
皇亲国戚  huáng qīn guó qī







  • 他家不富有,没背景,也不是什么皇亲国戚
    His family was not rich or powerful or well-connected.

  • 墓主均系唐代三品以上的皇亲国戚和朝廷重臣。
    Tomb of the Tang Dynasty Sanpin all over the court and Huangqinguoqi Zhongchen.

  • 陛下可还记得当初蒙难,皇亲国戚谁肯出兵相救?
    Does Your Majesty still remember your exile?Which, if any, among your Royal relatives rescued You?

  • 我若为王,我的女儿就是公主;我的亲眷都是皇亲国戚
    If I were King, my daughter would be the princess and my relatives imperial kinsfolk .

  • 我苦为王,我的女儿就是公主.我的亲眷都是皇亲国戚
    If I were king, my daughters would be princesses, and my relatives by marriage would all become members of the royal family.

  • 黄潮也没有要罢免任何皇亲国戚,反而向马来统治者寻求庇护。
    Nor it deposed a grandson of the Sun King, but rather seeks refuge in the Malay Supreme Ruler.

  • 我们象皇亲国戚一样,几乎是无可指摘的,在我们周围有一种魔力。
    We were a sort of royalty, almost infallible, with a sort of magic around us.

  • 我们象皇亲国戚一样,几乎是无可指摘的,在我们周围有一种魔力。
    of royalty, almost infallible, with a sort of magic around us.

  • 而且追求者当中必定会有皇亲国戚或身份高贵者,不管他是不是男主角。
    and the people that likes her are always some royal people, regardless of him being the protagonist or not.

  • 这古城的中心﹐可说是正在恢复它古代的用场﹐再度成为皇亲国戚的游乐场。
    In a sense, the center of the Old City was reverting to its original form, when it was the playground of royalty and its acolytes.

  • 老谢家茶受到当时达官显贵乃至皇亲国戚的喜爱,乃至成为敬献朝廷必备的贡品。
    The tea was popular with officers as well as royal families, and gradually became the essential tribute to the court.

  • 除皇帝和家眷外,任何人是不得住进紫禁城的。因此皇亲国戚们都要建造自己的宅弟,以为家居之所。
    In addition to and family members, no person is not to live in the Therefore Huangqinguoqi have to build their own homes younger brother, thought of by the home.

  • 香山公园位于京西北郊西山香炉峰下,金、元、明、清历代帝王都在此营造寓言别苑,成为各朝皇亲国戚游玩寓居之所。
    Xiangshan Park situated at the Xianglu(Incense Burner)Peak in Xishan Hills, northwest of urban Beijiing, this used to be the recreational place of the Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing emperors.

  • 一月十六日是英格兰与苏格兰之间的联合法案颁布的第300个周年纪念日,那时候可是上至皇亲国戚下至平民百姓都融入了这个大家庭。
    January 16th was the 300th anniversary of the Act of Union between Scotland and England, when not only the crowns but the countries were joined.

  • 马雷菲森:好啊,史蒂芬国王,真是高朋满座啊。皇亲国戚,贵族名流,还有,太棒了,竟然还有贱民。没有接到你们的邀请,我感到很伤心。
    Maleficent: Well, quite a glittering assemblage, King Stefan. Royalty, nobility, the gentry and… How quaint! Even the rabble. I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation.

  • 皇亲国戚造句相关
