
如弃敝屣  rú qì bì xǐ







  • 美德仅具有狭障的意义,结果必然被敝屣
    Virtue took on a narrow meaning with the final result that the word virtue fell into desuetude.

  • 把构想写在纸上并好好研究;不要敝屣
    Get your ideas on paper and study them. Do not let them go to waste!

  • 它不忠的孩子们将母语敝屣,而开始学说英语和法语。
    Its disloyal children are ditching their mother tongue for English and French.

  • 我一点儿信任查尔斯。他一旦用不着你,就把你敝屣
    I wouldn't trust charles an inch. He'll cast you aside like an old shoe when he has no further use of you.

  • 与此相对,经济适用房由于利润空间有限而被开发商敝屣
    Correspondingly, the profit of housing by developers of the limited space, such as worn-out shoes.

  • 他们会毫不顾忌地拿来使用,为他们挣钱,然后在完成使命的时候敝屣
    They will use it, make their money, and then run off when they're done.

  • 受到他影响的人,接下来就发动了性革命。传统家庭结构和对家庭的忠诚被敝屣
    Those he influenced went on to launch the sexual revolution in which traditional family structure and fidelity were abandoned.

  • 当你智无涯底,无所罣碍时,就应该把一切成见都放掉丢掉,敝屣做一个真正是无相无住的菩萨。
    when your wisdom become inexhaustible and you have no obstacle, you should throw off all prejudges to be Bodhisattva of no-self and being flexibility.

  • 然而就像她宠爱的小白鼠一样,无以为家的玛蒂娜沦为有钱白人的玩物,被他们玩来玩去,最后敝屣
    But she ends up a lost plaything, at home nowhere, a novelty like her own pet albino possum, batted this way and that by the rich white people who dote on her and then discard her.

  • 但有些人却只会钟情钉满珠片、外观耀目的新簇道具戏服,而对祖传下来的退了色但手工精巧的真丝刺绣却敝屣
    However, there are still someone that would prefer the gorgeous and brand new stage costume to the faded but finest antique silk embroidery passed down from grandma.

  • 就在这些报纸的出入之间,人们重新找到与「过去」相处的方式,而不是将其敝屣,丢于阴暗的角落等待回收。
    The past goes in and comes out of the seating; people find a way to get along with the past.

  • 在影片中,裴勇俊饰演赵元,18世纪的风流贵族公子,每每利用性感魅力和大胆行径把女人诱惑了之后,就敝屣
    In the film, Bae plays Jo Won, an 18th-century playboy noble of the Rhee Dynasty who discards women coldly after seducing them with his sexy charm and bold behavior.

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