
殚精竭虑  dān jīng jié lǜ







  • 毗邻问题是值得殚精竭虑的。
    The juxtaposition is worth dwelling on.

  • 君不见,多少教师殚精竭虑,献身课改。
    Have you not seen that the number of teachers in hard work, dedication curriculum reform.

  • 建校后,唐国安殚精竭虑,仍尽力为学校的发展制定规划。
    After school, Tang Guoan hard work still to do to develop the school development planning.

  • 我们将殚精竭虑,不断创造新产品,来装点全世界爱美的人们。
    We will create new products constantly, around the world, people love to decorate.

  • 这种冒险极富挑战性,而且需要殚精竭虑,但非常值得为之一搏。
    Such adventures are challenging and demanding but well worth the effort.

  • 他们不是殚精竭虑地向上爬的人,他们不会对物质性的东西难舍难分。
    They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things.

  • 殚精竭虑地为客户着想,使您可以最大限度的降低成本而提高活动质量。
    Danjingjielv for the sake of customers, so you can maximize the cost reduction activities and improve quality.

  • 塔塔的工程师和设计师们殚精竭虑,耗费了四年时间,终于实现了这个目标。
    Tata Motors' engineers and designers gave their all for about four years to realise this goal.

  • 事关广大市民最现实、最关心、最直接的利益,上海市委、市政府殚精竭虑
    Concerning the general public most realistic, most concerned, the most direct interests Shanghai municipal party committee and government efforts it had.

  • 品牌商们殚精竭虑思考的问题是:如何提高顾客的进店率、试穿率和购买率。
    Brand business people the problem that Lv of exhaust essence exhaust ponders over is: The rate entering store that how raises a client, try on lead and buy rate.

  • 出于天赐的好奇心,即便是最简单的头脑也会在面对挑战时,殚精竭虑以求一解。
    Given its inherent curiosity, even the simplest mind will exhaust itself devising solutions to challenges it confronts.

  • 长期以来,企业竞争是社会的焦点,如何获得竞争优势更让无数研究者殚精竭虑
    For a long time, enterprise competitiveness is the focus of the community, how to gain a competitive advantage What many researchers Danjingjielv.

  • 东盟官员们殚精竭虑艰苦协商达成了优惠协议,而东盟成员国仅有5%从中获益。
    Only 5% of ASEAN trade takes advantage of the preferences its officials so painstakingly negotiated.

  • 可是我万万没有料到,面对自己殚精竭虑打造的家,才过了六个月,我已然有些厌倦了。
    But I never expected, in the face of the efforts it had created its own home, after only six months, I already some tired.

  • 由于受到5年来殚精竭虑地监测致命性H5N1禽流感病毒的影响,这次科学家整装待发。
    This time, scientists were ready and waiting, conditioned by a nervous five-year watch over the lethal H5N1 bird-flu virus.

  • 但就算是经常在策略上殚精竭虑绞尽脑汁的布莱克也不可能对每个初创公司都是最好的朋友;
    But even Black, who is constantly tweaking his game plan in an effort to make it big, can't be every startup's best friend;

  • 阿德尔曼正在为新目标殚精竭虑,他表示,会更好地使用姚明,也会尽量放大每个球员的强项。
    Adelman is the new goal for the hard work, he said, would be a better use of Yao Ming, will try to enlarge the strengths of each player.

  • 即使在储备丑闻爆发之前,皇家壳牌石油公司和诸多同行已经在为补充每年的油气储备而殚精竭虑
    Even before its reserves problem, Shell -- along with its peers -- was struggling to replace the oil and gas it uses each year.

  • 在重申这个国家的伟大之时,我们知道,所谓伟大并非不劳而获的天赐,它需要我们为之殚精竭虑
    In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned.

  • 总之在这个“快鱼吃慢鱼”的时代,你必须殚精竭虑,必须食不甘味,必须为改变资金周转有所作为。
    In short in the "fast fish eats the slow" times, you have energy, we must not eat sweet, we must do something to change the cash flow.

  • 他们必须殚精竭虑,设法想出可以通过宪法审查的枪支管制法律。现在还不清楚这些法律的具体内容。
    They must now try to figure out how to craft curbs that could pass constitutional muster, but it is not entirely clear what these might be.

  • 他们必须殚精竭虑,设法想出可以通过宪法审查的枪支管制法律,但现在还不清楚这些法律应如何规定。
    They must now try to figure out how to craft curbs that could pass constitutional muster, but it is not entirely clear what these might be.

  • 一定要以人民给我的信心,勇气和力量,忠实地履行宪法赋予我的职责,殚精竭虑鞠躬尽瘁,不负众望。
    To the people must give me confidence, courage and strength to faithfully fulfill my duties entrusted by the Constitution, hard, tried their very best to those expectations.

  • 这就是为何,我必将殚精竭虑,去让奥巴马参议员成为我们下一任的总统。我希望并且祈祷你们都可以跟我一起为之努力。
    And that is why I will work my heart out to make sure that Senator Obama is our next president, and I hope and pray that all of you will join me in that effort.

  • 但是,中考的巨大压力,冲淡了主题,中学的一线语文教师和全体学生都在为取得理想的考分夜以继日殚精竭虑的苦苦奋斗。
    However, under the great pressure of the senior entrance exam, the subject has been lightened and the junior's teachers and students are all fighting for the scores without rest.

  • 我从未见过,在任何真正伟大广告诞生的过程中,没有一点疑惑、没有堆满的字纸篓、没有殚精竭虑,没有对自我的恼怒和诅咒。
    Rarely have I seen any really great advertising created without a certain amount of confusion, throw-away, bent noses, irritation and downright cursedness.

  • 我从未见过,在任何真正出色广告诞生的过程中,没有一点疑惑、没有堆满的字纸篓、没有殚精竭虑、没有对自己恼怒甚至咒诅。
    Rarely have I seen any really great advertising created without a certain amount of confusion, throw-aways, bent noses, irritation and downright cursedness.

  • 如果我们国家的法律中只有某种神灵,而不是殚精竭虑将神灵揉进宪法,总体上来说,法律就会更好。-----美国作家马克·吐温。
    If we only had some God in the country's laws, instead of beng in such a sweat to get him into the Constitution, it would be better all around.

  • 朝中社平壤2月24日电 《劳动新闻》于周二在署名文章中引用实例,证明美帝国主义者是如何殚精竭虑地想引发第二次朝鲜战争的。
    Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in a signed article cites facts to prove how hard the U. S. imperialists are working to ignite another Korean war.

  • 但在其九月四号的报告中,素以为公共事业殚精竭虑的托利党(即保守党)政策小组对于家长在教育中的作用只不过是说了一些华而不实的话而已。
    Yet the Tory policy group charged with thinking deep thoughts about public services paid only lip service to parent power in its report on September 4th (see article).

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