
添枝加叶  tiān zhī jiā yè








  • 他常给他的旅游趣闻添枝加叶
    He often embellishes the tales of his travels.

  • 科幻电影迷可以自己给故事添枝加叶
    Fans can write their own additions to the story.

  • 你只要讲清事实,千万不要添枝加叶
    Just tell the truth and don't embellish the story by any means.

  • 他总爱添枝加叶,把故事讲得更有趣。
    to make his stories more amusing.

  • 他总爱添枝加叶,把故事讲得更有趣。
    He always exaggerates to make his stories more amusing.

  • 他总爱添枝加叶, 把故事讲得更有趣。
    He always exaggerates to make his stories more amusing.

  • 关于这条逃跑的鱼的故事过于添枝加叶了。
    an over-embellished story of the fish that got away.

  • 喻)你只要讲清事实,千万不要添枝加叶
    Just tell the truth and don't embellish the story by any means.

  • 事情非常简单易懂,你不必用这些废话去添枝加叶
    It's perfectly simple and understandable. You need't dress it up with all this nonsense.

  • 事情非常简单易懂,你不必用这些废话去添枝加叶
    It's perfectly simple understandable. You need't dress it up with all this nonsense.

  • 她总是添枝加叶(添盐加醋),把故事讲得更有趣。
    She always exaggerates to make her stories more amusing.

  • 母亲讲故事时又添枝加叶,更瑰异瑰异,但琼照样信认为真。
    He mother had embellished them, but Jean will believe them to be true.

  • 母亲讲故事时又添枝加叶,更离奇古怪,但琼还是信以为真。
    He mother had embellished them, Jean will believe them to be true.

  • 母亲讲故事时又添枝加叶,更离奇古怪,但琼还是信以为真。
    He mother had embellished them, but Jean will believe them to be true.

  • 有些时候,伯利兹只是把失踪事件的现有官方记录进行了添枝加叶
    In some cases, Berlitz simply embellished the existing official accounts of disappearances.

  • 雕琢艺人利用菊花石这些特点,精工雕琢,理出花瓣,添枝加叶,浮雕成丛丛菊花。
    Chrysanthemum stone cut and polish artists use these features, precision cut and polish, sort petal, leaf plus Tian Zhi, Cheng Cong Cong relief chrysanthemum.

  • 真实的原始记录是新闻照片的灵魂,求的是原汁原味,一经改动或添枝加叶,其价值必打折扣。
    Whatis sought is the authentic. As soon as they are touched or embellished, their value is inevitably discounted.

  • 真实的原始记录是新闻照片的灵魂,求的是原汁原味,一经改动或添枝加叶,其价值必打折扣。
    Original photo records are the soul of news photos.   What is sought is the authentic.   As soon as they are touched or embellished, their value is inevitably discounted.

  • 我们也许会给听来的故事添枝加叶、忘记一首歌里的一个字、改造旧技术、以老点子发明新理论。
    We may embellish a story, forget a word of the song, adapt an old technology or concoct a new theory out of old ideas.

  • 他以一种创造性的热情投入了这个幻梦,不断地添枝加叶,用飘来的每一根绚丽的羽毛加以缀饰。
    He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion, adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way.

  • 一些巴士的常客开始带花来为查理的花束添枝加叶。他们会用肘轻轻地推一下查理,不好意思地说,给。
    Some of the regular passengers began bringing him flowers for his bouquet, gently nudged him and said shyly: "Here."

  • 在二面中,你的目标是为早期勾画好的总体情况添枝加叶,并为你对该份工作的任何疑问和担心找出答案。
    Your goal in this stage is to add detail to the broad picture that was painted earlier and to answer any doubts or concerns that you may have about the job.

  • 每夜他都给他那些幻想的图案添枝加叶,一直等到昏沉的睡意降落在一个生动的场面之上,使他忘记了一切。
    Each night he added to the pattern of his fancies until drowsiness closed down upon some vivid scene with an oblivious embrace.

  • 同时,他们习惯添枝加叶言不由衷。往往会使得这个世界里的记忆在个人想像的土壤中歧散、孕育、滋养。
    At the same time, their constant embellishments and repeated lies were fruits of the same world, in which memories split and grew, nourished in the soil of one's own imagination.

  • 并非在现有广告基础上扩展不断尝试为其添枝加叶,即便发布新的广告,我们也组织团队试图作出更优秀的作品替代它。
    Rather than extend the existing campaign and try and give it legs, even as we launch a campaign, we've got teams upstairs trying to outdo it and replace it.

  • 摩根说,“我原以为是联邦调查局特工为了我的纪录片在添枝加叶,我从来就没有信过这回事,直到我找出联邦调查局的文件(指的是这部影片),我才信了。
    "I thought the FBI agent was embellishing it for my documentary. I never believed it once until I pulled up the FBI document (referring to the film), " Morgan said.

  • 厨房里的女人们会把故事告诉那些乘火车来的陌生人,对方也带来些别的故事做为回报,这些都汇入了口头文学的滚滚洪流中。有些事情最早是从市集上手风琴手的歌儿里听来的,旅行的人会添枝加叶地重新讲。
    The women in the kitchen would tell the stories to the strangers arriving on the train, who in turn brought other stories to be told, and all of it was incorporated into the torrent of oral tradition.

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