
山穷水尽  shān qióng shuǐ jìn








  • 山穷水尽, 豁然开朗。
    An apparently blind alley leads suddenly into an open space.

  • 大部分人都认为中国动漫业山穷水尽了。
    Most people thought Chinese cartoons had come to the end.

  • 一个人不到山穷水尽的时候,他都不会死心。
    Until all is over one's ambition never dies.

  • 格林先生失业好几个月了,现在已过得山穷水尽
    Mr Green has been out of work for several months and is on his uppers.

  • 中国有两句与山水有关的成语:穷山恶水和山穷水尽
    China has two idiom that concern with landscape: Barren mountains and unruly rivers and at the end of one's resources.

  • 他到了山穷水尽的地步,能想到的人他都去求人助他一臂之力。
    Being at his wit's end, he is asking anyone he can think of for help.

  • 在你因山穷水尽而沮丧却步之前,坚持终将让你走出自己的路。
    Before you believe there is no way, keep going and you'll make one.

  • 这是林登一直不愿做的事,可现在情况已经到了山穷水尽的地步。
    This was what Linden had hitherto shrunk from doing, but the situation was desperate.

  • 他们已经到了山穷水尽的地步。生意上再受一次打击就要破产了。
    They are at the end of their tether. Another strain upon their business means bankruptcy for them.

  • 当你山穷水尽的时候,总会有些东西出现——通常是你朋友的鼻子。
    When you are down and out, something always turns up --- and it's usually the.

  • 如果一桩婚姻看来山穷水尽,亮起红灯了,有没有甚麽其它出路呢?
    Is there no way out, when marriage no longer seems to offer any way forward?

  • 在这山穷水尽的时候,一位做房地产中介的朋友让他来到自己的公司。
    In this argument when a real estate intermediary so he went to his friend for company.

  • 一个年轻人走得精疲力竭,发现已经山穷水尽了,于是就跪下来祈祷。
    A young man was at the end of his rope, seeing no way out, dropped to his knees in prayer.

  • 我们见到的人已经到了山穷水尽的地步,他们正丧失一切:职业,亲属,家庭。
    We see folks who have in bottom. They are losing everything: jobs, families, and homes.

  • 当你处于山穷水尽之际,常会有些东西在你面前翻起来[出现]—通常那是你的朋友们的鼻子。
    When you is down and out, something always turn up - and it's usually the nose of your friend.

  • 当你处于山穷水尽之际,常会有些东西在你面前翻起来[出现]-通常那是你的朋友们的鼻子。
    When you be down and out, something always turn up - and it's usually the nose of your friend.

  • 就在山穷水尽的时候,忽见眼前水光一闪,从水中钻出一只大乌龟来,龟壳足有一间屋子大小。
    Just failed, saw the immediate flash Shui-Guang, drilled from a large turtle in the water, there are enough shells the size of a house.

  • 当你处于山穷水尽之际,常会有些东西在你面前翻起来(出现)——通常那是你的朋友们的鼻子。
    When you are down and out, something always turns up-and it's usually the noses of your friends.

  • 虽然,我的努力可能作用不大;或是我自己都已经山穷水尽,我还是会努力为教育奉献我的力量。
    Maybe my effort will not make a big difference, or I become down and out, I will still stick to it and make my best effort.

  • 鲍勃:他们从Smith'sandCo。拿数字的时候太拖拉了,把自己逼到山穷水尽的地步。
    Bob: They pretty much put themselves into a no-win situation by stalling for time on the figures from Smith's and Co.

  • 1945年,经过与德国三十年的艰难对抗,英国在军事上凯旋而归,但在经济方面却变得山穷水尽
    In 1945, after an exhausting three decades of exertion against Germany, the United Kingdom emerged militarily victorious only to see itself economically exhausted.

  • 参议院领导Harry说这些汽车巨头没能让美国人民和国会相信他们确实是到了山穷水尽的地步了。
    The Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said the auto giants had failed to convince the American people or Congress that the proposed bailout would be their last.

  • 有了财富我们就能随时应用,在“山穷水尽疑无路”时,“眉头一皱计上心来”,当然也就“柳暗花明又一村”了。
    With the wealth, we can apply at any time in the "failure looms", the "brow Yizhou total body center to", of course, be "vista" of the.

  • 但是总会有那么些山穷水尽的时刻,但是要蒙骗自己其实并不难--说服自己:其实你心里清楚,事情并不是这样的。
    But there always seems to come a moment where it's just not working, and it's so easy to fool yourself - to convince yourself that it is when you know in your heart that it isn't.

  • 赖四这个人物的确比较精明,比较幽默,很有计谋,总能够在“山穷水尽疑无路”的时候,使自己“柳暗花明又一村”,在事。
    Laisi is a canny person, and he is also very humorous and smart. He can always find ways to get through difficulties and improve himself.

  • 做学问也用得上陶渊明的一句诗“山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”,只要功夫精神用到,自然会豁然开朗,有所发现,有所发明的。
    Show how hungry you are. Not to take academic too serious. Relax yourself once in a while. Go swimming, go to the beach, go to everything inspiring and refresh your mind.

  • 总统的医生进行劝阻,因为总统的身体已到了几乎要垮的程度,总统从来就不健壮,好几个月来一直处于特别紧张的状态中。(山穷水尽
    His doctors advised against it, for physically the president was almost at the end of his rope. Never robust, for months he had been under a terrific strain.

  • 只要有坚强的意志,才有可能让我们在“山穷水尽疑无路”时,通过努力看到“柳暗花明又一村”的美景,收获“咬定青山不放松”的喜悦。
    As long as there is a strong will it be possible to let us in the "failure looms", through the effort to see the "vista" the beauty of the harvest, "Yao Ding Aoyama do not relax, " joy.

  • 我的朋友们对这个故事给予了高度评价,使得我在日记里又写了:也许当我的政治生涯到了山穷水尽的地步,我还可以靠写作谋生,而不用去当门童。
    It got pretty good reviews from my friends, provoking me to write in my diary, Perhaps I can write instead of be a doorman when my political career is in shambles.

  • 每当我看着一个中国人为了说出一句像样的英语那种抓耳挠腮、山穷水尽的样子,我仿佛觉得自己面对的是一面镜子,里边照出来的就是我自己当年所经历的千辛万苦。
    When I look into the face of a Chinese person struggling mightily to construct an English sentence, it's like looking into a mirror -- I see my own tortuous difficulties reflected in theirs.

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