
泛泛之人  fàn fàn zhī rén






  • 熟悉举重的都知道,奥斯卡绝非举重界的泛泛之辈。
    Familiar with the weight knows that Oscar is not the general weightlifting community's bidding.

  • 一般只是恼怒一下就罢了,但汤姆•雷普利可不是泛泛之辈。
    An ordinary person would just be upset by this, but Tom Ripley is not an ordinary person.

  • 有多少拥有八个真正的朋友?就我所知少又少。但会有泛泛之交和好友。
    How many people actually have 8 true friends?Hardly anyone I know. But some of us]] have all right friends]]good friends.

  • 在任一特定的时候美国都只有为数不多的几个知心朋友,更多的是泛泛之交。
    At any given time an American may have only a few close friends but many casual acquaintances.

  • 这话想必连国家主席那至高无上的也不敢说出口,何况是我们这样的泛泛之辈?
    This must not even the President that people do not dare say that the supremacy of exports, let alone the general of our generation?

  • 美国把「朋友」这个字用得非常广泛,一般的泛泛之交和亲密伙伴都算是朋友。
    He doesn't understand the way Americans view friendship. Americans use the word "friend" in a very general way.

  • 美国把「朋友」这个字用得非常广泛,一般的泛泛之交和亲密伙伴都算是朋友。
    Americans sometimes make general invitations like "Let's get together sometime. " Often this is just a way to be friendly.

  • 美国把「朋友」这个字用得非常广泛,一般的泛泛之交和亲密伙伴都算是朋友。
    Americans use the word friend in a very general way. They may call both casual acquaintances and close companions "friends."

  • 有多少拥有8个真正的朋友,就我所知少又少,但我们会有泛泛之交和好友。
    How many people actually have 8 true friends?Hardly anyone I know. But some of us have all right friends and good friends.

  • 有多少可以拥有八个真正的朋友?据我所知少又少。但我们会有泛泛之交和好友。
    How many people actually have eight true friends? Hardly anyone I know. But some of us have all right friends and good friends.

  • 有多少可以拥有八个真正的朋友?据我所知少又少。但我们会有泛泛之交和好友。
    How many people actually have 8true friends? Hardly  anyone I know. But some of us have all right friends and good friends.

  • 有多少可以拥有六个真正的朋友?就我所知少又少。但我们会有泛泛之交和好友。
    How many people actually have 6 true friends?Hardly anyone I know. But some of us have all right friends and good friends.

  • 毕竟,和选择伴侣相比而言,你在选择认识一些泛泛之交的的时候就没有那么挑剔了。
    After all, you are less fussy about your choice of acquaintances than your choice of partner.

  • 有多少没出国疑问拥有八个真正的哥们?就我所知少又少。但咱们会有泛泛之交和好友。
    How a lot human actually HAs 8 true friends?Hardly anyone I knowinging. But some of us HAs all right friends and good friends.

  • 这个关系是只有在一定层次上才有所发展,我们不希望在突然间把他们变成泛泛之人的关系。
    This relationship works on certain levels and not on others. We don't want to all of a sudden make them this tag team.

  • 总地说来,西方只是在好朋友间才交换礼物,因此,给一些泛泛之交的赠送礼物是不合适的。
    Generally speaking, Westerners exchange gifts only among good friends, therefore , it's inappropriate to give gifts to casual acquaintance.

  • 有多少可以拥有八个真正的朋友?就我所知少又少。但我们会有泛泛之交和好友。[本文点击数。
    How many people actually have 8 true friends?Hardly anyone I know. But some of us have all right friends and good friends.

  • 亚瑟有点困惑了,对于美国文化,他是个局外(外行)。他不了解美国对友谊的看法。美国把「朋友」这个字用得非常广泛,一般的泛泛之交和亲密伙伴都算是朋友。
    Yaser is a little confused. He is an outsider to American culture. He doesn't understand the way Americans view friendship. Americans use the word "friend" in a very general way.

  • 因此,当你与交往时,泛泛之交也还罢了,如果你们间是因交往而发生感情,或从中产生利益上的联系,那麽,你难免就会期望从他那儿得到什麽,他也一样会期望你能给他什麽;
    When you associate with them, nothing serious will happen if you are not close or intimate. If you are close or intimate and have a tie on each other's interest, the situation will be different.

  • 因此,当你与交往时,泛泛之交也还罢了,如果你们间是因交往而发生感情,或从中产生利益上的联系,那么,你难免就会期望从他那儿得到什么,他也一样会期望你能给他什么;
    When you associate with them, nothing serious will happen if you are not close or intimate. If you are close or intimate and have a tie on each other's interest, the situation will be different.

  • 泛泛之人造句相关
