
振振有辞  zhèn zhèn yǒu cí








  • 贝加姆11日谈及自己的行为时仍“振振有辞”。
    When talking about her behavior on the 11th, Begam still had absolutely no regrets.

  • 她对于工作失败的解释振振有辞,但是很难令人信服。
    Her explanations for failure to do the work were voluble but not easily believed.

  • 直接找这个同事谈,怎样处理最好,以免他剑拔弩张、振振有辞
    Q. What's the best way to handle a direct discussion with this coworker, so he doesn't become defensive?

  • 他们对于一切已经做了的或没有做的事总是有根有据、振振有辞
    They had chapter and verse for everything they had either done or left undone.

  • 诺斯中校,你常在这儿振振有辞地谈论在尼加拉瓜实现民主的必要性。
    Colonel North, you talked here often and eloquently about the need for a democratic outcome in Nicaragua.

  • 她很勇敢,真的。不是每个人都有勇气在爱人面前大声振振有辞地这样说。
    it is not easy for us to find someone we love.

  • 接着他发表了长篇大论,振振有辞地把他心目中的未来的军队鼓吹了一番。
    And he launched into a speech, eloquently advocating his army of the future.

  • 他喜欢用托尔斯泰的口吻振振有辞说:“归根结底,作家只不过是个工人。”
    He likes to argue, in Tolstoyan vein, that "the author is, in the last analysis, merely a working - man . ""

  • 如果说我到锡耶纳有几个堂皇的理由,那么我离开芝加哥就更加振振有辞了。
    I went to Siena for a few good reasons. I left Chicago for a million more.

  • 战火、死尸、难民以及各国首领们振振有辞的演讲,无一不冲击着我脆弱的眼球。
    The warfare, the cadavers, the refugees and the speeches of country leaders, all impacted my tender heart.

  • 振振有辞地说服了自己,归根结底是抵挡不了低房价的诱惑,我们终于搬了进来。
    Easy to persuade ourselves that in the final analysis is not resist the temptation of low prices, we finally moved in.

  • 对老师的责问振振有辞:我想对人的受惊吓程度进行实验,结果获得通报“表扬”。
    The teachers have every reason to ask: I would like people to the extent of the shock experiment, the results of the briefing was "in recognition."

  • 有时候,即使基本面即将有重大变化,上市公司却能振振有辞:“目前无任何应披露而未披露的消息”。
    Sometimes, even if the fundamentals change is about to have a major, listed companies can plausibly: "There is no disclosure of any information not disclosed."

  • 用未曾想到的方式去画认识的题材往往遭到责难,然而最振振有辞的指责也不过是“它看起来不太对头”而已。
    A painting which represents a familiar subject in an unexpected way is often condemned for no better reson than that it does not seem right.

  • 用未曾想到的方式去画熟悉的题材往往遭到责难,然而最振振有辞的指责也不过是“它看起来不太对头”而已。
    A painting which represents a familiar subject in an unexpected way is often condemned for no better reson than that it does not seem right.

  • 作为一个机器人制造者,你会发现你自己不由自主的观察自然并且塑造这个世界,嘴里还振振有辞:”哈哈!就是这样的。
    As a robot builder, you'll find yourself obsessively looking at the natural and built worlds and going: "Ah-ha! So that's how it's done. ""

  • 世行在中等收入国家所资助的项目——比如菲律宾的大坝(见上图)——可以振振有辞地被当作一个显著得多的成功事迹。
    Bank-supported projects in middle-income countries—like dams in the Philippines (see the picture above)—can plausibly be presented as contributions to a broader story of success.

  • 人的说话可以令人动容,情操高尚的诗句和振振有辞的演说,都会激发我们作一些伟大的事情,但却不能令我们返回神的怀抱。
    Human words can be impressive. Lofty poetry and powerful oratory move us to do great things. But none of it gets us back to God. Only God's voice can get us home again.

  • 钢铁雄心3将使玩家能够控制几乎所有的国家存在,甚至振振有辞可能存在期间的1936年至1948年,指导通过二次大战 。
    Hearts of Iron 3 will allow the player to take control of almost any nation that existed or even plausibly could have existed during the period of 1936–1948, guiding it through World War II .

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