
有教无类  yǒu jiào wú lèi








  • 教育无贵贱之分。/有教无类
    Instruction knows no class distinction.

  • 教育无贵贱之分。/有教无类
    Instruction knows no class distinction.

  • 孔子强调“有教无类”,提出“君子和而不同”。
    Confucius stressed that "education without discrimination", "There are differences in harmony gentleman".

  • 主张因材施教,有教无类,使每个学生都能有所得。
    I try to teach the students according to their abilities, so that every one of them can benefit.

  • 我们坚信有教无类,以配合学生个体需要和群体差异。
    We accommodate differences of students, adapt our work to meet individual needs and group differences.

  • 他们的全部目标集中在散播「道」的种子,听众愈多愈好,有教无类
    Their whole focus is broadcasting the seed of the Word indiscriminately to as wide an audience as possible.

  • 奥巴马还想彻底改革金融监管和2001年通过的“有教无类”教育法案(见注2)。
    Mr Obama also wants to overhaul financial regulation as well as the "No Child Left Behind" education law from 2001.

  • 他的学说的某些部分充分表现了汉民族在文化特点上的某些精神形态,如有教无类等;
    his theory of the full performance of certain parts of the Han nationality in the cultural characteristics of certain the spirit of the form, if education for all without discrimination, etc.

  • 功利主义是非常有教无类,因为它禁止人们在考虑差异,如果他们可能会受一个人的行为。
    Utilitarianism is highly egalitarian in that it forbids considering people differentially if they may be affected by one's behavior.

  • 有教无类法案》已经有利于美国的儿童——因此我要求国会就这项出色的法律重新授权。
    The No Child Left Behind Act has worked for America's children - and I ask Congress to reauthorize this good law.

  • 教师循循善诱,有教无类,学生应铭记师恩深重,社会人士也应表扬教师对社会的重大贡献。
    Teachers always give proper and patient guidance to all students without discrimination. We are all deeply indebted to our teachers, who well deserve the respect of the whole community.

  • 吴丕,《关于“有教无类”的思考》,《北京大学学报·政治学与行政管理学专刊》1995年。
    Thoughts on the Idea of Teaching without Class Differences, Journal of Peking University-Special Journal of Administration and Political Science, 1995.

  • 它包括“修己安人”,强调学习者的自我完善和社会的和谐发展;“有教无类”,提倡全员的学习;
    It includes cultivating one's morality for the purpose of ruling others, which stresses learner's self-perfection and social development;

  • 他采用“启发诱导式教学”,主张“有教无类”,这对我们今天的义务教育依然具有重要的指导意义。
    He adopted "heuristic method" and held "in education there should be no class distinctions". These are still very instructive for our compulsory education today.

  • 孔子的确是人类伟大的教育家,他以“有教无类”的原则教育鲁国的学生,也教育当时其他国家的学生。
    Confucius was really the greatest educator of the human. He educated students of not only State Lu, but other states with his concept of "Fair Education for All".

  • 布什在国内取得成功的体系之一,“有教无类”法案,需要学校更多的对学生进行测试并将结果公布出来。
    One of Mr Bush's domestic successes, the No Child Left Behind Act, requires schools to test pupils more and publish the results.

  • 有教无类的思想早已不合时宜,教育极博大精深,萌才是毕生事业,好像只有意淫学生,才可以坚持下去。
    It should be "I like him very much", not "I very like him. ". It is good to hear that you have such a good friend, friendship forever!

  • 在第四章中,作者指出:作为东西方教育和文明代表的大教育家,孔子与苏格拉底对待学生都是一视同仁,有教无类
    In chapter four, the author points out: As great educationists representing the education and civilization of east and west, Confucius and Socrates treat students treat equally without discrimination.

  • 然而,女性却等了好多个世纪,才等到进入学堂的那一刻,即便是有教无类的孔子,也无法解救女性于历史宿命的困境。
    However, women were not fortune enough to enter classrooms for centuries. Not even Confucius, whose students came from all walks of life, could rescue women from traditional dilemmas.

  • 然而,女性却等了好多个世纪,才等到进入学堂的那一刻,即便是有教无类的孔子,也无法解救女性于历史宿命的困境。
    Yet for centuries, women were not fortunate enough to go to school. Even Confucius' preaching that education shouldpe for all people could not rescuerthem from the fate of history.

  • 然而,女性却等了好多个世纪,才等到进入学堂的那一刻,即便是有教无类的孔子,也无法解救女性于历史宿命的困境。
    Yet for centuries, women were not fortunate enough to go to school. Even Confucius' preaching that education should be for all people could not rescue them from the fate of history.

  • 因为2002年布希政府的(有教无类法案)--假如学校没有改善他们通过的百分比,他们将失去州基金(的赞助)。
    Because of the Bush Administrations 2002 No Child Left Behind Act, if schools do not improve their pass percentages, they lose state funding.

  • 再次,有针对性地个体辅导虽然符合演讲人提倡的“有教无类”的精神,但是在现实中还受到师资资源和教师素质的问题的困扰。
    Thirdly, the speciallized education maybe in cordinate with the speaker's idea, but it has factual difficult when it comes to realization, such as teaching resources and qualification fof teachers.

  • 在“以德教民”方面,“有教无类”与“全民德育”是有重点的全民教育,“君子”与“新民”都是把个人利益与集体利益有机结合的理想人格。
    In "education for all "were emphasized, "the gentleman" and "the new people "combined the collective interest and the individual interest together organically.

  • 曹老师的个人偶像是孔老夫子,他自己花了很多时间钻研孔孟学说,他发觉他读了越多的儒家学问,他就觉得自己更同意孔子和校长有教无类的理念。
    Mr. Cao's personal hero is Confucius. He has spent many hours studying Confucius and his principals and the more he learns, the more he agrees with Confucius' ideas and principles. Mr.

  • 和谐发展的教育目的观、公益导向的教育设计观、义利结合的教育价值观、适当超前的教育发展观、“有教无类”的教育公平观构成了高等教育和谐发展的基本内涵。
    The basic connotation of harmonious higher education consists of harmonious aim, harmonious designation for commonweal, harmonious value idea, harmonious development and justice of education.

  • 有教无类造句相关
