
杀人如麻  shā rén rú má








  • 你认为这个杀人如麻的人不属于监狱么?
    You think a man who butchers people for the mob doesn't belong in jail?

  • 磨牙吮血,杀人如麻
    They are both grinding teeth to suck blood.

  • 那么,是什么家庭产生了杀人如麻的刽子手呢?
    So what kind of family produces a mass murderer?

  • 游戏介绍:德克萨斯州的杀人恶魔,杀人如麻……
    On the murder of those games : Texas, the deadliest……

  • 我认为他发现了十几岁人的生活比起那个杀人如麻的谋杀犯来是更可怕的。
    I think he finds teenage life more frightening than this mass murderer.

  • 萍萍讽刺地对我道:“我还以为是靠你的德威呢,原来靠的是杀人如麻呀。”
    The Ping Ping satire to say to me: "I also thought that was to depend on your moral prestige, but originally it depends on your big killing. ""

  • 而且他还杀人如麻,如果他在这里,只要眼放火球,屁股打雷,就能灭了英国佬。
    Kills men by the hundreds, and if he were here he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse.

  • 杀人如麻,快意恩仇一直是武侠小说的重要元素,当然还少不了缠绵悱恻,侠骨柔情。
    Deadliest, the creator of Chinese martial arts have always been an important element, of course, not the eyes, Endless love and gentleness.

  • 是啊,我听说过,他杀人如麻,如果他现在在这,他就能眼睛喷出火球,屁股放出闪电,把这些英格兰人都干掉!
    just one chance to come back, here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!

  • 是啊,我听说过,他杀人如麻,如果他现在在这,他就能眼睛喷出火球,屁股放出闪电,把这些英格兰人都干掉!
    Yes, I've heard. He kills men by the hundreds, and if he were here he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse.

  • 由姊妹情深、对后母虎视眈眈的女儿、杀人如麻的美艳天后…带给您无限欢笑与趣味,牵引您的思绪,姊妹万勿错过!
    From sisterly bonding, jealous daughters and killer beauty pageant queens, you are bound to laugh, cheer and be moved by these wonderful films.

  • 杀人如麻造句相关
