
处之泰然  chǔ zhī tài rán








  • 一个人跟老朋友生离死别可以处之泰然
    The absence of old friends one can endure with equanimity .

  • 他面对胜利、危险、败北均能处之泰然
    He is impassible before victory, before danger, before defeat.

  • 她在危急关头总是很冷静镇定,处之泰然
    She always stays cool, calm and collected in a crisis.

  • 她虽然家庭问题重重,却能完全处之泰然
    In spite of all her family problems, she's really in control.

  • 面对着述种荒谬无礼的行为,很难处之泰然
    It was difficult to remain equanimous in the face of such preposterous impertinence.

  • 当我们不同意对方的意见时,我们也应该处之泰然
    When we disagree, we should agree to disagree agreeably.

  • 他七十四岁了,外表看来也有这把年纪,但他处之泰然
    He is seventy four and looks it, and hes okay with that ;

  • 俘虏们在最困苦时仍处之泰然,连捉住他们的人都深有感触。
    The philosophy of the prisoners during their worst sufferings impressed even their captors .

  • 俘虏们在最困苦时仍处之泰然,连捉住他们的人都深有感触。
    of the prisoners during their worst sufferings impressed even their captors.

  • 不管得势的人如何趾高气扬、不可一世,朋友依然可以处之泰然
    They are able to keep calm no matter how arrogant and overbearing those people are.

  • 他抱着乐观的人生哲学,因而在任何情况下他都能处之泰然,随遇而安。
    He had a cheerful philosophy of life that enabled him, come storm or shine, to make the best of things as they were.

  • 我们赞同的东西使我们处之泰然,我们反对的东西才使我们的思想获得丰产。
    We take for granted what we are in favor of. However, only what we are opposed to can enrich our thoughts.

  • 对于技术人员每到一个新演出地点可能遇到的问题,康斯特布尔都处之泰然
    Constable is philosophical about the problems the technical team can face at each new venue.

  • 如果我们知道礼物一直在这儿,即使是在艰难的处境中,我们也会处之泰然
    If we can know that good is all there is, including in a negative situation, then we will see a negative situation transform into all good.

  • 乔伊纳假定自杀的必要条件是:能够处之泰然地面对自杀行动中引起疼痛的恐惧。
    Joiner postulates that a necessary condition for suicide is habituation to the fear about the pain involved in the act.

  • 目前还有若干同志处之泰然,不大觉得,我们就有唤起这些同志提起注意之必要。
    Today some comrades are still taking it easy and are not alive to the situation, and we must therefore alert them.

  • 比如,你可以想想斯蒂芬霍金,这位绝顶聪明的科学家对他的身体问题处之泰然
    Think about Stephen Hawking, for example, a very clever scientist, who regards his many physical problems as unimportant.

  • 威胁信随即纷至沓来(大多出自于那些认为该话题不值一提的人们),富氏却处之泰然
    Hostile letters poured in, mostly from people who did not think the subject worth talking about. Mr Franklin took them in his stride.

  • 威胁信随即纷至沓来(大多出自于那些认为该话题不值一提的人们),富氏却处之泰然
    Hostile letters poured in, mostly from people who did not think the subject worth talking about.

  • 一开始它也许被自己的镜象吓坏了,但随后就处之泰然了;颜色则会随着它的情绪而变化。
    It might be frightened by its image at first, but then later "warm up" to it, and so change colors.

  • 不管生活里发生什么,我都可以处之泰然,因为我最重要的事都井然有序,一切都一目了然。
    No matter what happens in life, I know that I'll be okay because my priorities are in order, with "stuff" at the bottom of the list.

  • 再者,即使对自己的新角色处之泰然的男人,有时还是会感到自己的生活没有目的或是没有价值感。
    Furthermore, even men who feel secure in their new role sometimes experience a sense of aimlessness or unimportance.

  • 有很多年,我在这三者之间跳来跳去,为成为其中的任何一种都努力尝试过,但却从来没能处之泰然
    For many years I bounced among the three, trying on each but never being wholly comfortable.

  • 我知道有些人会赞同我的观点、看法,有些人会批评我的价值观和处事方法,对这两者我都处之泰然
    I am passionate and driven because I choose to be. I know some people will criticise my philosophies and my approach. I'm okay with both.

  • 如果我们继续“处之泰然”,到2050年左右,大气中二氧化碳的浓度级别将达到工业化以前的两倍。
    If we pursue "business as usual", CO2 concentration levels will reach twice the pre-industrial level by around 2050.

  • 他七十四岁了,外表看起来也有这个年纪,但是他处之泰然,因为他认为人走过的路就刻画在脸上,让大家看到,分享。
    He is seventy four and looks it, and he's okay with that ; what he thinks is that a person's road map is there to be seen and shared.

  • 烦恼是人生的一个片段,凡事顺其自然,遇事处之泰然,得意之时淡然,失意之时坦然,艰辛曲折必然,历尽沧桑悟然。
    Trouble is a fragment of life, everything comes naturally, failing stride and proud when indifferent, frustrated when the calm, arduous and tortuous must have gone through vicissitudes Wu Ran.

  • 记者在采访中了解到,深圳的不少开发商对于本次加息早已是预料之中,因此,在看待加息问题上也显得前所未有的处之泰然
    The reporters learned that many developers in Shenzhen this interest rate hike has long been anticipated and, therefore, also in view of interest rate issue is unprecedented it in quite this calm.

  • 说起来也奇怪得很,他在人们心目中受到了同样的尊重,同样的敬畏,然而他却处之泰然,而且还挖空心思地使大家不受拘束,黑根一如既往,自愿处于不引人注目的地位。
    In some curious way he inspired the same respect, the same awe, and yet he was perfectly natural, at pains to put everyone at their ease. Hagen as usual remained in the background.

  • 然后他想起要让他的亲人将来能处之泰然,自己现在也必须能处之泰然,这样,他才逐渐稳定下来,心里也好过一些,这时他的思想达到了更高的境界,从上天汲取到了安慰。
    enjoyable by the dear ones, depended on his quiet fortitude. So, by degrees he calmed into the better state, when he could raise his thoughts much higher, and draw comfort down.

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