
尖酸刻薄  jiān suān kè bó








  • 她惯于用尖酸刻薄语言挖苦人。
    She was given to using bitter sarcasm.

  • 她惯于用尖酸刻薄语言挖苦人。
    She was given to using bitter sarcasm.

  • 我从未听他说过任何尖酸刻薄的话。
    I have never heard him saying anything mean.

  • 他那些尖酸刻薄的话似乎伤害了她。
    He sharp words seemed to hurt her.

  • 她惯于用尖酸刻薄语言挖苦人。
    She uttered the phrase with acid sarcasm .

  • 在任何情况下我们都不应该说尖酸刻薄的话。
    We must under no circumstances even let the rough edge of our tongues show.

  • 她的笑容含有一种奇特的、尖酸刻薄的甜蜜。
    Her smile had a strange, sour sweetness .

  • 中国汉字如此精炼,精练到一种尖酸刻薄的程度。
    Chinese characters so refined, refined to a vitriolic level.

  • 她甚至不会说谢谢。要是我做错事,她就尖酸刻薄
    She doesn't even say thank you. But if I do something wrong, she is vicious.

  • 他的政治对手害怕他尖酸刻薄的口才,更怕他讽刺的文章。
    His political opponents feared his mordant tongue, and even more his mordant pen.

  • 于是她开口回答了,用她平常那种尖酸刻薄的声调随口说道。
    She replied, speaking for the first time, in her usual tart and offhand way.

  • 上个星期希克斯并没有给尖酸刻薄抨击的贝尼特斯管理的吉列好脸色。
    The Hicks camp were not impressed with Gillett's thinly-veiled criticism of manager Rafa Benitez last week.

  • 在《美国偶像》的评委中,西蒙·考埃尔以尖酸刻薄、诚实到残酷著称;
    Among the judges of American Idol, Simon Cowell is very famous for his caustic, sincere even to cruel comment;

  • “你还是像往常一样夸张,”杜库尖酸刻薄地说,但他不也是这么想的吗?
    "You're exaggerating, as usual, " Dooku said scathingly. But hadn't he been thinking the same thing?

  • 一部阴暗的恐怖讽刺影片,以尖酸刻薄的眼光来看待当今的新闻媒体现状。
    A darkly satiric horror film that takes an acid look at the current state of the news media while a mysterious plague is bringing the dead back to life.

  • 我会用一百次犀利尖锐甚至尖酸刻薄的言辞来反驳你。不留给你任何喘歇的缝隙!
    I will be 100 times as sharp as and even sarcastic remarks to refute you. does not leave you with any rest in the gap!

  • 女人是那么地支持彼此,没有尖酸刻薄,没有卑鄙小气,任何你会想像的,都不是。
    Women are so supportive with each other; there's no cattiness, there's no pettiness. You know, whatever you imagine it to be – it's not.

  • 这个故事告诉我们:尖酸刻薄的语言不会带来任何好处,恭敬的语言却可以赢得荣誉。
    The moral is: Harsh words bring no reward. Respectful words bring honor to all.

  • 她决定解雇一些不合格的教员并且关闭一些质量差的学校,却招致了尖酸刻薄的批评。
    Her decisions to fire some under-performers and close some bad schools have attracted vitriolic criticism. But fair-minded observers note that there have been some impressive turn-arounds.

  • 不要用这种尖酸刻薄的语气,和一个无助的女人说话。为了你们父子,她已经付出太多了。
    Do not use such a cruel tone of voice against a helpless woman. I have sacrificed more than enough for you and your father.

  • 这种愤懑表达得较为隐秘,通常还混杂着一种升华的羞愧,但这种情绪也同样的尖酸刻薄
    Its expression is more furtive and it's often mixed with a kind of sublimated shame, but it can be every bit as vitriolic.

  • 在美国有线电视新闻网热门新闻节目《形势分析室》中,他一如既往的尖酸刻薄,脾气乖戾。
    He routinely sounds off in his own tart, curmudgeon-like way on CNN's popular news show The Situation Room.

  • 不,我是个爱撒谎的,尖酸刻薄的怪物,很早我就意识到只要稍做调整就能让一切都顺遂我意。
    No, I was a lying, acid tongued monster, who realized early on that I could make things go my way with just a few minor adjustments.

  • 他在记述中大量揉入了有趣的奇闻轶事、精巧的人物描写和尖酸刻薄的评说,读起来饶有意趣。
    And he does it with consummate[6] skill. He spices his narrative liberally with entertaining anecdotes, deft portraits and brisk judgments.

  • 你在互联网上搜索一下,搜索我的名字,你就可以看到关于默多克先生诸多栩栩如生尖酸刻薄的批判。
    A cursory search of the internet will throw up some rather vigorous and vitriolic criticism of this curious character called Rupert Murdoch.

  • 将官轻描谈写地说了句批评的话,上校就添油加醋地把话说得稍重一些,接着将官就发表了更加尖酸刻薄的评论。
    The general would make a slight criticism, the colonel would cap it with a stronger one, and the general would follow with a still more bitter comment.

  • 据悉,萨日娜老师在剧中扮演一个尖酸刻薄的富婆形象,我们无法想象一脸祥和之气的萨老师,趾高气昂的神情。
    It is reported that Sarina to play a drama teacher at the acrimonious Fupo image, we can not imagine the look of harmony and gas Savimbi teachers, high gas en-toe look.

  • 我不知道我还能做什麽,因为就算我做了对的事,也没人会注意,她甚至不会说谢谢,但只要我一做错事,她就尖酸刻薄
    I don't know what else I can do because if I do something right it's unacknowledged. She doesn't even say thank you. But if I do something wrong, she is vicious.

  • 恩慈、良善的相反就是对人严苛、喜欢批评、缺乏爱心和尖酸刻薄。当别人失败或与自己意见不合时,便会恣意攻击和诋毁。
    The opposite of these words could be harshness, criticism, lack of love, aggression, being hard on those who fail or do not agree with us.

  • 还有一些从来不笑,神神经经的女孩。她们都受到了伊迪的影响,羡慕她说话得体,身材漂亮,喜欢她那种尖酸刻薄得像碱水里的气泡般的幽默。
    Nervous girls who never laughed. Impressed with her they worshiped the well-turned phrase, the cute shape, the scalding humor that erupted like bubbles in lye.

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