
断线风筝  duàn xiàn fēng zhēng







  • 在我敞开的窗子上,挂着一只断线风筝
    On my opened window, hanging a broken-line Kite.

  • 放飞的心情像是断线风筝,虽自由,却难驯!
    Free minds are just like kites without lines, free but hard to control!

  • 爱是断线风筝
    The love is to break linear kite.

  • 反之支撑力度则小,股价会像断线风筝,随意飘荡。
    On the other hand support the efforts are small, the stock price will break like a kite, and random drift.

  • 但回到了家,清谈视窗久久没有动静,心中犹如风筝断线了。
    But I come home, I stare at that conversation window, not a word returned.

  • 断线风筝怎能找到回归的路?流动的云怎么停下流浪的脚步?
    Break linear kite how the road canned find out back to return?How to stop the footstep of divagation flowing cloud?

  • “砰——”老杨开枪了。一缕白烟消散,一只水鸭子像断线风筝从半空中坠下。
    "Bang"Old Yang fired. A wisp of white smoke dispersed to reveal a duck falling from the sky like a stringless kite.

  • 如果有一天我们分手,我会让自己随意漂流,因为那时我已是断线风筝没有方向!
    If one day we parted, I will let their random drift, because then I have lost kites without direction!

  • 她仿佛感到,新男友像是一只断线风筝,自已那无力的手总也牵不稳那根无望的线。
    She felt as if, the new boyfriend like a broken string of a kite, and their own inability to hand it also led by the instability of the McAfee line hopeless.

  • 无论我飞得多远,但还是你们手上的一只风筝,不会断线,总与捏线的你们一刻不离。
    No matter what I fly far away, but still in the hands of a kite that you will not be broken, with a total moment and not leave you pinch the line.

  • 一天,“溜冰鞋”在灯桂上发现了一只不知何处断线飘来的风筝,上面还有一只顽皮可爱的伴伴龙。
    One day, "skate" in guangxi in the lamp found a wonder where the disconnection, a kite with lovely naughty with dragons.

  • 断线风筝在天空中自由的飞舞着。它不知道它最终归属地,但它会一直飞走着,直到有一天它飞进一个人的手中。
    A thread-free kite cheerfully drifts in the sky. It knows nothing about its destination, drifting, wandering until it falls into someone's hand, sometime;

  • 断线风筝造句相关
