
挺身而出  tǐng shēn ér chū








  • 挺身而出, 在大庭广众面前, 慷慨激昂地讲了一通。
    He got up in front of the huge crowd and made a moving and fiery speech.

  • 大多数强奸受害者不愿挺身而出
    Most rape victims don't come forward.

  • 警方要求事故的目击者挺身而出予以协助。
    Police have ask witness of the accident to come forward.

  • 此刻同情就挺身而出,但是带着些儿自私之心。
    Here sympathy sprang to rescue, but it was not unmixed with selfishness.

  • 怎么也不相信一个闺阁女子在关键时刻能挺身而出
    I could not believe that a girl could bravely step forward at such a crucial moment.

  • 在美国,你经常可以看到人们为了维护自身权利挺身而出
    IN AMERICA you can usually count on people to stand up for their rights.

  • 人人都提出了建议,但去没人挺身而出,去承担那项重担。
    Everybody made suggestions but on one actually offered to bell the cat.

  • 为什麽没有人挺身而出表示,他们做了并且/或者现在有它吗?
    Why hasn't ANYONE come forward to show that they made and/or now have it?

  • 只要我们挺身而出,甘做上帝施恩的有效渠道,祂就一定会帮助我们。
    He will come to our help if we only arise and become an active channel for God's grace.

  • 很幸运,我们的国家有这些在国家危难之际挺身而出保护人民的志愿军。
    Our Nation is blessed to have citizens who volunteer to defend us in this time of danger.

  • 这些税是非法的,人人都准备抗拒,可是谁也不愿为大家的利益挺身而出
    The taxes are illegal. All are prepared to protest, but none is will l to bell the cat.

  • 安德森说,值得庆幸的是,这次衰退实际上促使了更多的志愿者挺身而出
    Thankfully, the recession has actually spurred more volunteers to come forward, says Mr Anderson.

  • 与此同时,自由民主党,绿党以及保守党也将会挺身而出,站在迎接大选的第一线。
    So do the Liberal Democrats, Greens and Conservatives who will be standing in the coming general election.

  • 泰国警方在他租住的房屋将这名加拿大籍嫌疑人抓获后,呼吁更多的受害者挺身而出
    Thai police appealed for more victims to come forward after they nabbed the Canadian at a rented house.

  • 为你信奉的某人或某事挺身而出。一句简短的表示支持的话会带来奇迹,迅速扩大你的影响。
    Stand up for someone or something you believe in. A quick sentence of support can do wonders and expand your influence.

  • 而且我们都知道不管火箭哪个位置出了问题,麦蒂都会挺身而出,包括组织后卫,甚至中锋。
    Moreover we knew, no matter rocket which position had problems, the wheat peduncle can bravely step forward, including shooting guard, even center.

  • 邓布利多:要挺身而出去对抗敌人需要很大的勇气,但若是要挺身反抗朋友却需要更大的勇气。
    Dumbledore:It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.

  • 唯利是图的矿业公司正在酝酿着可怕的计划。为了保护朋友,大雄一行准备挺身而出全力一战!
    Mining company profits is brewing a terrible plan. In order to protect a friend, and his party prepared to stand up to Daxiong the First World War!

  • 所以让我们以奇妙的技术锻鍊高尚的品德,济弱扶倾停止斗争,挺身而出作为人道与和平的倡导者。
    So let us develop a noble character with fantastic technique to keep fighting for the weaker as a missionary of humanity and justice.

  • 皮尔斯为波士顿奉献出了很多精彩的表演,伟大的进球,很多时候他都能在比赛的最后时刻挺身而出
    Pierce makes a lot of big plays -- and shots -- for Boston, and he seems to come through late in the game most of the time.

  • 所有人挺身而出,为我们贡献了年度最佳表现。又见斯科兰德里,又见总统,布鲁萝莉和所有登场的球员!
    Everyone has to step up and bring this best game of the year…Scolandry again, Battier, Brookowry and anyone else that gets in that game!

  • 由于在场有外国嘉宾,赵本山在致辞时,出人意料地以一口英语作开场白,成龙“挺身而出”,充当起翻译。
    Due to the presence of foreign guests, Zhao Benshan in his speech, a surprise to an English opening, Jackie Chan, "to come forward, " acting as the translation effect.

  • 现在,很多国家无论富裕还是贫穷,都会为了民主、人权和善政挺身而出,积极谴责像缅甸这类一向轻视其理想的政权。
    Today, many countries, rich and poor, stand fordemocratization, human rights and good governance and are ready to condemn regimes such as Myanmar that routinely flout those ideals.

  • 并且伊拉克浪涌的部份是不仅100,000另外的队伍和警察,但地方公民挺身而出和--帮助为他们的邻里提供安全。
    And a part of the Iraqi surge was not only 100, 000 additional troops and police, but local citizens coming forward and to -- helping to provide security for their neighborhoods.

  • 怀着这信念,我们将能够一起工作,一起祈祷,一起斗争,一起入狱,一起为自由挺身而出,因为我们知道有一天我们将会自由。
    With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to go to jail together, knowing that we will be free one day.

  • 2008年太不正常了,一切都不正常,但关键时刻,中国男足挺身而出,用实际的输球行动向世界证明:中国男足还是正常的!
    It is abnormal in 2008, nothing is normal this year. However, in this high, China football team appear, they tell the whole world that they are not abnormal.

  • 当世界上的全人类行走在属天的路程上,做为真基督徒而为了基督的旨意在撒但面前挺身而出时,他们都将毫无疑问地面临撒但三次无情的迫害。
    When all the humanity of the world steps forward before Satan as true Christians on behalf of the will of Christ on the course of Heaven, they will definitely meet ungrounded accusations three times.

  • 新的时代已经来临!这是一个自由的时代!所有人都将知道,三百壮士为了抵御外侮,而奋战到嚥下最后一口气为止,我们将挺身而出奋战不洩到死!
    A new age has began, an age of freedom. And all would know, that three hundred Spartans get the last breath to defendant! Well stand and fight, and die!

  • 让我们昭告未来的世界…在这个酷寒的冬季,万物一片萧苏,只有希望和美德坚忍不拔的时候…这个城市和这个国家,受到共同危难的召唤,挺身而出,奋起迎战。
    Let it be told to the future world … that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive…that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet (it).

  • 让我们昭告未来的世界…在这个酷寒的冬季,万物一片萧苏,只有希望和美德坚忍不拔的时候…这个城市和这个国家,受到共同危难的召唤,挺身而出,奋起迎战。
    Let it be told to the future world … that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet (it).

  • 挺身而出造句相关
