
油然而生  yóu rán ér shēng







  • 一股怀念非洲的离别情意油然而生
    He had a sudden nostalgia for Africa.

  • 我一看,爱慕之心油然而生
    I see that you love.

  • 看到这个怪可怜的女孩,她的母爱油然而生
    At the sight of this poor little girl, her maternal instincts arose.

  • 我对她的钦佩油然而生,同时也有了新的恐怖。
    I felt a thrill of admiration for her, and a fresh stab of terror.

  • 用手轻抚着细腻的内饰件,一种满足感油然而生
    Qing Fu hand with delicate pieces of trim, felt a sense of satisfaction.

  • 灰蓝为主色调的大胆运用,清爽的心情便油然而生
    What mass-tone of grey La Wei moves is bold apply, relaxed mood arises spontaneously.

  • 我从电视中看到这些旧音乐影片,**之情油然而生
    I get very nostalgic when I watch these old musicals on TV.

  • 勇气油然而生!去抓获不在的猛狮,丢开眼前的老鼠。
    Here comes courage! That seize, d the lion absent, and run away from the present mouse.

  • 旭日东升,我站在神殿门前,体验到油然而生的敬畏之情。
    For me, stand before the temple door as the sun rise is a mystical experience.

  • 我凝视着那幅气势磅的画,一种堪称超凡的感受油然而生
    Gazing at that majestic painting was for me an almost transcendental experience.

  • 在荆棘路前,看着条条荆棘,不免退避三舍之感油然而生
    Thorny Road in the former, looking at every thorns, can not avoid a sense of felt.

  • 我凝视着那幅气势磅的画,一种堪称超凡的感受油然而生
    Gazing at the majestic painting was for me an almost transcendental experience.

  • 任何情况需要下作出的反应都会处于那种意识状态下油然而生
    Whatever response is needed then arises out of that state of consciousness.

  • 饭后一碗“三泡台”盖碗茶,令人心旷神怡,美食之乐,油然而生
    " Meal a bowl of "three bubble Taiwan"gai wan cha , it is refreshing, food of music, naturally.

  • 一旦天线降下,锐气便被冰雪覆盖,玩世不恭、自暴自弃油然而生
    When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with the snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism.

  • 油然而生的是一种稚气,是一种成年人乃至青少年没法拥有的一种气质。
    Remember with affection is a kind of childishness, is a youth and even adults can not have a temperament.

  • 每当我仰望蔚蓝的天际,看到翱翔于天际我的同类们,我便会油然而生出一种羡慕之情。
    When I look up to the blue sky, flying in the sky to see my fellow gentlemen, I will remember with affection a kind of admiration.

  • 剩下我孤零零一个人了,在这种情况下,我的好奇心油然而生,不禁想要亲自去打听些消息。
    Left alone, under those circumstances, a devouring curiosity pushed me on to make some discovery for myself.

  • 藏书柜(架):室内置一二用竹制做的书柜藏书卷气油然而生。文化气韵的内涵和外延无与伦比。
    Hide bookcase (frame) : The bookcase that indoor buy just a little makes with bamboo hides scroll gas to arise spontaneously. The connotation of culture gas charm and extension are unapproachable.

  • 一旦天线倒塌,锐气便被冰雪覆盖,玩世不恭、自暴自弃油然而生,即使年方二十,实已垂垂老矣;
    When the aerials are down, and your spirits are covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism.

  • 出外打工的青壮年人,带着一身疲劳回到自己的家里,舒服地享受着家乡夜的静谧,幸福感油然而生
    The young adults who go to work, with a tired return to their home, comfortably enjoy quiet nights home, happiness wells up.

  • 这种基于某些商品或资产价格的契约伴随着人类通商贸易的兴起油然而生,说明这种契约是十分有效的。
    That contracts based on the price of some commodity or asset have been around for about as long as mankind has been trading indicates that they are pretty useful.

  • 他们的寓所十分舒适,既有花园又有言行谨慎小心的佣仆,与四邻相比,他们的优越感也就不禁油然而生
    They lived in a pleasant house, with a garden, and they had discreet servants, and felt themselves superior to anyone in the neighbourhood.

  • 小孩子最喜欢新鲜了,刚搬进这个温馨幽雅,舒适甜怡的梦幻环境,我深感如临仙境,心中喜悦油然而生
    Children's favorite fresh, and had just moved into this warm and elegant, comfortable and sweet Yee dream environment, I am deeply immersive wonderland heart, joy wells up.

  • 就是这短暂的一瞥,我就知道我的妈妈此刻坐在台下,想起我们午餐时间的谈话,一种自豪感不禁油然而生
    But just looking at it, knowing my mother was out there and thinking of our lunchtime talk, made me proud.

  • 这是一次历史性的选举。我明白这次选举对于非洲裔美国人的特殊意义,感受到了他们今晚心中油然而生的自豪感。
    This is an historic election, and I recognize the special significance it has for African-Americans and for the special pride that must be theirs tonight.

  • 在时间的荏苒流逝中,想起久违的你,思念油然而生,一张精致的卡片,一腔思念的情怀,加上虔诚的祝福,给予远方的你。
    Time flies by and I remember I haven't seen you for ages. I send you a fine card with my missing and sincere blessing.

  • 这时,突然心里油然而生一种温暖和感动,对他来说也许这是最基本的礼貌,但却是给全场观众和所有幕后工作人员最大的尊重。
    Then, suddenly felt a warm heart and moved to him that this is perhaps the most basic courtesy, but to the whole audience behind the scenes and all the greatest respect for the staff.

  • 如果你相信每个生命都是平等的话,那么当你获悉有人竟然认为某些生命值得挽救,而另一些生命不值得,厌恶之情,油然而生
    If you believe that every life has equal value, it's revolting to learn that some lives are seen as worth saving and others are not.

  • 我的心颤抖了,一股暖流油然而生,并迅速流遍我的全身,让我感到前所未有的安宁与平和,一种发自内心的近乎神圣的感情洋溢于胸中!
    My heart is trembling, and felt and rapid flow through my body, so that I am an unprecedented peace and calm, a heart filled with the feelings of almost sacred in the chest!

  • 油然而生造句相关
