
尸横遍野  shī héng biàn yě







  • 当时的南京城尸横遍野,沦为人间地狱。
    Nanjing of the time was a field littered with corpses, just like the world hell.

  • 从货币到实物,我们看到的只有尸横遍野
    From the currency to the material object, we sees only then the field littered with corpses.

  • 这个老兵是从尸横遍野的战场上死里逃生的。
    This veteran tried to survive amongst the dead and the dying on a battlefield.

  • 美国最新发现日本鬼子尸横遍野的私人像册(胃浅勿进!
    USA discover Japan devil field littered with corpses personal friend or relatives newly like the (stomach is shallow most does not move forward!

  • 学术文献里被他们的分析而攻破的密码算法可以说是尸横遍野
    The academic literature is littered with the carcasses of ciphers broken by their analyses.

  • 这也就造成了现在的上市新股尤其是中小盘个股“尸横遍野”。
    This also resulted in the listing of new shares are now in small-cap stocks in particular, "corpses everywhere."

  • 斯瓦特最大的城镇明戈拉去年还是到处战火弥漫、尸横遍野,而今已是不战而屈。
    Its biggest town, Mingora, which late last year had been a battlefield shelled by the army and littered by militants with headless corpses, appears to have been captured almost without a fight.

  • 夜晚终于来临,夜幕下的战场上尸横遍野,一片荒凉,我被淹没在其中,找不到方向。
    Night fell. In the darkness, the battlefield was littered with corpse. I was submerged in a scene of utter desolation and could not find my direction.

  • 转眼间整个城市沦为人间地狱,不见阳光。尸横遍野食物和水发出阵阵让人恶心的腐臭。
    The entire city becomes the hell in a moment, no sunlight, the field littered with corpses.

  • 中天宫一战可谓惊天动地,其中“未央宫”作为主战场之一,杀得是血流成河,尸横遍野
    Amamiya in the First World War is earth-shattering, "Weiyang Gong, " as one of the main battlefield, is a butyl blood, corpses everywhere.

  • 在他的周围,将军能看到尸横遍野的他的士兵们,他那曾经势不可挡的大军所留下的唯一残骸。
    All around him the general could see his fallen soldiers, the lost remnants of his once unstoppable army.

  • 这次干旱始于雨季没能到来的四月,它还不像2005年的那次那么严重,但已让这个地区尸横遍野
    The current drought, which began when the rains failed once again in April, is not yet as bad as the drought that came in 2005 and left this area littered with the corpses of animals.

  • 顷刻之间,山崩地裂,公路阻断,桥梁坍塌,房屋倾颓,通讯中断,尸横遍野,哭声震天,大地悲泣!
    Qingkezhijian, Shanbengdelie, blocking roads, collapsed bridges, housing Qingtui, communications interruption, Shihengbianye, crying Zhentian, Beiqi the earth!

  • 他们一连数周在这个被夷为平地、尸横遍野的灾区一步步推进,把腐败肢解的残骸从废墟中清走,葬在万人冢中。
    For weeks, they inched quadrant by quadrant through the wrecked cityscape, freeing decomposing remains from the rubble for burial in mass graves.

  • 然而黑夜的沉钟,依然响着金戈铁马, 幼稚的理想,无法整理一个时代,直到你灵敏地消隐,大地还是尸横遍野
    However, the heavy bell of night, was still ringing the war, Immature ideal, unable to tidy up an era, until you disappeared and hid agilely, the land was still full of corpses.

  • 一栋接一栋被水淹没的房屋,难民躲入避难所。成千上万的人无处可归。寻求着帮助。混乱的状态下,街道上尸横遍野
    Building after building under water. Refugees in shelters. Thousands of others unsure where to go. Appeals for help. Anarchy. Bodies in streets.

  • 华尔街上的尸横遍野表明投资者已经认识到了这一点,接受这样一个现实:经济已经陷入衰退或是正在朝着衰退迈进,或许还是次严重的衰退。
    The carnage on Wall Street suggests investors have taken that step -- accepting the reality that the economy is in or headed for a recession, possibly a severe one.

  • 在战场上武器将会卡弹和不发火,大炮将会塞住而膛炸,甚至炸伤自己的士兵,遭到长枪、长矛、刺刀和子弹贯穿、切断的手足,使整个战场上尸横遍野
    Weapons will jam and misfire, cannons will seize up and explode as the field of conflict becomes strewn with the bodies of wounded and dying men, lacerated and dismembered by pike, bayonet and shot.

  • 大部份关于矮人[死亡军团]的故事都是吟游诗人杜撰的。但是[死亡军团]所到之处,都会留下尸横遍野的黑暗邪灵尸体,证明他们所受到的训练极为有效。
    Most tales of the dwarven Legion of the Dead are likely minstrels' fabrications, but the trail of dark spawn corpses that the Legion leaves behind proves the efficacy of their training.

  • 尸横遍野造句相关
