
正中下怀  zhèng zhòng xià huái








  • 感谢你给我们的礼物,这是正中下怀
    Thank you for the gift which is just after my own heart.

  • 你是觉得正中下怀呢,还是对她表示同情?
    Do you take encouragement from that, or do you have sympathy for her?

  • 对阿,会计正好是她的兴趣(正中下怀?)。
    Yeah. Account would be right up her alley!

  • 宝马司机立即下车与孙队长理论,没想到正中下怀
    BMW drivers get off immediately with the captain Sun theory did not expect that suit.

  • 汤姆的工作是邮递员。这份户外工作正中他的下怀
    Tom is working as a postman. That outdoor job is the one after his own heart.

  • 汤姆的工作是邮递员。这份户外工作正中他的下怀
    Tom is working as a outdoor job is the one after his own heart.

  • 汤姆的工作是邮递员。这份户外工作正中他的下怀
    Tom is working as a postman. That outdoor job is the one after his own heart.

  • 荡姆的工作是邮递员。这份户外工作正中他的下怀
    Tom is working as a postman. That outdoor job is the one after his own heart.

  • 正中对手下怀,你还有精力和时间去做其他的正事吗?
    It wants the middle of opponents, you have to do a lot of time and other proper business it?

  • 宁次知道,自己的回答正中下怀,即使是,在回答之前。
    Neji knew, even before he opened his mouth, that she was expecting him to answer like that.

  • 李四:你不是一直希望能在那里工作吗?真的是正中下怀,恭喜你了。
    Lisa: Congratulations! You have always wanted to work in Shanghai. This is exactly what you hoped for.

  • 你的建议正中下怀,你的希望就是我的希望,有天我们一定会成功。
    Your suggestion strikes a real chord with me, and I want to echo the hope that someday we will succeed.

  • 因此,苍蝇得以最终发现那个正中下怀的出口,并因此获得自由和新生。
    Accordingly, fly is able to discover the exit of that fit in exactly with one's wishes finally, acquire freedom and new life accordingly.

  • 小君:你说的正中下怀,莉莎。在盐湖城我不能喝的还不只是咖啡而已。
    Jun: You've really said the magic word, Lisa. It wasn't just coffee I had to abstain from in Salt Lake.

  • 你同意到外地出差正中老板下怀,至于原因,还是留给你自己去思考吧。
    Your agreeing to take the business trip in another city well played into the hands of the boss. As for the reason, you put it in the pipe and smoke it.

  • 不过对于准备好尝试不同体验的人来说,「独特的」海滩假期才可能正中下怀
    But for those ready for something different, a unique beach vacation might be just the ticket!

  • 对于雷德克纳普那种结合欧洲大陆风格和英式足球的打法来说,他可能正中下怀
    In Harry's mix of continental and English football he might be just right.

  • 听到这儿,一位专家试探着向李区长推荐信托产品,谁知正中下怀,双方不谋而合。
    heard here, one expert out of the Trust to Lee District recommended products Unexpectedly front, the two sides coincide.

  • 所以,他突然声称,他打算出发去调查这件戏剧性的奇案,这不出我所料,也正中下怀
    When, therefore, he suddenly announced his intention of setting out for the scene of the drama it was only what I had both expected and hoped for.

  • 这里面很明显的有相当圆滑的原因:奥巴马的胜利将带来“改变”,这对卡梅伦来说正中下怀
    There's the obvious and rather glib reason for this: an Obama victory would be a win for 'change' just as Cameron hopes to be.

  • 警方还未证实是谁实施了爆炸,但这种事件的发生正中当局下怀,这样当局就有理由开始镇压。
    It was not clear who carried out the bombing, confirmed by police; but such an incident could be cited by authorities in justifying a crackdown.

  • 这群人由于受经济条件的限制,对于高总价的房子承受能力较弱,而小户型房子,总价比较低,正中下怀
    The group Because of economic constraints, the high value of the house affordability weak, and small Huxing house price relatively low, and mother.

  • 所以,我们如果要抱定“和平统一”、阻止台湾独立,就必须时刻保持对台军事优势,而这正中他人下怀
    Therefore, if we are to Baoding of "peaceful reunification" and stop Taiwan independence, it is necessary to maintain military superiority against Taiwan, which wants the middle of other people!

  • 我已经完全适应了他的自言自语,根本不用打断自己的思绪,一听到他说完了我就可以不假思索地发表一些正中下怀的评论意见。
    I have adjusted myself so well to his monologues that without interrupting my own reveries I make whatever comment is required automatically, the moment I hear his voice die out.

  • 27国领导人聚首布鲁塞尔,进行为期一天,旨在讨论近来高加索地区战争的欧盟紧急峰会。这一警告一经提出,可谓正中他们下怀
    That warning—sounding bold, but rather empty of substance—captured the mood as 27 leaders arrived in Brussels for an emergency one-day summit devoted to the recent fighting in the Caucasus.

  • 然而,不为他人理睬这点莫如说正中下怀,因为我必须独自处理的事堆积如山,比方说,休息时间我总去学校图书馆,贪婪地阅读不止。
    Because I had tons of things to take care of, including spending a lot of my free time devouring books in the school library.

  • 在2006年,吉姆爵士审查了阅读讲授课程之后,决定回到基础的”看字读音教学法”。此举正中政府下怀,因为当时这个方法已重新受到重视。
    In 2006 he reviewed reading tuition, and plumped for the back-to-basics "synthetic phonics"-to the delight of a government already mustard-keen on the method.

  • 他里里外外看了半个钟头,地段和几间主要的房间都很中他的意,加上房东又把那幢房子大大赞美了一番,那番话对他也是正中下怀,于是他就当场租了下来。
    He did look at it and into it for half an hour, was pleased with the situation and the principal rooms, satisfied with what the owner said in its praise, and took it immediately.

  • 在这个单薄的阵线上,现在只有几个微小的人物在坚持与奋斗着,可是却赢不了多数人的赞赏与掌声,张柏芝一句“猫哭耗子假慈悲”正中下怀专针对某个人,是啊!
    In the lonely line, only several small actors insist with their own a small power, but they can not win praise and applause from most of the people.

  • 因此,如果这个人的代理人失败了,并被他人所消灭,也并未算输——实际上,那个绝地目标正中对方下怀,因为他刚好帮对方收拾了一个烂摊子,也用不着对方亲自动手了。
    Thus, if one's proxy fails and is destroyed, it's no loss— in fact, the targeted Jedi has actually done one a favor, by taking care of a bit of dirty work one would otherwise have to do one self.

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