
顺水推舟  shùn shuǐ tuī zhōu








  • 既然他们坚持要去, 干脆我们就顺水推舟, 让他们一同去吧。
    Since they insist on going, we'll simply push the boat with the current and let them go with us.

  • 假如它是个好工作,我们就顺水推舟
    If it's a good one, then we'll make it work for us.

  • 处理问题总是要顺水推舟
    Take things always by their smooth handle.

  • 他决定顺水推舟,他们要什么就给什么。
    He decided to take the easy option and give them what they wanted.

  • 对我来说改变是困难的,所以我只能顺水推舟了。
    It was hard for me to change so I just went ahead.

  • 类似这样的奸细也在前次曼谷的政治对决中起了顺水推舟的作用。
    Similar agentsprovocateurs have played walk-on roles in previous political showdowns in Bangkok.

  • 如果你弹错了一个音,那麽就顺水推舟地延续著它直到把它弹到好。
    If you hit a wrong note, then make it right by what you play afterwards.

  • 顺水推舟演一场西方霸强凌辱无助百姓的煽情大戏,恶意分裂这个世界。
    the humiliation of the helpless and innocent by Western powers, with the evil intention of splitting the world.

  • 顺水推舟演一场西方霸强凌辱无助百姓的煽情大戏,恶意分裂这个世界。
    It also hopes to dramatise the humiliation of the helpless and innocent by Western powers, with the evil intention of splitting the world.

  • 对于执政后期心力不足的叶利钦来说,交权与其说主动,不如说顺水推舟
    The ruling in the late Boris Yeltsin's lack of effort, rather than take the initiative to hand over power, as that opportunity.

  • 师者所以传道授业解惑也。学生所做的并不是所要求的,怎么能顺水推舟呢?
    You have to improve my sentence. (Students don't seem to understand what they are supposed to do.

  • 瀚峰也顺水推舟做起了野心勃勃的事业规划,当然他明白这只不过是纸上谈兵
    He had gone along with the joke, making up ambitious business plans that he knew he would not carry out.

  • 行政调控下的沪深股市IPO从来也没有违背过“顺水推舟,逆水翻船”的规律。
    Under the administrative control of the IPO in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets has never been violated, "yielded to the boat against the current" laws.

  • 在教学中主张和实施“因材施教,顺水推舟”的教学原则,对学生的艺术个性进行培养。
    The principle of "teaching according to the students' aptitude and the circumstances "is applied in cultivating students' artistic characters.

  • 只是有部分科学家拒绝接受证据,于是某些政治家就顺水推舟以此为借口不采取任何行动。
    A few scientists, though, refused to accept the evidence, and some politicians used their arguments to justify inaction.

  • 既然是够朋友的哥们,只好顺水推舟支持他的收购行动,无论如何,工厂得到注资对自己也有利。
    As a friend indeed Steven has to make use of the opportunity to do him a favor. Anyway the factory will have money to operate and he Steven has benefit in it.

  • 当生活心怀歹毒地将一切都搞成了黑色幽默,我顺水推舟把自己变成了一个受过高等教育的流氓。
    While life spoofs everything to be black humor viciously, I push the boat along with the current to make myself to become a scamp of high cultural background.

  • 我也顺水推舟得接受了这瓶酒,并告诉他们,他们做的非常棒,尽管这根本不是他们的份内事情。
    I graciously accepted a bottle of wine, and told them they did a great job handling a situation that was out of their control.

  • 当生活心怀歹毒地将一切都搞成了黑色幽默,我顺水推舟把自己变成了一个受过高等教育的流氓。
    when the malicious mind of life to engage in everything became black humor, I take this opportunity to change themselves into a highly educated rogue.

  • 专业人士提示,去年房价暴涨时,一些价不符实的楼盘顺风而上,同样,在市场低迷时,这些楼盘也会顺水推舟
    The professional prompts, last year the house price when rose suddenly, some price not Fu Shi estate running free on, similarly, when market murky, these estates will also push the boat along.

  • 于是,相对论效应的时间膨胀就可顺水推舟,以正比于能量的状态帮我们延长缈子的生命,再让传统加速器从容接手。
    At that point, relativistic time dilation helps out, extending the muons' lifetime in proportion to the energy achieved, providing more time for a conventional accelerator to take over.

  • 集中注意力在带给你愉快和享受的方式上给出服务。你只有一个焦点,「我可以如何给出服务?」 一切将如顺水推舟
    Concentrate on giving service in a way that brings you great pleasure and enjoyment. Make your only focus, "How may I serve?" and everything will be given unto you.

  • 她本来不想让他看她写的日记,现在既然已被他发现,那就顺水推舟,让他知道这件事。这样一来,她心中也觉得高兴和踏实。
    She would have liked to conceal what she was writing from him, and at the same time, she was glad he had caught her, and she had to tell him.

  • 第二例讲述的是一位赴阿拉伯传统餐宴的美国人不了解阿拉伯食品,闹出笑话,而主人顺水推舟,以自己的行为挽回美国人面子这样的一个故事。
    Instead this other person told us a story it he said was quite well known about an American who had been invited to an Arab meal at one of the countries of the Middle East.

  • “因此,我不知道怎么说,我想我们不得不顺水推舟。”枪手主席补充到。他确信枪手已经离这位球员越来越远了,金钱已经无法留住弗拉米尼了。
    "So I don't know the answer, all I know is we think we have pushed the boat out, " added Hill-Wood, confirming that the Gunners had gone as far as they feel able to, money-wise, to keep Flamini.

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