独揽大权 dú lǎn dà quán
People are charging the Labour government with bossiness.
The highest ruler in Hong Kong, big power only Lan.
The President has suspended the constitution and assumed total power.
Under such a system, officials seize more power and are harder to supervise.
When the new president tried to become dictator, the generals soon clipped his wings.
Between 1927 and 1949, the Kuomintang headed by Chiang Kai-shek exercised one-party dictatorship and monopolized all state power.
The second part of Obama's plan is the creation of an auto czar with vague duties.
It is rare for any but the most autocratic of managers to make significant decisions involving their staff without some form of consultative process.
America's decentralised system and multiple checks and balances have long ensured that no single faction can monopolise power.
This type of ideology, public opinion, in the first Ming abolition of executive secretariat and the chief minister, after the monopoly of power still continues to pop forward.
"Authority is pulled alone, Xiaoquan is dispersive " , concentration generalized Mao Zedong old age to close the radical point of view at political system and position.
Now the owners are all powerful members of the Director, small business property owners by him and several representatives of the Commission alone.
His governmental principles were those of the Han despots - political authority centralized in one man, reinforced by a graded bureaucracy.
He tended to democracy essentially, but he had to supervise power for defending the democratic value because of outer situation.
The appointment was the first order of business Thursday at the North's legislature, a ceremonial body which exists mainly to approve dictates from the central communist party.
Logically, land leases and construction contracts are not connected with the county party secretary. However, Huang Jingao grabbed so much power that only his words mattered.
But just because families take into consideration the soccer schedule or what have you when planning their week is not the same as the kids ruling the roost.
After the 2004 election, there were many declarations that we'd entered a long-term, perhaps permanent era of Republican dominance.
Within days, nearly half a million protesters were in the city, and the Communist Party announced it would give up its monopoly on power and hold new and open elections.
Third, PPR may have disliked Ford's power within the old regime, but swinging to the opposite model is not necessarily the solution.
They saw government by all-powerful bishops as a threat to religious liberty, which it had indeed proven to be for long periods of British history.
They saw government by all-powerful bishops as a threat to religious liberty, which it had indeed proven to be for long periods of British history.
Other smart people have called for such a czar to reorganize the companies and force the companies to fully embrace green technology and other good things.
But Mao Zedong still hold his power when he is too old to shit and piss himself. A political party sovereigns a country makes no difference to an emperor over his subject.
Determined to ride the fore - horse herself, Meg would admit no helpmate…and so, in single blessedness and with the despotism of Queen Bess herself, she ruled all matters with a high hand.
To avoid the shortcomings of sovereign credit currencies acting as reserve currencies, we need to create an international reserve currency that can maintain the long-term stability of its value.
"Father 曰 :"Say:The body is expensive already but 骄 person people go to it, is high already but is good at the power gentleman bad of, the 禄 is thick already but discontented infected part it.
However, though every man loves challenge, don't be so active that ignore his feeling. Or else, he will become depress and weary of this sweet process.
This is the China century, " says Jim Rogers, standing amid moving boxes in his opulent Manhattan townhouse. "It's time for them to rule the roost.
Mr Mugabe is no longer wholly in charge. That is a huge change. The task now for Zimbabweans and outsiders who wish them well is to try, against the odds, to make a bad deal work.