
激昂慷慨  jī áng kāng kǎi







  • 将军对士兵们作了慷慨激昂的演说。
    The general made an impassioned speech to his soldiers.

  • 然而,慷慨激昂的歌声也获得通过。
    However, the impassioned singing did get through.

  • 这段对白是一段慷慨激昂的战前动员演讲。
    Let's listen to a mobilizing speech by William Wallace.

  • 同时还有乐队伴奏,令场面更加慷慨激昂
    A band march is accompanied to make the scence more memorable.

  • 他知道越是说得慷慨激昂,活命的机会越大。
    The thicker he laid it on, Trinket calculated, the greater were his chances of staying alive.

  • 那个人慷慨激昂地说着话,两手打着有力的手势。
    The speaker accompanied his angry words with forceful movement of the hands.

  • 但丁慷慨激昂地向我们倾诉,他的声音通常饱受委屈,愤愤不平。
    Dante speaks to us in an impassioned human voice that is often aggrieved and vengeful.

  • 毫无疑问你是一个慷慨激昂,能言善辩的演讲者,我很赞赏你这一点。
    There is no doubt that you are a passionate, eloquent speaker and I applaud you for that, but when you look at what we face in this country.

  • 别人讲得声嘶力竭,激昂慷慨,她却只是望着他们的脸,看着他们的表情。
    When people talked with energy and emphasis she watched their faces and features merely .

  • 经济评论家们不应该是春节文艺晚会上的央视名嘴,在舞台上永远慷慨激昂
    Economic essayist people should not be the CCTV name mouth on Spring Festival Gala, stagewise forever impassioned.

  • 丹·斯科特,仅仅一个星期以前,我还听到妳慷慨激昂地谈论了两个小时独立。
    Dan Scott, barely a week ago I heard you railed for two hours about independence. Mr.

  • 他的作品不仅具有英雄主义慷慨激昂的战斗精神,尤其具有独特的音乐审美意蕴。
    His novels not only demonstrated a kind of heroic and generous combative spirit, but also had unique melody and aesthetic meaning.

  • 简单来说,在线工具,提供了一种方式的一小群慷慨激昂的人民作出了很多的噪音。
    Simply, online tools have provided a way for a small group of impassioned people to make a lot of noise.

  • 两国惯于归罪于人的政治家和慷慨激昂的民族主义者将进行近乎不可能实现的理性探讨。
    Finger-pointing politicians and chest-beating nationalists in the two nations will make rational discussion nearly impossible.

  • 从前,他一说起话来总是滔滔不绝,表现得慷慨激昂,他只顾自己说,很少听别人说的话;
    In old days he had talked a great deal, and had got hot when he talked, and he had listened very little.

  • 激昂慷慨的辞令可以使人听了发狂;也可以使人行动起来,连命都不要,就象得了精神分裂症。
    Powerful words can drive men to madness. They may inspire them, schizophrenically , to acts of self-sacrifice.

  • 他满怀嫉妒和仇恨,他会进行慷慨激昂的长篇谴责性讲话,这些讲话总是弹劾凯普莱斯行为下流。
    Imbued with jealousyhatred, he would launch into impassioned tirades that invariably called for imprese to be impeached for reasons of impropriety.

  • 收拾旧山河,朝天阙 ,在高塞尔黄金昨日的金评中,以如此慷慨激昂的笔调预测未来黄金走势。
    To clean up the old mountains and rivers, the air Que, a high yesterday of the sale of gold deposit in the commentary to this impassioned style to predict the future trend of gold.

  • 如何让他们应对基尔要暴露和瓦解他们抵抗的威胁。或如何应对隐藏在考依的慷慨激昂的教学压力?
    How would they deal with Kilmer's threats to expose them and break down their resistance, or with the pressure implicit in Caughie's "impassioned teaching"?

  • 虽然这些专家和领导的发言大都是即兴之作,但其精彩程度却让人印象深刻,可谓引经据典,慷慨激昂
    While these experts and leading the pack is a big statement, but has so impressed his brilliant extent, it works, great eloquence.

  • 我记得,曾经有一次他慷慨激昂地朗诵了描写喜马拉雅山的诗篇后,他说:“这里拉长了[a]的音不是偶然的。
    I remember how once after reciting a description of the Himalayas from Kalidas with the full strength of his voice, he said: "The succession of long [=a] sounds here is not an accident."

  • 想来想去觉得就当我命不好在大学里是找不到好朋友了,以后就一个人呆着吧,有了胳膊可随时也可以慷慨激昂两把!
    For many times I miss my friends very much especially when I am hurtled by the reality! I can't told them my feelings all the time for the limitation of area!

  • 也许他们渴望了解如何才能避免作出那些重要的管理决策——按照这位慷慨激昂的演说家所说,不过要反其道而行之。
    Perhaps they are keen to learn how not to make important executive decisions – along the lines of the motivational speaker, but in reverse.

  • 他难道不记得如果有谁以常人的敬重态度提到华盛顿将军的名字,他就会以激昂慷慨的言辞把人家污蔑为国家的敌人吗?
    Does he not re-collect with what marks of indignation any member was stigmatized as an enemy to this country who mentioned with common respect the name of General Washington?

  • 首相慷慨激昂的演讲已经给他的很多支持者留下了深刻的印象,但是这是否足以平息党内的不满情绪,结论还为时尚早。
    The Prime Minister's impassioned speech has impressed many supporters, but it is not clear if it will be enough to quieten the dissent within his party.

  • 海浪演奏的音乐,时而温柔宁静,像在抚平我心中涌起的千头万绪;时而又慷慨激昂,像是要撕裂我的意志,嘲笑我的胆怯。
    The music performed by waves shuttles between softness and passion, which sometimes pacified my worry and sometimes tore my determination and sneered my timidity.

  • 她曾写出优美的诗句,信件中也充满慷慨激昂的情绪,课堂笔记也记录得很不错,我耽误了两个月的课程之后借用的就是她的笔记。
    She wrote beautiful poems, powerful letters, and great class notes, which she let me use when I showed up for class two months late.

  • 他产生一种下等错综的心理了,过了一会,你也许会发现他竭力在维护东方文化,态度骄傲,慷慨激昂;可是事实上他是不知所云的。
    An inferiority complex sets in, and in the next moment you may find him the most arrogant, chauvinistic defender of the Oriental civilization, without knowing what he is talking about.

  • 一个记者对美国对外政策的某些方面进行剖析,并做出慷慨激昂情愿要求改变其政策随之发现她的建议得到了采纳,这是相当罕见的。
    IT IS rare that a journalist writes about some aspect of American foreign policy, makes an impassioned plea for change and finds her advice adopted.

  • 巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)昨日介入有关美国医改的辩论,并就此发表了他迄今为止最慷慨激昂的演讲,支持将全民医保扩大到4700万尚无医保的美国民众。
    Barack Obama yesterday weighed into the debate over healthcare reform by making his most impassioned case so far to extend universal healthcare coverage to the 47m US citizens who lack it.

  • 激昂慷慨造句相关
