
山崩地裂  shān bēng dì liè








  • 即使山崩地裂,我们决不后退。
    We will never flinch in the face of earthquake or landslide.

  • 山崩地裂水倒流。
    Landslide ground crack water flow back.

  • 民族存亡的关头,声声低沉的呼啸,激起山崩地裂
    Moment of life of the nation, the whistling sound of low, sparking Shanbengdilie;

  • 没有《太阳的耻辱》轰动性的畅销,也就没有随后而来的其他的山崩地裂
    They were experienced publishers and no one had been more astounded than they at the success which had followed.

  • 山崩地裂,大难当头,我们身边的平凡人中,竟有那么多舍己救人的英雄。
    Shanbengdelie, head disaster, we are close to ordinary people, there are so many sacrificed their lives to save the hero.

  • 县城内曲山小学,在山崩地裂间变成废墟,小李月清醒过来时,一片漆黑,无法动弹。
    In the county the tune mountain elementary school, turns the ruins when the landslide cracks in the earth, the Xiao Li month comes soberly, a blackness, is unable to move.

  • 一路上,山崩地裂痕迹触目惊心,曾经山清水秀的避暑胜地-龙门山镇的九峰村山体全面塌陷。
    The aghasting cracks in the mountain and road is seen everywhere along the road we passed by, the once-beautiful summer resort-Jiufeng village in Longmenshan Town was raided by a landslide.

  • 顷刻之间,山崩地裂,公路阻断,桥梁坍塌,房屋倾颓,通讯中断,尸横遍野,哭声震天,大地悲泣!
    Qingkezhijian, Shanbengdelie, blocking roads, collapsed bridges, housing Qingtui, communications interruption, Shihengbianye, crying Zhentian, Beiqi the earth!

  • 山崩地裂造句相关
