
无恶不作  wú è bù zuò








  • 我听说他是个无恶不作的人。
    I heard that he was a man capable of anything.

  • 为了达到目的他不择手段,甚至无恶不作
    In order to achieve the purpose of his means, and even stop at no evil.

  • 那时希特勒的暴徒在街上横行霸道,无恶不作
    The streets were overrun by Hitler's bullies.

  • 他毫不隐晦,自己曾经抢劫、偷窃“无恶不作”。
    " He did not obscure, they have to robbery, theft, "stop at no evil.

  • 无恶不作的大帅得知后,便带同兵马到大虾家抢宝珠。
    When the villainous general learns about it, he heads the list to Shrimp's home to rob the pearls.

  • 不知道中文怎么说。大概是无恶不作,没一样好事儿吧。
    it is a ill wind that blows nobody good.

  • 黑社会头目雷老大作奸犯科无恶不作,更涉嫌杀害警员。
    The head of gangland keeps violating the law. He is also suspected that he murders a police officer.

  • 据说,每天晚上他都在夜幕的掩护下潜入庄园,无恶不作
    Every night, it was said, he came creeping in under cover of darkness and performed all kinds of mischief.

  • 德国看守集中营的党卫军寻欢作乐无恶不作[非纳粹宣传…
    Concentration camp Schutzstaffel Germany is guarded seeks pleasure being as wicked as possible [being not that Nazi propagates …

  • 强盗像发怒的蜂群一样洗劫村庄,他们杀人放火,无恶不作
    Bandits have come like a swarm of angry hornets. They kill and burn.

  • 强盗像发怒的蜂群一样洗劫村庄,他们杀人放火,无恶不作
    Bandits have come like a swarm of angry hornets.

  • 贵格:《生灵勿进》?(读宣传文字)恶魔为了生存无恶不作
    Greg : The Unborn? [reads *tagline] Evil will do anything to live.

  • 日军在我们的土地上,无恶不作,犯下了永远不可饶恕的滔天罪行。
    Never the Japanese forces on ours land, stopped at no evil, to commit the monstrous crimes which might forgive.

  • 在公元1559年,倭寇加强了对我海疆袭扰,烧杀抢夺无恶不作
    In the year 1559, the Japanese coastal areas and territorial seas, I stepped up harassment, burning, killing, plunder stop at no evil!

  • 1937年12月日本侵略者占领了南京城,大肆烧杀抢掠,无恶不作
    In December 1937, the Japanese army invaded, burned, and looted the city of Nanking.

  • 世尊记得,这犍陀多虽是个杀人放火、无恶不作的大盗,倒也有过一项善举。
    This man was named Kandata, and he had been a notorious thief who had performed murder and arson and other acts of evil.

  • 街上是充满了危险的,那里有疯狂奔跑的汽车、伤天害理的人贩,甚至还有无恶不作的地痞流氓。
    The streets are full of dangers, with insane drivers tearing around, abominable human traffickers out there, even gangs of thugs who fear nothing and will do anything.

  • 你曾否听说,一个无恶不作的父亲,却有一个极其善良的儿子,但这个儿子的下一代,却非常败坏?
    Have you ever heard of a wicked father who had an exceptionally good son, but then in turn the good man had an exceptionally wicked son?

  • 为达到该目标他们无恶不作,例如对过往的朝鲜人衣服上涂黑墨或用含有黑墨的射水枪对行人射击。
    They ran the whole gamut of evil doings, coloring the white clothes of Koreans passing by with black ink or shooting squirt-guns filled with black ink at them.

  • 你曾否听闻,一个无恶不作的父亲,却有一个极之善良的儿子,但这个儿子的下一代,却又是非常败坏?
    Have you ever heard of a wicked father who had an exceptionally good son but then in turn that good man had an exceptionally wicked son?

  • 到了明朝中期,倭寇与中国海盗勾结在一起走私抢掠,杀人放火,无恶不作,对沿海人民的危害越来越大。
    Finally, the Ming court resolved to bolster the coastal defenses, and ordered Qi Jiguang to put an end to the pirate menace.

  • 但金龙却说今时今日的他已经是个无恶不作的黑道分子,还故意让林菲见识他出手狠辣的样子,要林菲知难而退
    However, Jinlong tells her he is now a triad member and purposely shows her his ruthlessness so as to keep her away.

  • 你们这群肮脏的盗娼,叛经逆道、无恶不作;把上帝的殿堂变成了窃贼的巢穴;你们把这神圣的地方玷污得还不够吗?
    Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?

  • 花园本赛季开赛第一场,巫师队来到花园奸淫掳掠无恶不作,两个月后,尼克斯变身了,在下半场在巫师队身上射下了61分。
    On opening night at the Garden, the Wizards came in and ransacked the joint. Two months later, the Knicks were superior and bombarded the Wizards in the second half, 61-41.

  • 凯萨•波吉亚的去世也没有造成太多的悲伤,这也是他自己造就名声的后果。然而,他姐姐露克蕾琪亚却为这无恶不作的男人哀伤。
    Cesare Borgia's passing did not cause much sadness either, a result of the reputation that he had forged for himself.

  • 请看第19至21节所列出的可怕恶行,由放纵情欲、拜偶像,到社会、家庭人际关系破裂,以致酗酒等等,真正是「无恶不作」。
    Look at the horrible list in verses 19 to 21. It covers everything from the misuse of sex, wrong religion, break-down of relationships in society and families and the results of excessive drinking.

  • 在犯罪辩护领域,最常被提及的问题就是,律师怎么能为一个,或者说极有可能的一个,残忍的杀人犯或者无恶不作的大恶人辩护呢?
    In the criminal defense field of law, the following question comes up again and again: How can attorneys represent alleged brutal murderers and ruthless criminals who very well might be guilty?

  • 但一名卡耐基国际和平基金会的智库人员DipaliMukhopadhyay辩解到,虽然几名军阀无恶不作,另有一些却颇有成就;
    But although several of these warlords are awful, some have proved quite successful, argues Dipali Mukhopadhyay of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a think-tank.

  • 而克里奇则成了一个无恶不作的杀手,他不喜欢一刀命中要害,而喜欢用长镰刀先把被害者的内脏挖出来,然后再用他们自己的肠子将他们活活勒死。
    Not for him the simple slit across the throat. He liked to use scythes, first disemboweling his victims then strangling them with their own entrails.

  • 无恶不作造句相关
