
呕心沥血  ǒu xīn lì xuè








  • 我们的老师为培养新一代而呕心沥血
    into their work of bringing up a new generation.

  • 我们的老师为培养新一代而呕心沥血
    Our teachers throw themselves heart and soul into their work of bringing up a new generation.

  • 白手起家拼搏十余载,呕心沥血铸就辉煌在今朝。
    Start from scratch and strive for more than ten years, take infinite pains and cast brilliantly today.

  • 呕心沥血终于完成了这一成本大套的翻译作品。
    He completed the translation of this monumental work with a herculean effort.

  • 在这里有一群人,呕心沥血,精益求精,默默的奉献!
    Here isa group of people working wholeheartedly, striving for perfection and contributing silently!

  • 父母为了我的成长,呕心沥血,这份恩情该如何报答呢?
    They dedicated everything for our growing , so how to do repay for this ?

  • 老师,您呕心沥血、兢兢业业、默默无闻奉献着光和热。
    Teacher, you worked hard conscientious, quiet dedication of light and heat.

  • 为此需要呕心沥血的奉献、锲而不舍地探讨与精进的努力。
    That requires blood, sweat and tears, it requires relentless searching and continual effort.

  • 而在国内,大凡成功的果园主,无不是弹精竭虑,呕心沥血
    all successful orchard owners are exhausted and have to devote all their hard working.

  • 和珅:皇上圣明!服了!和珅愿为大清江山呕心沥血,死而后已!
    With 珅 :Emperor's saint is clear! ! With 珅 the wish take infinite pains for big and pure river's mountain, no release until death!

  • 它的特殊功能将会消失,而他呕心沥血挣得的地位也将不复存在。
    Its special function would be gone - and so would his position, arrived at with such pain.

  • 整整一个赛季,安切洛蒂教练呕心沥血,面对困难他从不放弃,誓不低头。
    Coach Ancelotti worked hard the whole season without giving up to the difficulties he had to face and without moving back.

  • 博格达诺先生是牛津大学的一名讲师,长期在宪法研究方面呕心沥血,使命感强烈。
    Mr Bogdanor, an Oxford don and long a toiler in the constitutional vineyard, is a man with a mission.

  • 他质朴、坚强而又执着,为发展冬枣事业、带领一方群众致富呕心沥血、受尽苦累。
    He is plain, firm and persistent, to grow wintry jujube enterprise, guide one party masses to become rich exert one's utmost effort, suffer all kinds of suffering tired.

  • 但是,您是否知道,您呕心沥血为孩子铸造的小小“天堂”,有时却会对孩子有害。
    But you know that your work heart out for the little children casting "paradise", sometimes a child harmful.

  • 一年又一年,风风雨雨。妈妈为了我们呕心沥血,请接受我们对您深深感谢和炙热的爱。
    Year after year, the ups and downs. Mom heart out for us, please accept our deep gratitude to you and the burning love.

  • 这26年,他的职务没有升迁,级别没有变化,但他为《星火燎原》呕心沥血的热情却始终不减。
    This 26 years, his duty has not been promoted, the rank does not have the change, but he is the enthusiasm which "Spark Sets the prairie afire" works wholeheartedly actually does not reduce.

  • 但正所谓“一日为师,终身为师”,很庆幸在我身边走过的老师走是那么疼我,呕心沥血的教育我。
    However, it is the so-called "one-day learning, lifelong learning, " I feel very lucky to come close to the teacher is so sore I walk, I take infinite pains education.

  • 我感到这份奖赏不是授予我个人而是授予我的工作的——授予我一生从事关于人类精神的呕心沥血的工作。
    I feel that this award was not made to me as a man, but to my work, a life's work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit.

  • 老师呕心沥血得教我们知识,他们奉献了,可是当老师看到一份份打满“√”的试卷时,难道他们不快乐吗?
    Dedicated teachers have to teach us the knowledge, their dedication, but when the teachers see a play of "√" the papers, could it be they are not happy?

  • 遗憾的是,学术界呕心沥血所得出的原字读音,拼读汉语借词时畅通无阻,而拼读契丹本民族语词时却处处碰壁。
    Unfortunately, spellings of the original characters by scholars are often failed when we read Khitan words whereas they are usually correct for the spellings of Chinese loan words.

  • 咸煎饼的制法源于回民的油香饼。1938年,谭祖在调味、火候中呕心沥血,终于制出色鲜、皮脆、心软、香酥而味美的咸煎饼。
    A pancake of the Hui people from making the oil-cake. 1938, TAN Zu-in seasonings, and heat in Ouxinlixue, and finally excellent system of fresh, Picui, Xinruan, Xiangsu to a bar and delicious.

  • 对于人类生命来说血液是如此之重要,所以,在人类的语言中,关于血液的词汇也十分丰富,如血气方刚、热血沸腾、呕心沥血等等。
    The blood is a human life is so important in human language, blood on the terms of the very rich, such as the energetic, emotional, hard, and so on.

  • 我们这群人,还活着这群人,再合适不过的事情就是继续完成他们未完成的事业,这份事业经过他们的呕心沥血已经发展得多么崇高啊。
    It is for us, the living rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.

  • 随着我们的长大,我们经历了小学,中学,我们要感谢所有为我们而呕心沥血的恩师,因为有了这些勤劳的“园丁”才会有我们的美好将来。
    As we grow older, we went through primary, secondary, and we would like to thank all of our mentor and the painstaking, because with these hard-working, "gardener" will have our bright future.

  • 正因如此,今天从事写作的男女青年已经忘记了人类内心的冲突。而这本身就能就好作品。因为这是唯一值得写、值得呕心沥血地去写的题材。
    I feel that this award was not made to me as a man, but to my work, a life's work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit.

  • 作为“唐诸王孙”的李贺在短暂的人生中,呕心沥血标新立异,创作了二百多首光辉的诗篇,其风格独特、艺术高超,自成“长吉体”诗风。
    as a "Tang Sun Kings, " Li He's a short life, hard, the maverick, created more than 200 brilliant in the first poem, its unique style and superb art, since a "long-ji" poetry.

  • 我们举行宴会,我们抛弃家庭独自住在加拿大,我们埋首写作,尽管我们才气纵横,而且呕心沥血,抱著殷切的期望,但那些书仍无法改变世界。
    We throw our parties; we abandon our families to live alone in Canada; we struggle to write books that do not change the world, despite our gifts and unstinting efforts, our most extravagant hopes.

  • 毕竟,历史学家曾呕心沥血于有关越战和民权运动的学术研究中。而对于同期的通胀率上涨,他们却近乎集体失语,无所作为。按理这种通胀率上扬所带来的社会影响甚巨。
    Historians have devoted reams of scholarship to the Vietnam war and the civil-rights movement but almost nothing to the parallel rise in inflation, whose impact on society has been arguably as great.

  • 我坚信:只要我们所有甬立人兢兢业业地工作,孜孜不倦地学习,不拘一格地思考,呕心沥血地创造,面对挑战,勇敢拼搏,就一定能把甬立公司建设成为全国一流的企业。
    We believe: Yongli would be built as a top enterprise in Chain as long as we all work hard, persevere in studies, consider flexibly, search for creativeness, and fight bravely against challenges.

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