 从买家方面来说,对于豪宅的挑选与卖家有异曲同工之处,一是看成品即现房,二是像买古董一样,看中了“喜欢”就好。
    From the buyers point of view, the selection of luxury and sellers have different points, we must see that the finished Xianfang, and the other is like buying antiques, the use value of "like" good.

  • 这里选取的是其中帝王与群臣听法的一段情景,帝王与臣子形象刻画得十分成功,与当时流行的“帝王图”有异曲同工之妙。
    The portraying of kings and ministers is very successful, having different approaches from but equal effects to the popular portraits in the time.

  • 这和宁高宁总经理在《华润堂》一文中提出的商品创新的关键是“创新是否满足了一种需求或创造了一种需求”有异曲同工之妙。
    This Ninggaoning general manager in the "CRC Church" article, the merchandise is the key to innovation "Innovation is created to meet a need or a demand" similar to a successful result.

  • 除了在劳作上的差异之外,大纯的器物描述,确实与谢怀尔的意念有异曲同工之妙,那是在修正和增删中消解原旨,重新界定事物的本来属性。
    Except for the differences of way, Dachun's descriptions of vessels are almost the same in the idea of Shawale which redefine the nature of things after modifying , adding , deleting.

  • 强劲辛辣但入口香浓和味,配上贵州空运泡椒以高,中及文火伴上魔芋,花椒,生姜片炸,炒,爆及煮多重工序而成,故鸭身香滑及细嫩,味浓香而不觉肥腻,与辣子鸡有异曲同工之妙。
    Very spicy &hot , rich smell of chili from Guizhou everyday by air, cook with Fry and stew by high, medium &low fire, with most of the special favour seasoning.

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