
流离颠沛  liú lí diān pèi







  • 目睹称灾祸惊人,估量会无下万人颠沛流离
    Witnesses said the damage was staggering. Tens of thousands of people are estimated to be homeless.

  • 死亡和颠沛流离的爱。
    death and displacement of love.

  • 在那个国家,许多农民起颠沛流离,到处乞讨。
    In that country, many peasants went begging from place to place.

  • 颠沛流离中,完全靠自学,获得了知识和本领。
    In the wandering life, he acquired knowledge and skills absolutely by teaching himself.

  • 为了拒绝,甚至让自己逃跑,颠沛流离狼狈不堪
    For sole sake of rejection, I even run away, suffered and battered.

  • 希望结束颠沛流离的生活。即便平静甘苦亦不是问题!
    I hope the end of the life of the displaced. even if the issue is not stand by the quiet!

  • 60多年过去了,巴基斯坦人民还在流离颠沛,居无定所。
    For more than 60 years, they've endured the pain of dislocation.

  • 中原沦陷后,与丈夫南流,过着颠沛流离、凄凉愁苦的生活。
    After the fall, with her husband, central south, displaced, and sorrow of life.

  • 为了我辈,这些人颠沛流离,远渡重洋,来到这里追寻新生活。
    For us, they packed up their few worldly possessions and travelled across oceans in search of a new life.

  • 生活已颠沛流离,经不起那般的折磨和煎熬,还是各自过生活。
    The life already drift from place to place, via removing that the torment like is mixed suffer, still get along severally.

  • 对于那喜爱羁轭,却以林中的麋鹿为流离颠沛的小牛的人又当如何?
    What of the ox who loves his yoke and deems the elk and deer of the forest stray and vagrant things?

  • 她不会象她曾祖父---也就是我父亲那样,在东欧大屠杀中颠沛流离
    We will not have to escape the pogroms of Eastern Europe as her great-grandfather, my father, did.

  • 来到这个世界上才几十天,就被迫离开妈妈的怀抱,开始了颠沛流离的生活。
    They are forced to leave their mums and begin their displaced life when they are dozens of days old.

  • 后一时段,新王朝即明朝建立以后,倪瓒为躲避可能的迫害,颠沛流离,四处流浪。
    After 1366, Ni Zan drifted from place to place homeless and miserable in order to escape from possible persecution.

  • 由于战乱和不安全的局势,伊拉克国内2百万颠沛流离的人的需要已受到广泛关注。
    A lot of attention has been given to the needs of two million people displaced within Iraq because of violence and insecurity.

  • 祂看见那些人,心里就起了怜悯,因为他们颠沛流离,好像没有牧人照顾的迷羊一样。
    When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

  • 这位妇女是成千上万因政府和塔利班之间的武装冲突而颠沛流离的巴基斯坦人中的一员。
    This woman is one of thousands of Pakistanis displaced by fighting between the government and the Taliban.

  • 别了,英格兰玫瑰。愿你永远盛开在我们心中,你是仁慈的化身关怀庇护着颠沛流离的人们。
    Goodbye, England's rose. May you ever grow in our hearts, you were the grace that placed itself where lives were torn apart.

  • 君子没有一顿饭的时间离开仁德,在仓促匆忙的时候一定这样,在颠沛流离的时候也一定这样。
    Even for the space of a single meal the superior man does not go against virtue. In moments of haste, he cleaves to it. In seasons of danger, he cleaves to it.

  • 多年的诉讼生涯意味着多年的奔波劳碌和颠沛流离,家永三郎因此患上了严重的胃病等7种疾病。
    Mean years of litigation over the years his behalf and displaced, Saburo Ienaga, therefore suffering from a stomach illness, and other diseases 7.

  • 他们归为很多类,但并不属于我们的伊拉克所了解的一些其他标准的类别,比如在国内颠沛流离
    They fall into a lot of categories, but they do not fit into some of the other standard categories that we see in Iraq, such as internally displaced.

  • 他们归为很多类,但并不属于我们的伊拉克所了解的一些其他标准的类别,比如在国内颠沛流离
    They fall into a lot of categories, but they don't fit into some of the other standard categories that we see in Iraq, such as internally displaced.

  • “文化大革命”期间,古刹曾被当地占用改建,时有优婆姨吴得全厮守庵中,历尽流离颠沛之苦……。
    "Great Cultural Revolution" period, the temple has been occupied by local alteration, Wu Po Yi You have a whole Sishouanzhong, going through the hardship of displacement Dianpei …

  • 那些在中共牢狱中挣扎、那些在中共酷刑下呼号、那些因中共迫害而颠沛流离的人们需要你们的帮助。
    Those struggling in the CCP prisons, those crying under the CCP's tortures, those roaming around to avoid mistreatment need your help.

  • 大师吴清源在棋坛上 “一着而为天下法”,挑落无数高手,在生活中也是颠沛流离,经历磨难无数。
    Master Wu Qingyuan in the chess world ", but for the world law", selects falls the innumerable masters, is also drifts about destitute in the life, the experience tribulation are innumerable.

  • 修复名画名画虽然回归祖国,但经历了颠沛流离,画面上蒙满了尘垢,伤痕累累,更有大小洞蚀数百处。
    Although the repair painting paintings return to the motherland, but has experienced back and forth, kept on the screen full of dust and scars, the more holes the size of hundreds of corrosion.

  • 一个君子应该连吃饭这么短短的时间也不违背仁,仓忙急切的时候要保持仁德,颠沛流离的时候也要保持仁德。
    Never for a moment does a gentleman quit the Way of Goodness. He is with Goodness all the time, even when he hurries or wanders about in a desperate plight.

  • 尽管属于濒危亚种的墨西哥灰狼仍颠沛流离,但所幸于人工繁殖,其数量在亚利桑那州和新墨西哥州正缓慢增长。
    Still on shaky ground, the Mexican gray wolf, an endangered subspecies, is slowly increasing in number in Arizona and New Mexico, thanks to captive breeding.

  • 于君方教授祖籍中国湖北,童年时代是在抗战期间和内战期间的中国大陆度过的,过着颠沛流离的生活,后随家迁居台湾。
    Professor Yu Junfang native of Hubei Province, China, his childhood during the war and civil war in mainland China during the period spent living a vagrant life, after the family moved to Taiwan with.

  • 他的晚年颇为凄惨,在颠沛流离的后半生生涯中,创作了不少富于感情色彩的诗作,或述说自己命运的不济,或钟情朝廷,或思念故乡。
    RongYu wrote many poems full of affection during this period of time to tell his tragic lot, or his faith to the central government, or his love of his hometown.

  • 流离颠沛造句相关
