
声东击西  shēng dōng jī xī








  • 他最后的论点是在声东击西,想让我们忘掉要点。
    His last argument is a diversion to make us forget the main point.

  • 他最后的论点是在声东击西,想让我们忘掉要点。
    His last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point.

  • 护卫:也许他们是期待援军的帮助。也许他们是声东击西
    Squire: Perhaps they're expecting reinforcements. Or it's a feint.

  • 如果提高了地图意识,敌人声东击西的战术就会不那么有效。
    Distractions will also be less likely to succeed with heightened map awareness;

  • 要警惕你的对手有可能声东击西的占领你的一些次重要建筑。
    Be wary of players who might attempt to fake you out by going right next to some semi important structures.

  • 前两次因为经验不足,在最后关头被他们以声东击西的方式甩掉。
    The previous two because lack of experience in the last minute by the way they get to use diversionary tactics.

  • 但总司令龙德施泰特却认为这是盟军声东击西的手法,并不在意。
    But the commander-in-chief Rundstedt think this is the Allied diversionary tactics, and do not care.

  • 邵保胜玩禅舞,写意六 ��八法。示范川流不息,伏虎听 ��,声东击西
    Peter Ziboce demonstrates water boxing in the way of Zen Dance.

  • 其文不但有“横的移植,纵的继承”,而且曲折迂回,声东击西,使人目迷五色。
    Not only have its text, "Wang transplant, if the succession", and circuitous twists and turns, Shengdongjixi, people Mumiwuse.

  • 他们宣称那些人不过是“声东击西”。拿这个论点与人的讨价还价是很不高明的。
    Their argument that those people were simply feinting in the East to assault the West was a good bargaining pose.

  • 声东击西你的对手,一边用主力部队牵制住敌人,一边用重型坦克摧毁它宝贵的基地。
    This distracts your opponent having to deal with both your main army, and heavy tanks destroying their precious base.

  • 由于我们声东击西的策略,直到最后时刻为止,敌人始终不知道我们究竟要在哪里展开攻势。
    By our cover plans, the enemy were kept in doubt until the last moment where our stroke would fall.

  • 一对对摔跤手采取声东击西的佯攻手法,使对方猝不及防,终于揪住了对方,开始搏斗起来。
    With lightning feint, one after another pair finally seized hold and began to grapple.

  • 伍德拉夫正是运用了声东击西之计,名为爱国爱和平,实则是借战争提高产品的知名度拓销路。
    Woodruff is the use of diversionary measure, known as loving the motherland and peace, but in reality is to take the war to raise the visibility of product sales Billiton.

  • 亚雷戈斯说:阿纳克洛斯,这声东击西的战术能让你和这位年轻的德鲁伊有足够的时间来封印大门。
    Arygos says: Anachronos, this diversion will give you and the young druid time enough to seal the gate.

  • 最后时刻,里德声东击西传球给易建联,阿联暴扣得分,雄鹿84-74领先,此时还剩3分19秒。
    Yi scored on a dunk off a no-look pass from Redd, giving the Bucks an 84-74 lead with 3:19 remaining.

  • 这个时候,袁绍才发现是上当了,中了声东击西、调虎离山之计,然后却派刘备和文丑转过来拦截曹操。
    This time, Yuan Shao was found to be fooled, and in a diversionary, lure the enemy away from the tax increase, and then sent Liu Bei and Cao Cao Civilian clown turn interception.

  • 10月31日,伏地魔和奇洛在霍格沃茨放出一只山怪,以求声东击西赶去盗取魔法石,不过没有成功。
    October 31. Voldemort and Quirrell send a Mountain Troll into Hogwarts to create a diversion while they try, unsuccessfully, to take the Stone.

  • 当你使用偷袭战术时,比如占领主基地,声东击西的部队,或是冰冻冲击/时空裂口技能掩护是一定要有的。
    When using sneaky tactics such as capturing Construction Yards, a distracting force, Cryoblast, or Chrono Chasm is a must.

  • 在攻防运用上,善打近身战,防中有打,打中能防,发挥身体各关节的作用,其技法采取虚实并用,声东击西
    In the use of attack and defense, playing good close fight, there are anti-war, anti can hit, play the role of the joint body, the techniques used to take actual, diversionary.

  • 为保证女子的生命安全,大队指挥员立即与在场的公安民警研究救援方案,决定采取声东击西的方法解救被挟持女子。
    In order to ensure the safety of women, the battalion commander with the immediate presence of police and rescue research programs and decided to take diversionary methods to rescue kidnapped women.

  • 盟军出征西西里岛时,德军仍然深信他们要取的其实是萨丁尼亚和希腊,过了两个星期才明白盟军原来不是声东击西
    When the Allies invaded Sicily, the Germans were so convinced of the Allies' intention to take Sardinia and Greece that they let two weeks go by before realising that the invasion was not a diversion.

  • 《疯狂派对》之团结在此刻被全面的演绎中,老鼠一家亲,靠着声东击西战略计策在和玩家们嬉戏玩耍着,快乐油然而生。
    "Crazy parties" at this rally was full of interpretation, a pro-mouse, relying on diversionary stratagem strategy and players who play in the play, felt happy.

  • 他预备声东击西,用一架私人飞机作饵,与此同时徵招一架商用客机,偷偷地把辛安放到飞机上层,将他安全地送抵洛杉机作供。
    The plan is to use a private plane as a decoy while commandeering the first class upper deck of a commercial airliner to smuggle Sean out to LA in time to testify.

  • 我希望像我这样的普通人会拒绝政府的这些障眼法,不再做这些于己无益的事。red herring 转移目标,声东击西,障眼法。
    My hope is that common people such as myself will reject the red herring excuses of the government and stop shooting themselves in the foot.

  • 其特点是:棍使两端,梢把并用,似横非横,似直非直,声东击西,指上打下。其形式有单人练、对练、集体对练。“练棍要手臂圆熟,身棍合一,力透棍尖;
    The feature is using the two ends of the cudgel, making a feint to the east and attack in the west, pointing the upper but hitting the lower.

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