
混淆视听  hùn xiáo shì tīng







  • 混淆视听,干扰上市公司正常信息披露。
    Promiscuous seeing and hearing, interference appears on the market exposure of company normal information.

  • 如果是假的,请别再让这些谎言混淆视听了。
    if not quit letting these hoaxes confuse true issues please.

  • 但后白垩纪火山运动频繁,这一点很容易混淆视听
    One confounding factor is that the late Cretaceous was also a period of great volcanic activity.

  • 他们谈到人们如何在问题上使用及滥用数字来混淆视听
    They talked about how the uses and abuses of figures to prove things in politics.

  • 请不要混淆视听,我的美国同胞们,我们在为生存而战。
    And make no mistake, My Fellow Americans, we are at war for our very survival.

  • 他们谈到人们如何在政治问题上使用及滥用数字来混淆视听
    about how the uses and abuses of figures to prove things in politics.

  • 在华尔街,这种对实际回报大搞混淆视听的做法已是一种惯例。
    On Wall Street, this obfuscation of actual performance is an art form.

  • 同样,把发行方式问题当成阻拦红筹回归的障碍也是混淆视听
    Similarly, the distribution problem as a blocked return of red chips is also an obstacle to mislead the public.

  • 那时没有哈利·波特的电影,彩色图书,动画片交换卡片混淆视听
    That was before there were Harry Potter movies or coloring books or action figures or trading card games to confuse things.

  • 这确实很难证明适量饮酒能够降低患癌的风险,但却一定能够混淆视听
    That hardly proves that moderate drinking cuts the risk of cancer, but it sure muddies the water.

  • 为了避免数据上混淆视听,1月份的经济活动数据将和2月份的一同公布。
    To avoid the statistical noise, January figures for economic activity will be released at the same time as the February ones.

  • 曹阳说:“很多人都这么认为,但我们并没有混淆视听、误导消费者的意思。
    Cao Yang said: "many people such believed that but we have not misled the public, mislead the consumer the meaning."

  • 我们不能让我们国内的反对派在我们的朋友当中混淆视听,从而达到他们的目的。
    We could not let our domestic opponents achieve their goals by confusing our friends.

  • 迈可说那只是克里斯蒂娜想混淆视听…而且就算他们不是亲兄弟,也没有什么会改变。
    Michael says she was just messing with their minds… and even if it's true, it doesn't change anything.

  • 此时原本在旁的记者们勃然大怒…记者:“怎麽可以勒…这样不是混淆视听????”
    Original at this time aside of the reporters explode with rage…Reporter:"How can the Mo be with the Lei…So not is muddle the issue????""

  • 乔治敦公共政策研究机构里的帕布罗·爱森伯格认为这种“右翼攻击”故意“混淆视听”。
    Pablo Eisenberg of Georgetown's Public Policy Institute argues that such "right-wing hammering" has deliberately "confused the issues".

  • 来自于美国总统的无线电消息:…请不要混淆视听,我的美国同胞们,我们在为生存而战。
    Radio message from the President of the United States: …And make no mistake, My Fellow Americans, we are at war for our very survival.

  • 来自于美国总统的无线电消息:……请不要混淆视听,我的美国同胞们,我们在为生存而战。
    Radio message from the President of the : …And make no mistake, My Fellow Americans, we are at war for our very survival.

  • 我想应该是前者,是一些人或单位在混淆视听,要让广大的民众来接房地产高价的最后一棒。
    I think it is the former, some person or unit in misleading the public, to let the general public to take the property at the end of rods.

  • 基于这样的认知,我们应该舍弃那些圣人,丢掉那些混淆视听的知识,只有这样,盗匪才会消失;
    On the basis of this recognition, the sages and the confusing knowledge should be deserted, only by this way the bandits would be vanished;

  • 但一位当地居民凯利·亚当斯怀疑这只是开发商混淆视听的说法:两个大型停车场已经列入规划。
    But Cary Adams, a local resident, notes the developers are hedging their bets: two giant car parks are also scheduled for construction.

  • 问卷中有个小机关,只有七、八个问题与最终结果有关,其余都是放进去混淆视听的,普罗格博士说。
    The trick is that only seven or eight of the questions drive the results -- the rest are thrown in for cover, Dr. Plog says.

  • 美国以及其他发达国家的官员说,将保护科技(以阻止外流)与对付饥饿问题混为一谈是在混淆视听
    Officials of the United States and other developed countries said that linking technology protection to the fight against hunger was a red herring .

  • 既不能让开发商视房价成本为商业秘密,又要防止开发商玩数字游戏,对外公布假房价成本,混淆视听
    Does not allow for the cost of housing developers as trade secrets, but also to prevent the developers to play with numbers, leave the public housing costs and to mislead the public.

  • 仅仅是将小面积户型拿出来混淆视听鱼目混珠,所以,大量一哄而上的小户型始终再也没有能够重燃激情。
    Merely to show the small size Huxing misleading, deceitful, so a lot of small Huxing always rushing headlong into the passions no longer be able to renew.

  • 特别是有的房地产开发商会用利益收买某些所谓的权威,作出所谓的权威报告来混淆视听,加剧信息的不对称。
    Some real estate developers will particularly benefit by buying some so-called authority, the authority of a so-called report to mislead the public, increase the information asymmetry.

  • 每期节目两位主持人分别支持不同的选手,时而煽风点火,时而混淆视听,给节目带来无穷的欢乐与戏剧效果。
    Each program hosts two separate support different players, sometimes to stir up trouble, sometimes confuse the program to bring endless joy and dramatic effects.

  • 包装上列出虚构的海外工厂作为生产厂家,“所以现在还不知道是否是故意的或者偶然的混淆视听,”他们写道。
    The packaging listed fictitious overseas factories as the manufacturer, "so it is not known whether there was deliberate or accidental contamination, " they wrote.

  • 亲爱的BBC,你有权混淆视听,对在新疆发生的民族冲突进行极度偏颇的报道,我也有权对你的报道提出抗议!!!
    Dear BBC, you have the right to be biased in your report on the violence in Xinjiang. I have my right to protest against these reports! In short, you suck!

  • 科学家需要对动物权利倡导者做出有力的回答,因为他们的观点正在混淆视听从而威胁到保健知识和医疗的向前发展。
    y to animal rights advocates, whose arguments are confusing the public and thereby threatening advances in health knowledge and care.

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