
无独有偶  wú dú yǒu ǒu







  • 无独有偶-10秒内同时击败酸雾与火囊。
    Not One, But Two Jormungar - Defeat Acidmaw and Dreadscale within 10 seconds of each other.

  • 无独有偶,另一个女孩也有著同样的遭遇。
    A similar misfortune befell a girl, too.

  • 事情的发展总是无独有偶,我们就是不知道。
    Monolog: Sometimes we are on a collision course and we just don't know it.

  • 这真是无独有偶
    It is just such another.

  • 在测试产品时凌虐动物这一方面,工业是无独有偶的。
    Industry is not alone in its abuse of animals in product testing.

  • 无独有偶,在二手房交易市场中出现了一批独立经纪人。
    Coincidentally, the Housing transactions in the secondary market, a number of independent brokers.

  • 无独有偶,最近一个电视节目上进行的“试验”也着眼于介绍活动。
    Coincidentally, there was an "experiment" conducted by a TV show recently that also looked at introducing activity.

  • 无独有偶,私企老板张先生也是通过所谓“现金收购”出售的房子。
    Coincidentally, the private owner Mr Cheung also passed the so-called "cash acquisition" sell the house.

  • 无独有偶,秦曾是上海市委书记兼中共中央政治局委员陈良宇的秘书。
    Mr Qin happens to be a former top aide of the city's party chief, Chen Liangyu, who is also a member of the ruling Politburo.

  • 无意中反革命成了自由主义者,而拿破仑却成了革命者,真是无独有偶
    The counter-revolution was involuntarily liberal, in the same manner as, by a corresponding phenomenon, Napoleon was involuntarily revolutionary.

  • 无独有偶,他也是在这个区域打进了拜仁一球,帮助国米1比0力克对手。
    Coincidentally, he is also in the region scored a goal Bayern Munich, Inter Milan 1 to 0 over opponents.

  • 无独有偶,而今的艾敬也成为这样一位身兼音乐人、画家、作家等跨界艺术家。
    It's not a unique instance. Ai Jing now has become such a versatile artist of music, painting and writing.

  • 无独有偶,据国美方面称,周云杰前脚刚走,又一位液晶电视巨头光临鹏润大厦。
    Coincidentally, according to the country said the United States, Zhou Yunjie left foreleg, and a giant LCD TV presence Eagle Building.

  • 无独有偶,市节能墙改办对符合节能要求的小区的测试结果与人元公司如出一辙。
    Coincidentally, the city-run shows for the district to meet the energy-saving test results and no person per company.

  • 无独有偶,在过去的一周备受关注的还有与汽车一样成为新经济增长点的房地产。
    Coincidentally, during the past week with the car were the same concern as a new economic growth point of the property.

  • 无独有偶,此次版权事件中,被告各家视频网站除删除侵权视频外,均反应平静。
    Not come singly but in pairs, in this copyright incident, each video website divides the accused outside deleting tort video, all react quiet.

  • 无独有偶,研究者的这些发现与一种人类疾病有耐人寻味的雷同,就是莫氏综合症。
    The researchers' discovery finds an intriguing echo in a human disease called Morvan's syndrome.

  • 无独有偶,“你别无选择”正是著名作家刘索拉的一部小说名字,它曾经风靡一时。
    By coincidence, " nowhere " is suola, a famous author of the novel, it used the name vogue ten.

  • 无独有偶,上海日前也制定了一系列地方政策,同样是针对别墅等高档住宅的信贷市场。
    Meanwhile, Shanghai has recently developed a series of local policies, such as luxury residential villas also against the credit market.

  • 无独有偶,又有传言称央视招牌节目《面对面》主持人王志将身赴云南丽江,挂职“副市长”。
    Not come singly but in pairs, also some rumors said that CCTV the advertisement program "Face-to-face" director Wang Zhi goes to the body the Yunnan Lijiang, presents one's credentials "deputy mayor".

  • 无独有偶,让道金斯大为震惊的是,两个其他发现者在里德之后数星期里提交了圣杯的基因解决方案。
    In a coincidence that completely astonished Dawkins, two other finders independently submitted correct gene solutions to the Holy Grail within weeks after Reed.

  • 随后,拨打了曾经在华纳“战斗”过的高晓松,询问相关情况,无独有偶,高晓松的电话也转到了秘书台。
    Subsequently, the call in Warner "fighting" over the Gao Xiaosong, asked the relevant circumstances, coincidence, Gao Xiaosong also calls to the secretary of Taiwan.

  • 别放本人战别人比拟,那只会下降了你本无的价值。果为我们皆是无独有偶的,由于我们每一个己皆很特殊。
    Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us is special.

  • 别放本人战别人比拟,这只会下降了你本无的价值。由于我们皆是无独有偶的,果为我们每一个己皆很特殊。
    Don't set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is best for you.

  • 无独有偶,自去年夏天以来的石油大幅跌价也是由于投机者放开了他们的储备量,因为他们需要变现来弥补损失。
    As a parallel, much of oil's decline in prices since the summer was spurred by speculators unwinding their positions, as they needed to liquidate to cover losses.

  • 无独有偶,当地的星居装饰公司老板洪某也在12月12日中午像平常一样离开公司后,公司的员工就再也没有见过其人。
    Coincidentally, the local Star Hongmou home decoration company bosses are at noon on December 12 came from the company, the company will no longer seen its staff.

  • 无独有偶,就在这时候业主们得到通知,开发商隆重推出私家车位,每套十八九万,凡是购买车位的业主可以将车开进小区。
    Coincidentally, it was at this time to inform owners, private developers launched grand spaces, each Shibajiuwan, where the owners can drive into the purchase of residential parking spaces.

  • 无独有偶,苏打绿、蔡健雅、张震岳等小众歌手也创下了票房佳绩,这不能不让演出公司们对这些小众歌手的票房号召力刮目相看
    But this year, niche singers are edging their way from the fringe onto center stage and achieving impressive box-office results.

  • 无独有偶,海德格尔的主张也与此相似,他认为历史学的主要课题不是特殊的个体事件,也不是超乎个体事件的普遍规律,而是曾在的生存可能性。
    He said, the theme of historiography is neither that which has happened just once for all nor something universal that floats above it, but the possibility which has been factically existent.

  • 无独有偶,纽约大学营养学家马里昂“内斯托也认为,“选择了有机食品,就等于选择了一个杀虫剂更少,土壤更加肥沃,饮水更加纯净的地球。”
    Similarly Marion Nestle, a nutritionist at New York University, argues that "when you choose organic, you are voting for a planet with fewer pesticides, richer soil and cleaner water supplies."

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