
好勇斗狠  hào yǒng dòu hěn







  • 知道自己是好勇斗狠的最终方式。
    To know yourself is the ultimate aggression.

  • 在敌意中成长的孩子,学会好勇斗狠
    If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.

  • 在敌意中成长的孩子,学会好勇斗狠
    If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.

  • 在敌意中成长的孩子,学会好勇斗狠
    If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.

  • 绝地委员会希望暗女能驯服奥拉好勇斗狠的本性。
    The Jedi Council hoped that the Dark Woman could tame Aurra's aggressive instincts.

  • 可是,他并没有继承他祖先的那种好勇斗狠的性格。
    He inherited, however, but little of the martial character of his ancestors.

  • 如果孩子在敌意的环境中生活,他们学会好勇斗狠
    If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.

  • 年青的戴安娜是纽约街头长大的边缘少女,好勇斗狠
    Diana Guzman (Michelle Rodriguez) is a spirited and angry teenager raised on the tough streets of the New York projects.

  • 来自喀尔巴阡山区的这些农民远远与驯良无缘,颇为好勇斗狠
    Hailing from the Carpathian mountains, these peasant folk are anything but docile farmers, and have an appetite for war.

  • 墙壁不可贴武士战斗之图,以免孩子心灵上产生好勇斗狠之心态。
    Wall cannot stick the graph that the cavalier fights, lest good brave arises on child heart, fight the state of mind of firm.

  • 然而,“如果车手好勇斗狠的话,车子仍然会打滑,但你可以不管它”;
    However, "if the rider is aggressive it will still spin, you can ride through it."

  • 资产阶级揭示了,在中世纪深受反动派称许的好勇斗狠,是以懒散怠惰作为它的相应的补充的。
    The bourgeoisie has disclosed how it came to pass that the brutal display of vigor in the Middle Ages, which reactionaries so much admire, found its fitting complement in the most slothful indolence.

  • 一个好勇斗狠、日益现代化的日本在1895年在朝鲜半岛和满洲打败清帝国,在亚洲声名雀起。
    An emboldened, modernizing Japan marks its preeminence in Asia in 1895 by battering the armies of China's Qing dynasty in Korea and Manchuria.

  • 至于莱坞西部片中的浪漫放荡、好勇斗狠的牛仔形象,虽为世人津津乐道,其实不过是牛仔文化的误读而已。
    The gallant and bellicose image of cowboys portrayed in Hollywood movies is nothing but a distortion of historical facts.

  • 如今我们又做了件“事”,让好勇斗狠的15岁孩子在被成年人触碰或驱赶后,能公然声称自己遭受过人身攻击。
    now we letbelligerent, disruptive 15-year-olds claim that being touched or moved by an adult is in itself an assault.

  • 一个好勇斗狠、日益现代化的日本在1895年在朝鲜半岛和满洲打败清帝国,在亚洲声名雀起。台湾变成日本的第一块殖民地。
    An emboldened, modernizing Japan marks its preeminence in Asia in 1895 by battering the armies of China's Qing dynasty in Korea and Manchuria. Taiwan becomes Japan's first colonial possession.

  • 关于拱辰井的由来,有一个传说:康熙六十一年(西元1722年),清廷在左营筑了土城后,因城外的居民好勇斗狠,常常滋事。
    About the origin of the Gongcheng Well, a legend says that in 1722, after the Qing government built a mud castle on Zuoying.

  • 那里的人们好勇斗狠、热衷侵略、战斗力惊人,而任何热爱和平的正义之师都可以对这片土地进行讨伐,发起保卫真理和正义的战争!
    There was aggressive, enthusiastic aggression, combat amazing, and any peace-loving justice can be carried out in this piece of land crusade, launched to defend truth and justice of the war!

  • 他们轰轰烈烈地攫取财富,好勇斗狠地击败对手,大包大揽地承担责任,招摇过市地炫耀品位,其实都为畅享人生,怎麽玩儿怎麽来。
    Dynamic to grab their wealth, Haoyongdouhen to defeat the opposition, Taibaodalan to assume responsibility, to show off Zhaoyaoguoshi grade, in fact, have to enjoy life Cheong, how to how-so-fun.

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