
长驱直入  cháng qū zhí rù








  • 首都沦陷,敌人长驱直入,鲜血染红了白雪。
    The capital was abandoned. The enemy was advancing. The snow was stained with blood.

  • 这支部队长驱直入,从敌军那里夺下了许多军营。
    The army fought its way down and captured many camps from the enemy.

  • 香港没有这种天然的保护来阻挡好莱坞影片长驱直入
    Hong Kong has no such natural protection from a flood of Hollywood production.

  • 如果恐惧长驱直入,它便甚至会导致精神压力和疾病。
    If left unchallenged, fear can even lead to stress and illness.

  • 随着我国加入WTO,更多的海外中介将会长驱直入
    Following China's accession to the WTO, more overseas intermediary will drive straight.

  • 皮肤上的任何一处伤口都可能让细菌长驱直入你的体内。
    Any break in the skin can let bacteria enter the body.

  • 中国的绣花鞋长驱直入美国市场,成为受欢迎的生日礼物。
    Embroider shoe of China drives straight in American market, make welcome birthday present.

  • 长驱直入到敌人基地可能会取胜,不过还有些因素会阻挠你。
    Going in head forward right into the enemy base could result in a win, but the odds will be stacked against you.

  • 最后在公元前539年,居鲁士成功地长驱直入巴比伦的古城。
    Finally in 539 BC, Cyrus marched triumphantly into the ancient city of Babylon.

  • 风,有几份凉,从敞开的窗棱间长驱直入,进入我温热的心底。
    wind, there are several cool, from the open window of edges between the drive straight into my warm heart.

  • 1644年,一位农民起义领导人带领义军长驱直入攻占了北京。
    In 1644, a peasant rebel leader marched into the capital and captured Beijing.

  • 此刻,男性舌头的长驱直入则以侵略性的姿态开始了狂欢的邀约。
    At the moment, of male tongue drove straight in to begin to be invited orgiasticly with invasive attitude about.

  • 这几年,中国在几届奥运会上—路高奏凯歌,长驱直入势如破竹,成绩喜人。
    In recent years, China in the previous Olympics - Road played songs of praise, dive in. , Shirupozhu, gratifying results.

  • 有时黑客都不需要通过服务器漏洞攻击,直接通过网站本身的代码漏洞就能长驱直入
    Sometimes the hacker does not need to be attacked through server flaw, the code flaw that passes website itself directly can drive straight in.

  • 波斯陆军继续长驱直入,雅典采取坚壁清野的战术,将所有雅典人和物资撤出雅典城。
    Persian ground force continues driving straight in, Athens adopts the tactics of strengthening defence work, withdraws from all people and goods and materials in Athens Athens.

  • 北极的气流将从加拿大下行并将降雪带到明尼苏达州,接着在本周末长驱直入到南部。
    Arctic air was to 3. dip down from Canada and spread snow into Minnesota before 4. digging/marching into the South by the end of the week.

  • 他在一对一的情况下拦截崔成国失误,被崔成国长驱直入突破所有防线助攻队友得手。
    In his one-on-one situations to intercept errors Choi Sung-kuk, Choi Sung-kuk was breaking in. All successful line of defense team assists.

  • 然而,她凭借钢铁意志继续长驱直入,她说,哪怕死在这上面,她也要攥着股,让它再涨五个点。
    But she set her iron will and lashed it amidships, and said she would hold on for five points more if she died for it.

  • 比赛开始激烈起来。鲁尼抢下艾辛的球,长驱直入,但是切赫在他倘大的一瞬从他的脚下把球扑住。
    The game was opening up. Rooney powered goal-side of Essien and raced for goal, but Cech claimed it from his feet when he over hit it.

  • 瞻望体育文明发展前景:市场经济长驱直入,更新观念迫在眉睫,人才竞争愈演愈烈,全球融合势在必行。
    Market economy pushes deeply into it and it is extremely urgent to break with the conventional idea. Talent competition grows in intensity and it merges into the whole world imperatively.

  • 他的追随者接连好几个星期总是长驱直入300米宽的周边地带,以色列宣布去年攻击了加沙,以后不再限制。
    Week after week his followers march into the 300-metre-wide perimeter zone which Israel declared off-limits after last year's assault on Gaza.

  • 一旦艾滋病病毒侵入人体体内,这种良好的防御体系便会土崩瓦解,各种病毒乘机通过血液、破损伤口长驱直入
    Once HIV intrusion into the human body in such a good defense system will collapse, all kinds of virus flew through the blood, wound dive in. damaged.

  • 美国在九一一事件后出兵阿富汗与伊拉克,军事力量长驱直入中亚,全面介入中亚事务,增中亚地区情势的复杂性。
    After America attacked Afghanistan and Iraq, subsequently his military power deeply got into central Asia, absolutely intervened issues about this area, and made situation much more complicated.

  • 在国外,他长驱直入乔治·布什过去受阻的领域——中东和平问题、美俄关系、气候棉花问题、伊朗核计划以及阿富汗战争。
    Abroad, he charged into areas where George Bush had become bogged down—peace in the Middle East, relations with Russia, climate change, Iran's nuclear programme and war in Afghanistan.

  • 他也两次长驱直入巴比伦,尽管在这些场合上无法废除真正的巴比伦国王,却仍然傲慢地打出古老的头衔“苏美尔和阿卡德之王”。
    He also marched into Babylon twice, assuming the old title "King of Sumer and Akkad", although he was unable to depose the actual Babylonian king on these occasions.

  • 当地的因纽特人可以坐着狗拉雪橇,在广阔的冰原上长驱直入捕猎海豹和鱼,但是最近几年冬季,海湾里结的冰很脆弱,甚至不结冰。
    The local Inuit would hitch their dog teams to their sleds and make long excursions onto the ice, to hunt for seal and to fish, but in recent years the winter ice has been treacherous or non-existent.

  • 我们固然小,但是我们能够举足轻重,像但以理一样,我们祷告时也许感到软弱,但是我们的祷告能够掀动神的天军长驱直入,势如破竹。
    We may be small, but we can make a big difference. Like Daniel, we may feel weak as we pray, yet our prayers mobilize God's air force and result in a breakthrough.

  • 印度一些资深分析人士称,印度在边境地区刻意搁置基建开发,目的是在中国跨越喜马拉雅入侵的情况下,阻止中方在印度境内长驱直入
    withheld infrastructure development from its border regions to prevent China from being able to penetrate deeply into India in case of an invasion across the Himalayas.

  • 2001年,布什在一帮人的簇拥下长驱直入华盛顿,这帮人对43届总统忠心耿耿,他们在奥斯丁就有多年的交情,而且也对华盛顿的惯例也不怎么感冒。
    Mr Bush rode into town in 2001 surrounded by people who had known each other for years in Austin, who were fiercely loyal to "43", and who had little liking for the customs of the Potomac.

  • 此外,缺乏经验的法国队在接下来的比赛中一直没有进球。直到比赛进行到第47分钟,法国队的戈兰才带球长驱直入,她将求挑过中国守门员张艳茹的头部入网。
    Despite this, the inexperienced French did not score until the 47th minute when Thirney Gaelane drove the ball straight over keeper Zhang Yanru's head and into the net.

  • 长驱直入造句相关
