
堂而皇之  táng ér huáng zhī






  • 这一切却堂而皇之都是以国家的名义。
    This is all nobly in the name of the country.

  • 中国可以堂而皇之地宣称西藏已恢复”平静”。
    China can boast that "calm" has returned.

  • 当我们堂而皇之地说我们在爱, 我们就在爱了吗?
    When we claim that its love that we have for someone, are we correct?

  • 这样堂而皇之的口号在遭遇三聚氰胺后变得滑稽不堪。
    Such splendid slogan after bitter experience melamine becomes is unable to withstand funnily.

  • 所有的亡灵玩家还堂而皇之的被冠上一个被遗忘者的美名。
    The souls of all the players will also have glamorous moniker a reputation as a forgotten person.

  • 这些堂而皇之见诸大众传媒的言论,实在是对民意的亵渎。
    Imposing these remarks reflected the media, public opinion is against the desecration.

  • 他们只给我们少许保留区,然后堂而皇之地建立他们的秩序。
    They only gave us a few reservations, and then openly set up their order.

  • 这句话的意思是要给罗伯特•奥德利先生一个堂而皇之的谴责。
    This was intended as a stately reproof to Mr. Robert Audley.

  • 在这里,美梦从幻想的角落里堂而皇之地走了出来,变成了现实。
    He was in that rare and blissful state wherein a man sees his dreams stalk out from the crannies of fantasy and become fact.

  • 难道这就意味着俄罗斯可以在堂而皇之的强取豪夺后轻松的离开?
    Does this mean that Russia will get away with its smash-and-grab operation?

  • 詹的表一配上这鍊子,在任何场合,他可以堂而皇之的看他的时间了。
    With that chain on his watch, Jim could look at his watch and learn the time anywhere he might be.

  • 第比利斯也可以此为理由,堂而皇之地要求购买以色列和美国的最新军备。
    Tbilisi may also this be a reason, requests to purchase Israeli and US's newest armament splendidly.

  • 小偷到我们小区需要翻墙吗?从大门就可以堂而皇之的进来,没见物业查过……
    Don't u know that u stole my heart can u see that hurting now?

  • 地方政府或相关领导违法用地都有一个共同的堂而皇之的理由――发展地方经济。
    leadership of the local government or related sites have a common institutional reasons -- the development of local economy.

  • 这是虚假的聪明,表面上堂而皇之,实际上跟单纯为 追求享乐 的愚蠢行为同样荒唐。
    This is false wisdom, which, with all its glory, is but little less absurd than that folly, which pursues only pleasure.

  • 有的堂而皇之的抄袭著名品牌,仅仅在名字上做一点改动,而其他的,制造出自己的品牌。
    Some blatantly copy major brands, producing knock-offs with slight twists in their names, others come up with special makes of their own.

  • 当我敲你们家门你不答应时,我就会从门口进去了。偶尔,我会中头彩而直接堂而皇之地进去。
    If you don't answer when I knock, I try the door. Occasionally, I hit the jackpot and walk right in.

  • 金钱代表生命中单调的一面,很难堂而皇之的赞美它,从它的影响力来看,又美得跟玫瑰一样。
    Money, which represents the prose of life, and which is hardly spoken of in parlors without an apology, is, in its effects and laws, as beautiful as roses.

  • 五证不全的开发商竟然可以公开兜售商品房,还能堂而皇之地进入正规的房展会,的确有点不可思议。
    five cards incomplete commercial housing developers could be open by, but grandly enter formal exhibitions will indeed somewhat incredible.

  • 到了2006年,又有一名BBC记者去了天津的一家公共医院,堂而皇之的要求对其老父亲进行器官移植。
    And in 2006, a BBC reporter went to a public hospital in the city of Tianjin, ostensibly to arrange a liver transplant for his ailing father.

  • 尽管这两名执政党议员堂而皇之地与政府作对令人匪夷所思,但确实从此不能想所当然地期待他们对政府予以支持。
    Although neither individual is expected to become an outright opponent of the government, their loyalty can no longer be taken for granted.

  • 直接把已经中国单机游戏门户站、早已拥有几百万FANS的游侠网名字借用,并且堂而皇之的注册成为公司名字。
    Direct already net name uses the station of portal of Chinese stand-alone game, You Xia that has millions of FANS already, and hall and of emperor register make company name.

  • 公诉人在最后陈述中表示,房改政策是我国人民安居的福利政策,一些公务人员却堂而皇之地将其变成谋取私利的捷径。
    The public prosecutor in the final statement said that China's housing reform policy is to the people living in welfare policy, some public officials have openly to be a shortcut for personal gain.

  • 给我加上堂而皇之的“设计师”头衔使得我的工作听起来比实际上要有意思得多,因为工作本身实在规矩林立而且乏善可陈。
    Calling me a "designer" makes it sound more interesting than it was, since the work was fairly cut and dried.

  • 有关地铁三号线的消息见报才几天,番禺某楼盘就堂而皇之地摆上了“升价3%”的告示牌,并表示不排除近期再次升价的可能。
    MTR exit on the news editions only days Panyu grandly on top of a real "or at 3%" signs, and again indicated that he did not rule out the possibility of price rise.

  • 诸如欧文先生这样的大屠杀质疑者们是对历史资料中奇人轶事捕风捉影的行家里手,他们也擅长将令人讨厌的胡说八道堂而皇之的冠之头上。
    Holocaust deniers such as Mr Irving are expert at taking anomalies and contradictions in the historical record and erecting such pyramids of loathsome nonsense upon them.

  • 在巴西,市面上的面粉和糖不一定有条形码标记,而里约热内卢一个臭名昭著的贩毒团伙供应的可卡因包装上却堂而皇之地打上了条码,挂上了价签。
    Flour and sugar sold in Brazil don't always have them, but packages of cocaine offered by a notorious Rio de Janeiro drug gang are now showing up complete with bar codes and price tags.

  • 认为存在就是合理的大有人在,比如,商住楼问题,房地产商、物业公司“代”收契税、维修基金问题,至今仍可以堂而皇之生存和这种观点不无关系。
    think there is a reasonable examples, such as commercial, real estate developers, property companies "generation" of taxes, maintenance fund, imposing still survive and this view could not unrelated.

  • 在第二年复活节那个星期天,妈带来了她的“致命一击”,她堂而皇之地到我们家来,在复活节的装束外套着她的黄衬衫,好像那是她这套衣服的一部分。
    the following year, Mother managed a coup de grace. She walked into our home with regal poise, wearing that old shirt over her Easter outfit, as if it were an integral part of her wardrobe.

  • 但致力于新型医疗改革尝试的官员却在本周堂而皇之地宣布,下一年度成本的增加绝不能超过了5%,但诚如罗斯福先生所言,这似乎是“希望多于预料”吧。
    Officials running the new health-reform effort this week declared grandly that costs must not increase by more than 5% next year—but, as Mr Roosevelt observes, that seems "more hopeful than likely".

  • 堂而皇之造句相关
