
逢凶化吉  féng xiōng huà jí







  • 不过他逢凶化吉,很快便找到了更理想的工作。
    But the fell on his feet and found a better job very soon.

  • 1939年出生者:吉星高照,所以凡事都能逢凶化吉
    Born in 1939: You're lucky, so all bad luck can be turned into good fortune.

  • 吉米被解雇了。不过他逢凶化吉,很快便找到了更理想的工作。
    Jimmy was laid off. But the fell on his feet and found a better job very soon.

  • 没关系,购买一个小道具重卜一卦,马上让你逢凶化吉,否极泰来。
    It is not too wonderful Has not related, purchases a small stage prop heavy divination ancient divination symbol, lets you turn bad luck into good immediately, darkest before dawn.

  • 有时,他也确实会亏本,但是他总是会逢凶化吉,找到钱去投资生财的。
    Sometimes he'll lose out, but somehow he usually manages to land on his feet and find money to put into something else that makes a profit.

  • 但孙悦在场上的几处闪光点,仍然能够寻找到在现阶段逢凶化吉的机会。
    But Sun Yue's on field several flashing temperatures, still could seek to the opportunity which turns bad luck into good in the present stage.

  • 有时,他也确实会亏本,但是他总是会逢凶化吉,找到钱去投资生财的。
    Sometimes he'll lose out but somehow he usually manages to land on his feet and find money to put into something else that makes a profit.

  • 有时,他也确实会亏本,但是他总是会逢凶化吉,找到钱去投资生财的。
    Green is one of these people who's not afraid to put his money into some very risky investments.

  • 说也奇怪,凡能听到吉、吉、吉之声的人们出关后都能逢凶化吉,平安归来。
    Strange to say, who can hear Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan voice of the people after they exitfeng xiong hua ji , safe return.

  • 有时,他也确实会亏本,但是他总是会逢凶化吉,找到钱去投入资金生财的。
    Sometimes he'll lose out, but somehow he applying manages to earth on his foot and search cash to put into event else those dos a profit.

  • 据说,鸡冠帽戴在头上,表示雄鸡永远陪伴着姑 娘,可以驱邪避害,逢凶化吉
    It is said that wearing a cap crest in the head, always accompanied by a rooster that the girl can Bihai evil, Fengxionghuaji.

  • 希思罗普显得很犹豫,有很多传中和射门没能及时清除,却每次都可以逢凶化吉
    Hislop was a largely hesitant figure in the visitors' goal, failing to deal cleanly with numerous crosses and shots but managing to survive each time.

  • 每逢换班时,人们都给姑娘泼水,用以冲洗血迹,逢凶化吉,表演感激,并致敬意。
    Girls shift every year and in very shift, the girl was given water to wash blood , land on her feet, show gratitude and pay tribute.

  • 蛋壳涂红色,五颜六色网袋装着,挂孩子脖子,意谓祝福孩子逢凶化吉,平安无事。
    Eggshell painted red net bags with colorful, and hung on the neck of a child means a child wishes , safe and sound.

  • 清水祖师有到信徒家小住,以神力加被,使他们逢凶化吉的惯例。神像因此不只一尊。
    It is customary among believers to take the Patriarch's image into their homes for a short stay in hopes that he will change their luck through his spiritual power .

  • 他像一只猫,不管怎么扔,都会脚先着地。(和猫有九命相似。形容一个人大难不死或逢凶化吉。)
    He's like a cat, fling him which way you will. He'll light on his legs.

  • 蛋壳涂上红色,用五颜六色的网袋装着,挂在小孩子的脖子上,意谓祝福孩子逢凶化吉,平安无事。
    Eggshell painted red net bags with colorful, and hung on the neck of a child means a child wishes , safe and sound.

  • 1940年出生者:查觉身体有异,要及早看医生,切忌拖延。不过因有吉星高照,所以能逢凶化吉
    Born in 1940: Go to a doctor if you don't feel good. Don't hesitate. But you're lucky, so everything will be OK in the end.

  • 运用战术能高深莫测,足智多谋,身处逆境而能转祸为福,面对危难而能逢凶化吉。这样的将帅是智将。
    Uses many strategies that are not easily anticipated and able to turn crisis or dangers into opportunities, such is a 'wise' general.

  • 尽管尼尔森在50年代就开始了他的演艺生涯,但是他的突出成就是80年代的经典作品《逢凶化吉满天飞》。
    Although starting his acting career in the 50's his comedic breakthrough came in the 80's with the cult classic, Airplane!

  • 我的弟弟乔因为总是不准时上班而被公司解雇了。可是,他倒是逢凶化吉又找到了一份工作,而且工资还加了一倍。
    My brother Joe got fired for never coming to work on time, but he landed on his feet and found another job that paid twice as much money.

  • 它能预见主人出行时会碰到不详的事情,从而千方百计不让主人出门,或者推迟主人出门的时间,使主人逢凶化吉
    Owner expected to travel when it met unknown things to do everything possible to not let go of, or delay masters out of time to allow the owner luck.

  • 秘鲁队是锦标赛中的小字辈,但它却逢凶化吉夺得决赛权。除了一场外,它在其它所有三场比赛中都是打满五局反败为胜。
    The underdog team of the tournament, Peru, squeaked its way to the final with not one, but three 5 set comeback victories in all matches but one.

  • 这个人说:“我的弟弟因为老是不准时上班而被公司解雇了。可是,他倒是逢凶化吉又找到了一份工作,而且工资还加了一倍。”
    My brother Joe got fired for never coming to work on time, but he landed on his feet and found another job that paid twice as much money.

  • 这个人说:“我的弟弟因为老是不准时上班而被公司解雇了.可是,他倒是逢凶化吉又找到了一份工作,而且工资还加了一倍。”
    My brother Joe got fired for never coming to work on time, but he landed on his feet and found another job that paid twice as much money.

  • “非典”肆虐害了大车市场,热了小车市场。四月上海车展提前打烊所预示的市场“凶兆”,忽然间被一股自发的需求逢凶化吉了。
    Shanghai car will be exhibited in April ahead of schedule the market with adumbrative place of put up the shutters " boding " , suddenly by initiative demand turn ill luck into good.

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