
魂不守舍  hún bù shǒu shè








  • 他没听到你说的话,他魂不守舍
    He didn't hear what you said. He's spaced out.

  • 他没听到你说的话,他魂不守舍
    He didnt hear what you said. Hes spaced out.

  • 萨拉,你今天好像魂不守舍嘛!
    A. Sarah, you don't seem to be yourself today!

  • 不要相信他的记忆力,他整天魂不守舍的。
    Don't rely on his memory – he's a bit of a dreamer.

  • 不知道在想什麽,也不知道为什么整天都魂不守舍
    They do not know what they are thinking, do not know why, all day 108.

  • 不要魂不守舍,不要匆忙行事。———〔美国〕爱默生。
    Do not be restless; do not be hasty. ———(America) Ralph Waldo Emerson.

  • 你的容颜、口音、一言一行都让我赏心悦目,魂不守舍
    Your appearance, the voice, every word and deeds let me be pleasant, scared witless.

  • 最拍马屁的理由:女老师们太漂亮了,总让我魂不守舍
    The reason flatter most :The female teachers are too beautiful, total let my soul occupy to give up.

  • 不要魂不守舍,不要匆忙行事。———[美国]爱默生。
    Do not be restless; do not be hasty. ———(America) Ralph Waldo Emerson.

  • 你若行不端,罪就伏在门口,它令你魂不守舍,你必须制服它!
    But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.

  • 有时候我们这样说一个不安或紧张的人:看他那魂不守舍的样子。
    We sometimes say that people who are restless or nervous have ants in their pants.

  • 昨天他在大街上看到了一个靓妹,那一刻他魂不守舍地被迷住了。
    Yesterday he saw a strikingly beautiful girl on the street. He felt his spirit had left the body at that moment.

  • 川川,你醒醒,妈在这儿呢!又做恶梦了吧?看你被吓得魂不守舍
    Chuanny, wake up. Momma is right here. You had another bad dream, huh? Look at you, scared out of your skin!

  • 哇,要求那么高,一个有这样眼神的男人肯定让很多女孩魂不守舍的!
    Oh, that's too much! A guy with eyes like that is to die for!

  • 这两天大侠一直在打电话催要自己演唱的CD,据说有点魂不守舍了。
    In this couple of days, Vincent was hurrying me for his own CD, and is almost going nuts.

  • 国王队今年打得不算好。我们老是魂不守舍。我们找不到过去的感觉。
    find ourselves. We were never able to have the identity we had in past years.

  • 亨利勋爵不时地隔着桌子瞧着他,对他一言不发和魂不守舍的态度感到奇怪。
    Now and then Lord Henry looked across at him, wondering at his silence and abstracted manner.

  • 可一个星期后,我开始魂不守舍,我常常在他上班的路上左顾右盼,不相信他就此罢手了。
    I glanced around wildly on the way he went to work, refusing to accept the reality.

  • 可一个星期后,我开始魂不守舍,我常常在他上班的路上左顾右盼,不相信他就此罢手了。
    What was beyond my expectation was that I felt like losing my soul only a week later. I glanced around wildly on the way he went to work, refusing to accept the reality.

  • 一次,我看书达到了空前绝后的程度,如痴如醉,在写作业的时候都在看那本书它使我魂不守舍
    Once I reached the unprecedented level reading, mesmerizing in their homework when they are in the Look at this book it makes me restless.

  • 至此,鄙人怦然心动,心惊肉跳,喜出望外,神魂颠倒(魂不守舍),感谢上帝赐给了我一位有钱的天使;
    By then, I was suddenli moved and shocked, amazing and upsetting. Thanks for God that sent me an angel with a lot of money.

  • 我一直想念着你,并有千言万语向你诉说,然而它们却可以汇成一句话-我爱你,亲爱的,爱的魂不守舍
    I think of you always and have a thousand things so say to you. But they can all be summed up in a few heartfelt words-I love you to distraction, my precious.

  • 我一直想念着你,并有千言万语向你诉说,然而它们却可以汇成一句话——我爱你,亲爱的,爱得魂不守舍
    I think of you always and have a thousand things to say to you. But they can all be summed up in a few heartfelt words-I love you to distraction, my precious.

  • 不管我们打什么比赛,他现在都能判断赛场上的各种状况,这比起前几年他在场上魂不守舍的情况简直是判若云泥。
    No matter what play we call, he reads things and sees other things on the court that might not be there when with the play we called, which he would have seen a couple of years ago.

  • 她还会当着其他同事的面冲我大喊大叫,“你怎么老做错呢?”“你以为你自己还小啊!要我帮你换尿布吗?”“别老魂不守舍的。”
    She would yell at me in front of my colleagues. "Can't you do things right?" "You're still a baby wearing diapers. " "Come.

  • 雷阿伦魂不守舍,在对这骑士队中平均每场9。3分。这种低迷状态持续到第三轮对阵活塞队,直到第五场和第六场总共拿下46分。
    Ray Allen turned into someone else, averaging 9. 3 points against Cleveland with his slump extending against the Pistons -- until he broke out with 46 points in Games 5 and 6.

  • 获得过奥斯卡终生成就奖的杰克·尼科尔森在世界性感老牌影星排行榜男星中居首位。尼科尔森身上总是具有一种让女人魂不守舍的魅力。
    Lifelong batchelor, Jack Nicholson came top of the world's sexiest men poll. The actor has always had a charismatic quality women love.

  • 去年的银行业危机或许已从记忆中慢慢退却,但以下景象却挥之不去:雷曼兄弟破产后一个个魂不守舍的被辞员工拿箱子带着个人物品离开了金雀码头。
    LAST year's banking crisis may be fading in memory, but one indelible image remains: the dazed staff of bankrupt Lehman Brothers leaving London's Canary Wharf with their possessions in boxes.

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