
未雨绸缪  wèi yǔ chóu móu








  • 因为意外随时发生,应未雨绸缪
    Because the accident momentarily occurs, should provide for a rainy day.

  • 我可是个聪明人,我是未雨绸缪呀!
    I am a man of great wisdom; I am raising money for raining days.

  • 为了避免将来的遗憾,最好未雨绸缪
    To avoid being sorry in the future.

  • 我们应存些钱以备不时之需。(未雨绸缪
    We should put aside some money for a rainy day.

  • 因此,为了避免如此悲剧的发生,我们应该未雨绸缪
    Therefore, in order to avoid so the tragedy occurrence, we should provide for a rainy day.

  • 他们还要未雨绸缪,关注濒危野生物种交易价格和数量。
    They also need to think ahead by tracking prices, as well as volumes, of all wildlife species at risk.

  • 这叫未雨绸缪,这样人们可以对厄尔尼诺做好适当的防备。
    It's a heads-up in advance so that people can be properly be prepared for this event.

  • 本文旨在帮助你和家人学会未雨绸缪,以便在大地震时逃生。
    This is designed to help you and your family plan for and survive a major earthquake.

  • 美丽人生起源于未雨绸缪—储备东西、时间、精力、空间和金钱。
    A great life is the result of having reserves—reserves of things, time, energy, space and money.

  • 这本小册子旨在帮助你和家人搞会未雨绸缪,以便在大震地时逃生。
    This booklet is designed to help you and your household plan for and survive a major earthquake.

  • 不要等到失业后再找联系人和更新简历。未雨绸缪会让结果好一些。
    Don't wait until you are laid off to keep your contacts and resume fresh.

  • 这个古老的智慧,反映了我们共同的道德判断,以及未雨绸缪的明智抉择。
    This proverbial wisdom has reflected the common ethical as well as the merely prudential judgments of mankind.

  • 我们的孩子将要在全球经济中为工作你争我夺,但为之未雨绸缪的学校又有几个?
    Our children will compete for jobs in a global economy that too many of our schools do not prepare them for.

  • 值得关注的是,MRO供应商需要帮助其客户,使起落架的拆换工作做到未雨绸缪
    The lesson to be learned is that MRO providers need to help their customers plan their gear removals as far ahead as possible.

  • 如何预测这些变化,未雨绸缪,取得市场的先机,对企业的未来发展有着重大的影响。
    How to forecast these changes, to take precautions and seizing the opportunity of obtaining market, on the development of our company's future has a major impact.

  • 尽管有诸多不确定的因素,但是中国总理,温家宝,仍然想要给人以未雨绸缪的印象。
    China's prime minister, Wen Jiabao, would like to give the impression that something is afoot, although there are reasons to be dubious.

  • 科学家相信,牠的行为是目前为止最强烈证据显示,人类不是唯一能未雨绸缪的生物。
    Scientists believe his behaviour is the strongest proof yet that humans are not the only creatures which can make plans for the future.

  • 但是,这个结论也许至少能让我们未雨绸缪,提前考虑在个人领域和公共领域该采取的策略。
    But this conclusion might at least enable us to think ahead and contemplate private and public strategies.

  • 我国也面临网路恐怖活动犯罪的威胁,应未雨绸缪,及早制定遏制网路恐怖活动犯罪的防范对策。
    China also faces the threat of Cyber-Terrorism crime, should prepares before serious crime situation and make effective method to control Cyber-Terrorism crime.

  • 国库储蓄金是用来国家未雨绸缪的储备金,但如果现在还不是下雨,那我不知道什么才叫下雨了。
    We always said the reserves are for a rainy day. so, if this is not a rainy day, i dont know what is.

  • 我早就意识这次危机的将要到来,大概三年前我就未雨绸缪了。一切都正常,我们正穿越这次风暴。
    I saw the depression coming and prepared for it about three years ago. Everything is in place and we are sailing through it.

  • “就此一次,我们想未雨绸缪,而不是亡羊补牢。”ioc的医务主任帕特里克·施马斯克医生说。
    'For once, we want to be ahead, not behind, ' said Dr Patrick Schmasch, the IOC's medical director.

  • 后来,大家把这几句诗引伸为“未雨绸缪”,意思是说做任何事情都应该事先准备,以免临时手忙脚乱
    Later, we put several lines express the extension as a "rainy day", meaning that to do anything else should be ready in advance so as to avoid temporary deal.

  • 随着控烟的加强,未来会不会加入警示图案,不得而知,但也要做好相关的准备,未雨绸缪,以免措手不及。
    With tobacco control, will join the caution of the pattern, it is unknown, but may also be related to the preparation, in order to avoid them by surprise for a rainy day.

  • 未雨绸缪:对于如何处理宠物遗体,从来都没有正确或者错误的解决方法----只有对你来说最好的解决方法。
    Think ahead: There is no right or wrong answer about dealing with your pet's remains --- there is just a right answer for you.

  • “太多的人不未雨绸缪思考这个问题,所以他们总是突然发现家人的离去,他们悲痛欲绝,他们能想到的就是失去,”他说。
    "Enough people don't think about this ahead of time and so they find themselves with a sudden loss in their family, they're consumed by grief, all they can think about is their loss, " he said.

  • 作为一种源头削减污染的措施,清洁生产“未雨绸缪”,与以往“末端治理”的措施相比,实现了社会效益与经济效益的“双赢”。
    As measures of reducing pollution from the source, "clean production" improves economic benefits and social benefits at the same time. This can be called a "win-win" success.

  • 未雨绸缪,刘先生办了一张借款额度为400万元的“东典融资一卡通”,当然事前他必须提供价值400万元以上的房产作为借款担保。
    Day, Mr Lau organized a loan for the amount of 400 million yuan in "East Code financing for-all", of course, must be provided in advance of his property worth 400 million as a loan guarantee.

  • 我们的经济严重衰弱,这部分是因为一些人过于贪婪、没有责任感;也是因为我们没有做出艰难抉择未雨绸缪应对这样一个新的时代,这是我们的集体失策。
    Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age.

  • 对新形式下我国旅行社经营管理危机的表现形式、类别、解决危机的办法与措施进行分析与探讨,以期使旅行社行业能未雨绸缪,为迎接旅游业新的发展机遇和挑战做好准备。
    This paper is intended to make a survey of various problems the travel agencies are faced with and present some solutions in hopes of their taking opportunity and challenge in tourism development.

  • 未雨绸缪造句相关
