
倒行逆施  dào xíng nì shī








  • 反动派的倒行逆施从反面教育了人民。
    The perverse acts of the reactionaries taught the people a negative example.

  • 然而这样的权力集中正在犯一个倒行逆施的错误。
    Yet such a concentration of power is an anachronistic mistake.

  • 教育成就了美国的伟大,忽视教育则是倒行逆施
    Education made America great; neglect of education can reverse the process.

  • 霸权主义倒行逆施的野蛮行径,破坏了世界的和平与稳定。
    The wild action of hegemonism retroact, destroyed the peace of the world and stability.

  • 倒行逆施地,邦德更倾向于舆那些有武器的女性发生性关系。
    Perversely, Bond was more likely to have sexual contact with a woman if she used a weapon than if she did not.

  • 纳粹党倒行逆施、凶残暴戾,相信亦可由其标识上探一究竟。
    Nazis go, violent, believe also by marking one of mine is.

  • 巴西与美国收入分配差异的最大一个原因,是巴西的公共开支倒行逆施
    The biggest single reason for the difference in income distribution between Brazil and America is more regressive public spending in Brazil.

  • 然后,他们倒行逆施,(他们说):“你确已知道这些是不会说话的。”
    Then were they confounded with shame: (they said), "Thou knowest full well that these (idols) do not speak! ""

  • 正因为他们只想到张三,他们为此所鼓吹的便成了倒行逆施的荒谬政策。
    And because they think only of Joe Smith, they end by advocating reactionary and nonsensical policies.

  • 无法无天的陈水扁之倒行逆施,使台湾在精神及道德上实已俨如人间地狱。
    The per versions of the lawless Chen Shui-bian regime have turned Taiwan into a spiritual and moral desert.

  • ‘一般性行为的倒行逆施’正是密宗双身修法中男女双方相对关系地位的写照。
    The reverse of ordinary sex expresses the relative status of the male and female within the ritual.

  • 『一般性行为的倒行逆施』正是密宗双身修法中男女双方相对关系地位的写照。
    The reverse of ordinary sex expresses the relative status of the male and female within the ritual.

  • 他们这种倒行逆施是决不会得逞的,我们伟大祖国的56个民族是决不容许的。
    But these perverse acts will not succeed; the more than 56 nationalities of our great motherland will definitely not permit this to happen.

  • 有时候,我发现自己想,倒行逆施,他会做一些奇特的,或粗,只是为了丰富多彩的。
    Sometimes I found myself wishing, perversely, that he would do something peculiar or crude, just for the sake of variety.

  • 日军的暴行有力地回击了一小撮日本右翼分子歪曲、篡改和否认日本侵华史的倒行逆施
    The outrages hit back hard the Japanese right-wingers who distort and deny the history of the Japanese invasion to China.

  • 这简直是倒行逆施,欧元区的问题,显然是各国步调不一致所致,而不关宏观经济本身。
    This is to get things entirely backwards. As is obvious from the divergent performance of individual countries, the euro area's troubles are not macroeconomic in nature.

  • 然后,借助倒行逆施,龙要么停止造雨造成水缺乏,要么它们吞吐黑云带来暴风雨洪灾泛滥。
    Then, by thrashing about, dragons either stop making rain and cause water shortages, or they breathe black clouds that bring storms and floods.

  • 模仿西方似乎比倒行逆施显得更加明智,尤其是对于在30年代披着范亚洲化羊皮的日本狼。
    Imitation of the West seemed wiser than atavism, not least among Japanese, who in the 1930s dressed pan-Asianism in wolf's clothing.

  • 在读了这麽多倒行逆施的以色列王后,看到犹大国中还有遵行主道的王,不禁令人为之一振。
    While reading of the many Israelite kings who did evil in the sight of the Lord, it is refreshing to read of the kings of Judah that did right in His sight.

  • 蒋加以拒绝,而且更加倒行逆施,积极布置“剿共”军事,下令镇压西安学生的抗日爱国运动。
    He refused, became still more active in his military preparations for the "suppression of the Communists" and massacred young people in Sian who were anti-Japanese.

  • 无论如何,我要向你们保证,我们并没有倒行逆施,停滞不前,或剥夺市民叁与宪制发展的机会。
    In any case, I want to assure you that we are not turning back the clock back, not standing still, not shutting people out.

  • 问题是,别无二致的一个机制,既可以将有利的外部环境转化为强大的国内环境,也可以倒行逆施
    The problem is that this same mechanism, which can convert "good" external conditions into great domestic conditions, could also function in reverse.

  • 同时,真主已为他们的营谋而使他们倒行逆施了,真主已使他们迷误了,难道你们还想引导他们吗?
    Allah hath upset them for their (evil) deeds. Would ye guide those whom Allah hath thrown out of the Way?

  • 如此倒行逆施的后果是什么?真是罄竹难书!尽管如此,我们还是应当满中于指出最触目惊心的部分。
    What are the consequences of such a perversion? It would require volumes to describe them all. Thus we must content ourselves with pointing out the most striking.

  • 美国在这场遥远的战争中所遭受的耻辱被看成是美国在领导战后世界中倒行逆施而应得的一场公正的教训。
    America's humiliation in that distant enterprise was seen as an object lesson in the immorality of America's postwar world leadership.

  • 很多人都知道,我为人保守,但保守主义的意义,在于保留和延续我们懂得和珍惜的事物,而非故步自封或倒行逆施
    As many people know, I am conservative. But conservatism - wanting to sustain things that you know and value - does not mean standing still or turning back the clock.

  • 大部分观察人士都无法领会1979年这些事件的深层含义,如往常一样,他们只是不断指责这些做法是在倒行逆施,毁纲灭常。
    Most observers failed to comprehend their implications in 1979. And those who did just as often condemned them as retrograde forces of mass destruction.

  • 因此,对于工人阶级和农村贫苦大众而言,首要第一位的是需要一个新的政党,和新的具有战斗力的独立工会来反击这些倒行逆施的政策。
    For the working class and the rural poor a new party and in the first instance new fighting and independent trade unions are needed to fight back against these injustices.

  • 倒行逆施的结果是阻碍了全球化的发展,而不是加快其发展。全球化依赖的是许多国家之间商品和劳务的自由流通,而不是仅仅依靠双边渠道。
    The perverse result is to hamper, not expedite, globalisation, which relies on the free flow of goods and services between many countries, not just along bilateral channels.

  • 文章指出,美国军售量的增长与全球趋势倒行逆施。全球军火合同至2005年起一直处于最低水平,2008年的合同总额为552亿美元,下降7。6%。
    The jump defied worldwide trends as global arms sales fell 7. 6 percent to $55. 2 billion in 2008, the report said. Global weapons agreements were at their lowest level since 2005.

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