
止于至善  zhǐ yú zhì shàn








  • 企业理念:“追求卓越,止于至善。”
    The idea of our enterprise: "Striving to excel until reaching perfection".

  • “诚信为本,注重细节,用心做事,止于至善”。
    Honesty, attention to detail, hard work.

  • 生活情景真,生活文明至善。人生境界止于此。
    It is the truest life scene and the best life civilization where life bourn is rested.

  • “质量止于至善,资料守信保密”是我们永远的承诺。
    Improving quality until it is best and keeping secret of materials is our promise forever.

  • 我们的宗旨是“以顾客需求为中心,开诚立信,止于至善!”
    Our tenet is "focusing on the customers' demand, pure-heartedness, and in pursuit of excellence! ""

  • 精良的设备,专业的人才,一体化服务,从质到量,止于至善
    Advanced equipment, professional talent, complete service, from quality to quantity, our goal is perfection.

  • 大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。——《大学孔经》。
    The Way of Great Learning lies in illustrating virtue and rejuvenating people so as to reach perfection.

  • 给别人比他们期望的更多,并用心去做;(止于至善,难喽,累哦)
    Do more than others expect you to do and do it pains;

  • 我们不拘泥现状,“追求卓越,止于至善”是大西洋人不变的信仰!
    We do not rigidly adhere to the status quo, "the pursuit of excellence, Ö¹ÓÚÖÁÉÆ" is the belief in the Atlantic were the same!

  • 你如何能说一切止于至善?看看战争、剥削、人民及国家之间残酷的攻击。
    How can you say that all is well? Look at the wars, the exploitation, the cruel strife between the citizen and the state.

  • 《大学》集中从工夫论的角度肯定诚信之德在明明德、止于至善中的重要意义。
    "The Great Learning" attaches more importance to self-culturing and confirm the meaningfulness of "Sincerity " and "trust" in manifesting one"s virtue and in resting in the highest excellence.

  • 他说,实际上,您无法「仿效基督」直到您认为他的完美和您已经了解何谓止于至善
    He says, in effect, that you cannot "imitate Christ" until you recognize his perfection and this recognition depends upon your already knowing what it means to be perfect.

  • 他说,实际上,您无法“仿效基督”直到您认为他的完美和您已经了解何谓止于至善
    He says, in effect, that you cannot "imitate Christ" until you recognize his perfection and this recognition depends upon your already knowing what it means to be perfect.

  • 1951年,日本,能剧院的合唱团,能剧是充满禅机的,高贵而严谨的艺术,止于至善
    JAPAN. The chorus of the Nô theatre. The Nô plays are aristocratic and religious works of Buddhist inspiration, intended almost entirely for the elite. 1951.

  • 大学对社会发展的“止于至善”的道德追求和建设性的、理性的批判是其社会责任的核心。
    Universities' essential social duty lies in its endless moral pursuit of perfection and its constructive, rational animadversion.

  • 本文认为,朱子对《大学》阐释最根本的一个向度是《大学》「三纲领」中之「止于至善」。
    In this paper, we argue that "abiding in the Highest Good" is a basic interpretive dimension of Great Learning by Zhu Zi (l130-l200).

  • 在精益求精,止于至善思想指导下,造就了一批有强烈事业心的研发人员和稳定的职工队伍。
    In excellence, under the guidance of Zhiyuzhishan thinking, bring up a batch of strong R &D staff of professionalism and stability of the workforce.

  • 品类管理不断反覆检讨,可以发挥止于至善精神,使公司可适应不断变迁的环境中不败之地。
    Repetitively review the implication of Category Management to achieve the utmost realm, then the company is able to ride the tide of the changing environment.

  • 追求卓越,止于至善,荣事达人愿与有识之士携手并进,共创中国电动车行业灿烂美好的明天!
    The pursuit of excellence, Zhiyuzhishan, Rongshida people willing to go hand in hand with the people of insight to create brilliant Chinese electric car industry a better tomorrow!

  • 矢志耕耘,追求卓越,止于至善的企业精神,创造需求,服务社会为福帆走向世界奠定坚实的基础。
    Determined to work, the pursuit of excellence, Zhiyuzhishan entrepreneurial spirit, creating demand for social services for the blessing sail to the world laid a solid foundation.

  • 领尊信息科技,追求卓越止于至善,以一流品质创造无限商机,全身心打造国内顶尖信息技术服务提供商。
    LaureateSoft is devoted to become a national laureate in information technologies area, providing outstanding products and services with pursuit of first-class quality and customer satisfaction.

  • 「明德新民」四字出《小戴礼记》〈大学篇〉,原文是:「大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。」
    The College motto "ming de xin min" means "Make One's Virtues Shine and Renew the People". It is translated from one passage in the classic The Great Learning.

  • 本厂主要生产各种尺寸规格的手帕以及其他纺织品,提供OEM代加工。服务宗旨:诚信 高效,止于至善
    Factory mainly produces various sizes of the handkerchief as well as other textile products, provide OEM processing. service: integrity efficient, Ö¹ÓÚÖÁÉÆ!

  • 经营理念:“ 勤劳朴实止于至善永续经营 奉献社会” ,与供应厂商、生产厂商建立了良好长期配合关系。
    Business philosophy: "hard-working and simple dedicationÖ¹ÓÚÖÁÉÆsustainable society", and supply manufacturers, manufacturers have established a good long-term relationship with.

  • 止于至善:品牌协会各成员及会员应自强不息,发奋图强,永不停息,且把自主品牌建设尽尽美,以求达到极致完美的境界。
    To Be Perfect: Every members of Brand Association shall do the best to build their own brands constantly. Creating brands need persistent efforts.

  • 我必须说,在我合作过的所有艺人里面,妳是真的又杰出又专业─无论是妳对音乐的眼光,还是妳竭尽所能地臻完美、止于至善
    I have to say, out of all the artists I have worked with, you are truly an outstanding professional - both in your vision towards music, and your striving to reach for perfection.

  • 微软是软件技术行业的世界顶级企业,它所倡导的是对高智力的不断追求、高效率的团队合作、对工作不断努力的文化,微软的这种企业文化与东南大学止于至善的校训相得益彰、交相辉映。
    MS is a software giant. The culture of MS sparkplugs the incessant pursuance of high intellect, the efficient teamwork and the persistent endeavor to the work. Excellent culture makes the giant.

  • 止于至善造句相关
