
混为一谈  hùn wéi yī tán








  • 放弃控制权经常被与软弱混为一谈
    Giving up control is often confused with weakness.

  • 把我跟其他人混为一谈一起听这个消息?
    Lumping me in with everyone else to hear the news?

  • 幸福与财富不能混为一谈
    One can't ~ happiness with wealth.

  • 幸福和财富不能混为一谈
    One can not identify happiness with wealth.

  • 我们往往把「需要」和「欲望」混为一谈
    We often confuse our "needs" with "wants.

  • 正如老话说:绝不应把生意和乐趣混为一谈
    As the old saying goes: you should never mix business with pleasure.

  • 不要把日本人民和少数的右翼分子混为一谈
    Jumbles together the Japanese people and the minority right-winger!

  • 以梦想代思想,便是把毒物和食物混为一谈
    To replace thought with revery is to confound a poison with a food.

  • 但我不想把这场比赛和与曼联的比赛混为一谈
    I don't want to compare that game with United.

  • 教学型实验与研究型实验各有其特殊规定性,不能混为一谈
    Teaching-based experiments should not be confused with research-based experiments as they have different premises.

  • 央行担心几十年以来一直被分开监管的商业和金融业混为一谈
    The central bank worries about mixing commerce and finance, which have been legally separated for decades in America.

  • 把经济实力与政治或军事实力混为一谈,是一例流传久远的谬论。
    The analogy drawn between economic power and political or military power is a persistent example of a popular fallacy.

  • 众所周知,那些官方的谎言在我们的历史书里常常与真理混为一谈
    Often the official lies, as you know, are confused in our history books with the truth.

  • 我真正想谈的是世界各地的人们是如何将异域饮食的吃法混为一谈的。
    What I actually want to talk about is how people from different parts of the world mix up how to eat foreign foods.

  • 别将放任与爱混为一谈。有时候对孩子说“不”才显出你对他的大爱。
    Don't confuse love with permissiveness. Sometimes telling a child no is the most loving thing you can do for him.

  • 机器人技术与控制论的联系十分密切,两者甚至有时被错误地混为一谈
    Robotics is so closely associated with cybernetics that it is sometimes mistakenly considered to be synonymous.

  • 他不应该同侵略性的行为混为一谈,尽管,在某种情况下它带有那种姿态。
    It shouldn't be confused with aggressive behavior, although in some circumstances it can take that guise.

  • 你永远不能将自己的感情与责任混为一谈,也不能让自己的原则因情欲而变质。
    U must never confuse ur feelings with ur duties and never to surrender ur reason to ur passion.

  • 但是当实施披露制度和借贷限制时却愚蠢的将对冲基金和私募股权公司混为一谈
    But the directive clumsily lumps together hedge funds and private-equity firms when imposing disclosure rules and limits on borrowing.

  • 不能将恐怖主义与特定的民族或宗教混为一谈。不能对打击恐怖主义采取双重标准。
    Terrorism should not be confused with a specific nation or religion, neither should dual standards be adopted in the fight against terrorism.

  • 可惜西方媒体却选择对这一切视而不见,继续把新加坡和一些真正的独裁政体混为一谈
    Sadly, the Western media choose to ignore these, and continue to place the Republic unjustifiably in the company of the truly authoritarian regimes elsewhere.

  • 试图从概念入手,区分这两个容易混为一谈的说法,以期给人以清晰的视角和研究基础。
    From the conception, this paper attempted to differentiate the view which people were easy to jumble, and gived us the clearer view and the better research foundation.

  • 质量问题不能与其他劳资谈判混为一谈,也不能由于劳资双方通常的敌对关系而受到影响。
    Quality cannot get mixed up with other bargaining and be compromised by the usual adversarial relationship between workers and management.

  • 被猪流感搞得晕头转向了吧?在健康机构和新闻媒体的信息混为一谈的情况下,这不足为怪。
    Confused about swine flu? It's no wonder, with all the seemingly mixed messages coming out of health agencies and news organizations.

  • 经典法律文献通常使用“均等机会”这一术语,并将均等机会和与其截然不同的原则混为一谈
    The classics of the legal literature use the term "equal opportunity" quite generally and often blend equal opportunity with principles that are distinct.

  • 政府应该对每个人单独评估,把真正有威胁的人包括在内,而不是把所有的性侵害罪犯终生混为一谈
    Instead of lumping all sex offenders together on the same list for life, states should assess each person individually and include only real threats.

  • 伊朗总统艾哈迈迪·内贾德似乎将长期和现在混为一谈:两个星期前,他说美元是“不值钱的纸片”。
    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's president, seems to think the long run is now: two weeks ago he decried the dollar as a "worthless piece of paper".

  • 你的资格证书,你的简历,并不是你的生活。虽然你会遇到很多合我年龄相仿、或更年长的人,发现他们把这两者混为一谈
    Your qualifications, your CV, are not your life, though you will meet many people of my age and older who confuse the two.

  • 从技术层面上分析,迪拜世界的债务并非政府担保,但很多投资者将迪拜政府和政府独资的公司混为一谈,因此对迪拜世界的政府背景坚信不疑。
    Dubai World's debt was not technically government-backed, but it was widely regarded as such by investors, who drew scant distinction between the Dubai government and a company it wholly owned.

  • 但是,如果诘难者将放弃信仰与接受异端混为一谈,错误解读某人言行并且加以夸大,并宣称其身为穆斯林却违背教规,——这时,自由便又以一种同样阴险的方式被滥用。
    But liberty is abused in an equally insidious way when accusers conflate apostasy with heresy—by alleging that somebody claiming to be a Muslim has erred by advancing false interpretations.

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