
娇小玲珑  jiāo xiǎo líng lóng








  • 娇小玲珑,有吉卜赛人的美。
    Delicately built and slim, she had a gypsy beauty about her.

  • 也许卢密斯太太喜欢看起来娇小玲珑
    Maybe Mrs. Loomis likes to look small.

  • 适合人群:标准的椭圆型脸、娇小玲珑的小女生。
    Suit a crowd: The young woman student of standard ellipse face, delicate and exquisite.

  • 主楼的纱门敞开着,一位娇小玲珑的女人出现在眼前。
    The screen door on the main building sprang open, and a short, slender woman appeared.

  • 长相漂亮,气质出众,皮肤白皙,身材匀称,娇小玲珑
    The feature is beautiful, the makings are outstanding, the skin is pale, the stature is well-balanced , petite and dainty.

  • 南国佳丽一直是人们形容南方女女孩子娇小玲珑的常用词。
    Galina has been a hot woman described the South girls enjoying exquisite common word.

  • 她在大笑,并且让这种大笑看上去显得如此娇小玲珑而细致优雅。
    She had a big smile and a big laugh for someone so petite and delicate.

  • 我是一个典型的上海女孩,娇小玲珑,有点小聪明有时也会发发小脾气;
    Maybe anyone who is single in this metro gets freaked out from time to time, but we keep trying, that's hope for all of us.

  • 娇小玲珑,喜欢唱歌跳舞‧。是中国传统美德的好妇女。;有经商经验。
    I Petite, Like Sing Danc, is China Traditional virtue Good women, Engage in trade Experience.

  • 李四:它的机身虽然娇小玲珑,可是有好多功能,可说是“麻雀最小,五脏俱全”
    Lisa: This mobile phone may be small in size, but it is well equipped with numerous functions.

  • 喜欢雪的轻盈,像是冬的精灵,漫天飞舞,无拘无束,玲珑娇小,美的让人神迷。
    like light snow, such as the winter of the wizard, flying all over the sky, free, exquisite and petite, the United States and the people of God fans.

  • 她和我是不同类型的女生,我大咧咧的,走的是中性路线,而她娇小玲珑,斯文可爱。
    She and I are different types of girls, I Dalie Lie, and is taking the neutral line, and her petite Delicate, gentle lovely.

  • 这些娇小玲珑的傢伙,对于当时各种科技新知有著丰富知识,总的说起来比我们人类聪明得多。
    These tiny people had a firm grasp on the numerous technical advances of that day and age, and were, all things considered, much more clever than us People.

  • 我最喜欢的一条鱼儿是那条最小的鱼,可能是因为牠娇小玲珑,楚楚可怜的样子,而且牠不会大便。
    I most like a fish is that smallest fish, is possibly because it is delicate and exquisite, miserable appearance, moreover it cannot the bowel movement.

  • “我们最好还是回去吧,”年方22岁、娇小玲珑的珍妮弗·梅西对徒步旅行的同伴珍妮弗·斯黛顿说。
    "We'd better be getting back, " the petite 22-year-old told her hiking companion, Jennifer Staten.

  • 娇小玲珑造句相关
