
天差地远  tiān chā dì yuǎn







  • 吉姆今天骑的摩托车和他之前骑的那台脚踏车相比真是天差地远
    The motorcycle that Jim drives today is a far cry from the old bicycle that he used to ride.

  • 这两个种族有著极度相似的外表,但是他们的性格却是天差地远
    The two share a striking similarity in appearance, but their personalities could not be more distant.

  • 她感到她几乎无法忍受这样的生活。她原来想象的工作和这一切天差地远
    endure such a life. Her idea of work had been so entirely different.

  • 金额固然可能天差地远,但一定要是偶数,因为在人看来,奇数是不吉利的。
    The amount of money given can vary greatly, but it must add up to an even number since odd numbers are considered unlucky.

  • 金额固然可能天差地远,但一定要是偶数,因为在人看来,奇数是不吉利的。
    The amount of money given can vary greatly, but it must add up to an even number since odd number are considered unlucky.

  • 虽然国际局面天差地远,然而30年代的余音至今仍然未绝,激起人们的好奇之心。
    Yet for all the differences, intriguing echoes from the 1930s can still be heard.

  • 他们和我们住在同一国,现实处境却天差地远,当地唯一的政府象徵,只有那面随风飘动的破旗。
    They share this country with us, but they live a different reality. The only sign of a government they see in their regions is a tattered flag whipped by the wind.

  • 六月一日波士顿--两队的战绩天差地远,一队是美联东区战绩独走,其他的队伍则胜率都不到五成。
    BOSTON, June 1— They are far apart in the standings. One team threatening to run away with the American League East, the other still well under . 500.

  • 她原来想象的工作和这一切天差地远。整个长长的下午,她想到外面的城市,那壮观的市容和人群,那些漂亮的大楼。
    All during the long afternoon she thought of the city outside and its imposing show, crowds, and fine buildings.

  • 很显然地我们必须做出更多努力,好使人们了解到存在于我们这个世界性信仰的教会与这些德州多妻制小团体之间的天差地远
    It's obvious we need to do more to help people understand the enormous differences that exist between our Church which is a global faith and these small polygamous groups.

  • 某些戏剧性模式的吸引力具有普遍意义,正如塞米尔·约翰逊所言:人类聪明的形式随天差地远,但笑的形式却总是毫无二致。
    Certain comics stereotypes have a universal appeal, just as Semill Johnson once remarked: Man have been wise in many different modes, but they always laughed in the same way.

  • 在算术中,一个错误,单就本身来说,可能算不了什么,但是把一道算题各部分的数字乘起来,最后就会算出一个跟实际数字天差地远的答数。
    In arithmetic, an error, which, in its own individuality, may be inappreciable, produces at length, by dint of multiplication at all points of the process, a result enormously at variance with truth.

  • 天差地远造句相关
