
春光明媚  chūn guāng míng mèi








  • 春光明媚,您带领我们去春游;
    Chunguang beautiful, you take us to Spring;

  • 然而,四月的春天春光明媚
    However, April spring is beautiful.

  • 然而,四月的春天春光明媚
    However, April spring is spring beautiful.

  • 若干个月后,又是一个春光明媚的日子。
    Several months later, it was the spring day.

  • 到处是春光明媚,草木萌动的清明景象。
    Chunguang everywhere are beautiful, the Qingming vegetation Germinating scene.

  • 春光明媚的日子里,我感到非常舒畅。
    On a fine spring day like this I feel quite carefree.

  • 虽然春光明媚,但公园却是意料之外的凄清。
    The park was unusually empty, though, despite the fine spring weather.

  • 一个春光明媚的早晨。
    It's a warm spring morning.

  • 艳阳高照,春光明媚,幸福美满,开心快乐!
    There is always the bright sun shining with beautiful spring, happiness and joy!

  • 春光明媚,景色怡人。
    What a Glorious Spring, what pleasant scenery.

  • 春光明媚鸟语花香。
    Spring is gay with flower and song.

  • 瞧,雨后庭院,晨雾薄笼,碧瓦晶莹,春光明媚
    Look, after the rain garden, the morning mist the cage thin, green glazed tile Jingying, Chunguang beautiful;

  • 已是春光明媚时节,然而不论狗或者人都未曾察觉。
    It was beautiful spring weather, but neither dogs nor humans were aware of it.

  • 我认为房地产的冬天过去了,春天也来了,但并不是春光明媚
    I thought that real estate the winter has passed, spring also has come, but is not spring beautiful.

  • 柳条婆娑,春光明媚,可你是否想过被人践踏,被人遗忘的小草呢?
    willow whirling, spring sunshine, but you ever thought were trampled and forgotten the small grass then?

  • 应布什总统的盛情邀请,我很高兴在这春光明媚的美好时节访问贵国。
    I'm glad to visit the United States in the lovely season of spring, at your invitation, Mr. President.

  • 应布什总统的盛情邀请,我很高兴在这春光明媚的美好时节访问贵国。
    At the warm invitation of President [George W. ] Bush, it's a great pleasure for me to pay a visit to the United States in this beautiful moment of spring.

  • 主持人: 今日春光明媚,感谢大家参加“绿野仙踪”三期开盘新闻发布会。
    Moderator : beautiful spring scene today, thank you for your participation in the "Ten" news conference three days.

  • 又是一个春暖花开,春光明媚的时节,沉睡了一个冬天的万物又焕发出勃勃的生机。
    Is a spring, the beautiful spring season, a winter slumber and the world full of exuberant vitality.

  • 在最近的一个春光明媚的早晨,在一个公车站排队等车的北京人在队伍后面发现了一位名人。
    On a recent bright spring Sunday morning, a line of Beijingers waiting at a bus stop noticed a distinguished visitor at the back of their queue.

  • 我们应该学会接受生活所赋予我们的,不管是春光明媚还是寒冬腊月,我们要努力快乐的生活。
    I think we should learn to accept what life gives us. No matter whether it is the spring sunlight or the winter snowfall, and try to be happy.

  • 我们应该学会接受生活所赋予我们的,无论是春光明媚还是寒冬腊月,我们要努力快乐地生活。
    I think we should learn to accept what life gives us, no matter whether it's spring sunlight or the winter snowfall, and try to be happy.

  • 尽管全球和我国的经济形势不容乐观,但对大多数互联网企业来说,现在正是春光明媚的好时候。
    Despite the global and China's economic situation is not optimistic, but the majority of Internet companies, now is the Glorious Spring a good time.

  • 刚刚享受了两天春光明媚的日子,今天,北京又将迎来6级大风,与大风相伴的仍然是沙尘天气。
    Just enjoy a beautiful spring day for two days, today, Beijing will usher in six degrees, with strong winds accompanied the remains sand dust weather.

  • 这个周末是复活节,本应是春光明媚的日子,可对于美国大部分地区的人们来说,将会度过一个白色复活节。
    It's Easter weekend and supposedly spring. But across a swath of the US, it's turning out to be a white Easter.

  • 阳春三月,春光明媚,红都大地生机盎然。有幸作为中国延安干部学院的首批学员,我们来到革命圣地延安学习。
    Favour regards Chinese Yan'an cadre as first student of the institute, we will to revolutionary bethel Yan'an learn.

  • 虽然,白天骄阳似火,可是依然觉得寒意浓浓,寒风依就,没有让人感受春光明媚的美好,只是更多的空虚与无奈。
    Although the sea during the day, but still feel cold thick, depending on the wind, do not make people feel beautiful bright spring, but more emptiness and helplessness.

  • 正是春光明媚草木吐绿的时节,也正是人们春游(古代叫踏青)的好时候,所以古人有清明踏青,并开展一系列体育活动的习俗。
    It is springtime vegetation Tulu of the season and it was also the people Spring Outing (Ancient called Ta-Qing) good, so there are ancient Ching Ming Ta-Qing, and a series of sports practices.

  • 现在她找来那些销售代表和高层管理人员,听取他们对公司的批评,以及对雅芳应该在哪些地方做出改变的建议,即使现状看起来“一片春光明媚”。
    She now seeks out sales representatives and senior management to hear their criticisms of the company and their ideas about what Avon should be doing differently "even when the sun is shining".

  • 景观园林中,处处精雕细作:水上小桥弯弯,水边垂柳依依,掩映亭台楼阁,无论春光明媚里,还是烟雨朦胧中,都仿佛江南水乡,自在飞花,无边柳絮。
    All carved secret agents in landscape gardens: water curved bridge and hidden pavilions, just like in Jiangnan both the summer and spring.

  • 春光明媚造句相关
