
海誓山盟  hǎi shì shān méng








  • 虽未成双, 却也海誓山盟, 私传表记, 已有无限的风情了。
    Although they had not made love, they had secretly exchanged solemn vows and pledges, bearing their hearts to each other.

  • 海誓山盟, 各无他志。
    They vowed solemnly never to love anyone else.

  • 吉姆和安妮已海誓山盟苦乐与共。
    Jim and Anne have now resolved to take one another for better for worse.

  • 过去的海誓山盟,还埋藏在我心里。
    The pledge in the past is still in my heart.

  • 当爱已逝去,海誓山盟又有何意义?
    What's the point of promise when/if love has gone.

  • 做一个美好的女子,并且相信海誓山盟
    Do a good woman, and believe that Haishishanmeng.

  • 虽然有海誓山盟,终究抵不过时间的磨蚀。
    Though having exchanging solemn vows and pledges, support the abrasion not going over time after all.

  • 单身汉就是那些从不海誓山盟要结婚的男人。
    bsp; whose marriage vow is never to take one.

  • 单身汉就是那些从不海誓山盟要结婚的男人。
    A bachelor is a man who profits by the mistake he doesn't make.

  • 当爱成往事,所有的海誓山盟,都显得苍白无力。
    When the love into the past, all Haishishanmeng have looked pale and weak.

  • 吉姆和安妮已海誓山盟苦乐''。'与共'。''。
    Jim and Anne have now resolved to take one another for better for worse.

  • 当爱情需要用海誓山盟的语言来形容的时候它就快要结束了。
    When love need promises to keep, it is time for it to end.

  • 一个吻完了又来一个,接着是海誓山盟的话……多幸福的时刻!
    It all happened accidentally. Another kiss followed the first, and then followed vows… Happy moments!

  • 我们海誓山盟,我们将过着真实而甜蜜的生活,但她好象已离开了我。
    we made our vows, we'd live a love so true, it seems that she has left me.

  • 也许曾经我们都为了那个海誓山盟的承诺去信誓旦旦,当那个年代离去。
    Maybe once we have the commitment to go to that Haishishanmeng vowed that when that time to leave.

  • 罗曼蒂克、海誓山盟、生死相许……面对爱情这些都是琐碎,不值一提。
    Romantic, Haishishanmeng, Shengsixiangxu … the face of love, these are trivial, not worth mentioning.

  • 曾经的花前浪漫,曾经的月下缠绵,曾经的海誓山盟,如今都去了哪里?
    《I am what means are there to save you, I love. 》Once the flowers romantic, once a month under Chanmian, once the Haishishanmeng, now all went ?

  • 爱的美丽和价值,不在于信誓旦旦,海誓山盟,而在于相互之间的宽容和理解。
    Love of beauty and value, not the number of vows and commitment of, but mutual tolerance and understanding.

  • 其实,真正的爱,不需要海誓山盟,不一定要轰轰烈烈,但必须心里有着对方。
    In fact, true love, do not need to not necessarily to be vigorous, but must have other heart.

  • 完伟大的事业不在于膂力,而在于海誓山盟的毅力。(英国作家和评论家约翰逊)
    Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance. (Samuel Johnson, British writer and critic.

  • 爱情,是一种爱。它是海誓山盟、天荒地老,是彼此心灵的避风港,是一生一世的承诺。
    Love is a kind of love. It is Haishishanmeng, Tianhuangdelao, is another haven for the soul is the whole life commitment.

  • 曾经的海誓山盟,还未到山无棱,天地合的时候,还未到海枯石烂之时,就昙花一现了。
    Have the , Hill has yet to be nuclear-free, when heaven and earth together, yet the time to , on a short-lived.

  • 我们之间没有牢固的约定,没有许下任何必须遵守的诺言,也没有定下相互约束的海誓山盟
    We have no firm agreement has not promised to comply with any of the promises, there is no set of mutually binding Haishishanmeng.

  • 一种愿景。东方和西方将在世界的春天里融为一体,就象男人和女人在温暖春夜里的海誓山盟
    The East and the West in the spring of the world shall blend, as a man and a woman that plight their troth in the warm spring night.

  • 如今,从前的笑脸已经让你感到陌生,之前的海誓山盟显得没有一点力度,似乎一切都从未发生过。
    Now, past smiling face already let you feel strange, solemn pledge of eternal love before did not appear a dynamics, as if all never have occurred.

  • 我想要的绝对不是什么海誓山盟或者什么海誓山盟,我想要的只是一个机会,让我可以好好地疼惜你。
    I am not expecting for vows of eternal love, but a chance----the chance to give you my tender affection.

  • 在茫茫的人海中,我曾经遇到一个我爱的人,也有过无数的海誓山盟,可是都已经成为往事,不堪回首
    In the vast crowd, I have encountered one I love the people and there have been countless Haishishanmeng, but have become events of the past, discrimination throughout.

  • 往年的情人节,我们都是在外面过的,忍受着刺骨的寒风、排着望不到头的长队,甚至听着别人的海誓山盟
    past Valentine's Day, we are outside of the piercing to the bones endured the wind, the first platoon of the long distance teams, and even listen to others himself.

  • 它经不住任何的风吹雨打,稍微一个不小心,所有的海誓山盟都在刹那间化为乌有,一切都变得不那么重要了。
    It Jingbu Zhu any of the wind and rain, a slightly careless, all the Haishishanmeng lost in the twinkling of an eye, everything becomes less important.

  • 玛格丽特说她不能那样,因为她两性激情片专辑优酷已经起过誓,阿芒误以为她和男爵有过海誓山盟,便气愤地把玛格丽特推倒。
    Margaret said she could not do, because she has given a sworn, Amand misconception that she and Baron have had Haishishanmeng, they pushed angrily to Marguerite.

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