
探头探脑  tàn tóu tàn nǎo







  • “营业部主任”在一扇破窗户前面探头探脑
    The Sales Director said while looking into the house through a window.

  • 7月中旬,我偶然瞥见两只幼隼探头探脑向外张望。
    In mid-July I glimpsed two young peregrines peeking out.

  • 一天她帮我杀死了一只老在我家探头探脑的大老鼠。
    One day she helped me kill a huge rat that was hanging around our house.

  • 他看到一个德军士兵从百米开外的一个筑垒处探头探脑
    He saw a German soldier emerge from a mound of earth not 100 meters away.

  • 一只野猫在卖鱼的市场前探头探脑,摊主对它大叫:“滚开。
    A stray cat was lurking outside the fish market and the ower yelled at it, " Get lost! ""

  • 你有什么话说。——可别让我再看到你偷偷摸摸的探头探脑
    What have you to say. – Don't let me catch you snooping again!

  • 杨志刚要回话,只见对面松林里,一个人探头探脑朝这张望。
    Yangzhi was going to reply when a shadowy figure poked his head out of a grove opposite and peered at them.

  • 一只野猫在卖鱼的市场前探头探脑,摊主对它大叫:“滚开!”
    A stray cat was lurking outside the fish market and the owner yelled at it, "Get lost! ""

  • 一只野猫在卖鱼的市场前探头探脑,摊主对它大叫:“滚开!”
    A stray cat was lurking outside the fish market and the ower yelled at it, robo cop" Get lost! ""

  • 一只野猫在卖鱼的市场前探头探脑,摊主对它大叫:“滚开!”
    A stray cat was lurking outside the fish market and the owner yelled at it, " Get lost! ""

  • 一只野猫在卖鱼的市场前探头探脑,摊主对它大叫:“滚开!”。
    A stray cat was lurking outside the fish market and the ower yelled at it, " Get lost! " .

  • 附近乡下人有好奇的过来探头探脑,我们总是装神扮鬼,吓走了他们。
    If people ever became curious and poked their noses into our affairs, we would pretend to be ghosts and frighten them away.

  • 胖胖的腰部冒出了一丁点小芽苞,探头探脑的欣赏着这个神奇美丽的世界。
    Fat out of a small waist Buds small, appreciate the beauty of this magical world.

  • 狭必哈探头探脑的走出来,先躲到桌子底下,观察一下四周,似乎没有危险。
    Xia Bi Ha came out of kitchen and hiked under the table first.

  • 正在这时我妈下班回来,见邻居小伙伴探头探脑的,就问“你上我家干什么?”
    Just then my mother coming back from work, see the junior partner Tantoutannao neighbors, and asked "Are you doing on my house?"

  • 原来是篱上的牵牛花,密密匝匝竟相绽放了,嫣红、蓝白,探头探脑,挨挨挤挤。
    Originally fence on the morning glory, Mimizaza race to bloom, and Yan-hong, blue, Tantoutannao, suffer suffer squeeze squeeze.

  • 我说你跟我老婆亲嘴!你有什么话说。??可别让我再看到你偷偷摸摸的探头探脑
    I say you kiss my wife! What have you to say. ? Don't let me catch you snooping again!

  • 不过在未来短时间内,还是有足够的嫩芽一般探头探脑的潜力因素,让人保持对经济反弹的希望。
    But in the immediate future, there are enough green shoots to sustain some hopes of a rebound.

  • 还有的探头探脑,目光在老师与答案之间忙碌,一瞟到答案就马不停蹄地抄下去,心里雀跃万分呢!
    there look between the teacher and the answer to busy to answer non-stop to copy it, it was jumping for joy!

  • 门外的人似乎终于克服了自己的犹豫,一蹦子跳到门槛上,两手扶着门框,探头探脑地向屋里寻找着。
    The people out of the door seemed to get over the hesitation at last, stepped on the doorsill, put two hands on the doorframe, was looking for in the room.

  • 尽管包利尼是以在电视上探头探脑、扰乱记者报导新闻的严肃工作闻名,但他并非只是想要出锋头而已。
    While Mr Paolini has made a name for himself by bobbing about and generally disrupting reporters' efforts to be serious, he is more than just an attention-seeker.

  • 广场南侧,斜立着主宫医院那皱巴巴、阴沉沉的正面屋墙,以及探头探脑似的仿佛长满脓疱和疣子的屋顶。
    Over the south side of this place bent the wrinkled and sullen facade of the Hotel Dieu, and its roof, which seemed covered with warts and pustules.

  • 它们有的只从湿润的土壤里钻出一个个像小竹笋似的紫红色的“小脑袋”,探头探脑地张望着这充满生机的世界;
    They have only drilled the soil moist, like a small purple bamboo-like "small head", to Zhang looked at this world full of vitality;

  • 那时候我爬到屋顶上安装一根天线,这个情况被一个邻居看到了,他向警察报告说他看到一个小偷在那里探头探脑
    I climbed onto the roof to install an aerial and was seen by a neighbor, who reported seeing a burglar on the prowl.

  • 我正在懊恼的时候,一只小燕子又探头探脑犹犹豫豫地落在小气窗上,看看没有什么情况又飞了进来,接着另一个小燕子也飞了进来。
    I was upset when a Flying Swallow still hesitant Yu also fell on the small window to see what the situation did not fly in, then another Flying Swallow also fly away.

  • 一只狐狸被她踏在落时上的轻轻的脚步声所惊醒,探头探脑地望着珠儿,似乎拿不定主意,是悄悄溜走,还是呆在原地继续它的瞌睡。
    on the leaves, looked inquisitively at Pearl, as doubting whether it were better to steal off, or renew his nap on the same spot.

  • 一只狐狸被她踏在落时上的轻轻的脚步声所惊醒,探头探脑地望着珠儿,似乎拿不定主意,是悄悄溜走,还是呆在原地继续它的瞌睡。
    A fox, startled from his sleep by her light footstep on the leaves, looked inquisitively at Pearl, as doubting whether it were better to steal off, or renew his nap on the same spot.

  • 到处都有不怀好意的小脸,从洞口探头探脑向外张望,可一看到这位威风凛凛的动物,看到他的那排手枪,还有紧挨在他手里的凶神恶煞的大棒,就立刻隐没了。
    Here and there wicked little faces popped out of holes, but vanished immediately at sight of the valorous animal, his pistols, and the great ugly cudgel in his grasp;

  • 到处都有不怀好意的小脸,从洞口探头探脑向外张望,可一看到这位威风凛凛的动物,看到他的那排***,还有紧挨在他手里的凶神恶煞的大棒,就立刻隐没了。
    Here and there wicked little faces popped out of holes, but vanished immediately at sight of the valorous animal, his pistols, and the great ugly cudgel in his grasp;

  • 探头探脑造句相关
