
父慈子孝  fù cí zǐ xiào







  • 这是很自然的人际关系,更何况父慈子孝是天性!
    This is very natural in human relationships, especially in the relationship between a kind father and a filial child.

  • “一家和睦,父慈子孝”是前人描绘的家庭绝佳图画。
    "A harmonious " is a great predecessors described the family pictures.

  • 与儿女的缘分也有几种:报恩的,非常母,父慈子孝
    The luck of child with their parents has several kinds. There are repay an obligation, honor our parents, good father and child filial piety.

  • 远古的人心比较单纯厚道,父慈子孝的天性,几乎是无时不刻地自然流露;
    In ancient times, people were more simple and kind-hearted. The instinct for parents to be kind and children to be filial was ever present.

  • 例如,父慈子孝、君明、臣忠,这都是中国古代社会对于、君、臣的义务规定。
    For example, a loving father Zi Xiao, Jun-ming, Chen-chung, this is of ancient Chinese society is the father, son, Jun, the obligation of Robinson.

  • “五教”,韦昭注:“义、母、兄友、弟恭、子孝”,五教的和合,会使百姓安身立命。
    "Five to teach, " Wei Zhao Note: The "Father of righteousness, mother of mercy, brothers friend, brother Gong, Zi Xiao ", five teach harmony, the people will settle down.

  • 其主要内容如父慈子孝、长尊幼卑、谨身节用、齐家兴国等积淀著中华民族文化心理诸多方面,良莠并存。
    Its main contents include affectionate father and filial children, respected elders and humble youngsters, prudence and frugality, making homes and the country prosperous.

  • 父慈子孝造句相关
