
载歌载舞  zài gē zài wǔ







  • 人们载歌载舞庆祝国庆。
    Singing and dancing, people celebrated National Day.

  • 这是载歌载舞,欢庆胜利的时刻。
    It was a time for victory and dancing.

  • 所有的孩子都开始载歌载舞起来了。
    All the children piped up and began to dance.

  • 她心血来潮的时候会在桌子上载歌载舞
    She would dance and sing on talbletops when the mood struck her.

  • 整个夜晚人们载歌载舞
    All night long, people dance and sing.

  • 他们会安排唱颂圣名,花数小时去载歌载舞
    Kirtan would be arranged and they would spend hours in dance and devotional music.

  • 我会在欢乐的顶端上大笑、哭泣和载歌载舞
    I shall both laugh and dance and weep and sing on the heights of Joy.

  • 同学们穿上新衣服,载歌载舞,多么的快乐!
    Schoolmates are wearing new dresses. We sing and dance, how happy we are!

  • 旁边打谷场上是人们节庆时常有的场景,载歌载舞
    There is a scene of festively singing and dancing.

  • 不是槌的打击,而是水的载歌载舞使鹅卵石臻于完美。
    Not hammer-strokes, but dance of the water sings the pebbles into perfection.

  • 不是槌的敲打,乃是水的载歌载舞,是鹅卵石臻于完美。
    Not hammer-strokes, but dance of the water sings the pebbles into perfection.

  • 不是槌的打击,乃是水的载歌载舞,使鹅卵石臻于完美。
    Not hammer-strokes, dance of the water sings the pebbles into perfection.

  • 以后,每逢这天,瑶民便汇聚一起,载歌载舞,纪念盘王。
    During the day, Yao people would come together, singing and dancing, set to commemorate King.

  • 他们将感激满怀,载歌载舞,高燃篝火,张灯结彩庆此佳节。
    They will celebrate it with thanksgiving, with festivity, with bonfires, and illuminations veduchina.

  • 用菲璐的话来说,这个名字便是他们在台上载歌载舞的写照。
    To quote Faylu's words, the self title simply reflects their entertaining dancing and singing on the stage.

  • 于摔酒杯及擦手指声响中,大家随著热情的希腊音乐载歌载舞
    Glasses are smashing. Fingers are snapping. Everybody is dancing to the sultry music of the Bouzoukies.

  • 每年春天,人们在草地载歌载舞赞美感谢小高梵为人们画下的一切。
    And every spring, the People danced and sang the praises of Little Gopher who painted for the People.

  • 每年四月,云南傣族人民载歌载舞庆祝泼水节,泼水节是傣族的新年。
    Every April, the Dai people in Yunnan Province sing and dance to celebrate their Water-Sprinkling Festival, their New Year's Day.

  • 我们那里的习俗是跳舞。每逢节假日,街道上就有很多载歌载舞的人。
    We dance. There are many people on the street dancing every festivities.

  • 他还很小的时候,就开始学习演唱一种载歌载舞的二重唱,名叫二人转。
    He started to sing Er Ren Zhuan, a song and dance duet since he was a little boy.

  • 永远不会有一帮载歌载舞的舞男忽然从哪儿冒出来,开始用香波为你洗发。
    a group of singing male dancers will never appear suddenly out of nowhere and start shampooing your hair.

  • 永远不会有一帮载歌载舞的舞男突然从哪儿冒出来,开始用香波为你洗法。
    A group of singing male dancers will never appear suddenly out of nowhere and start shampooing your hair.

  • 在游行中,他们高兴地载歌载舞。一些妇女选择在这一天为穷人送去食物和做些善事。
    During the parade, they dance and sing happily. Some women prefer to give away food to the poor and do something good on this day.

  • 眼见她现在能够在台上载歌载舞,神情自若地弹奏不同的乐曲,心里也替她感到高兴。
    She can now see the stage singing and dancing appears to play different songs for her heart also was pleased.

  • 四川民间曲艺品种,一人或多人载歌载舞说唱故事的新曲种。在四川民间的“车灯调”基础上创造。
    Sichuan Chedeng is story talking and singing performed either by one actor or a group of actors while they dancing.

  • 进入载歌载舞的歌曲部分之后,加入手鼓、热瓦甫等伴奏乐器,但伴奏中的核心乐器仍然是哈密艾捷克。
    In the part of singing and dancing, tambourine and rewapu were added, but the key musical instrument was still Hami aijieke.

  • 浓厚的恶臭笼罩着城市,这是对腐朽的俄国社会的隐喻。夜晚贵族们载歌载舞,穷人却在发霉的屋子里忍受饥饿。
    The thickening stench hangs over the city, a metaphor for the wider decay in Russian society where aristocrats dance the night away and the poor starve in mouldy rooms.

  • 上千名喀麦隆人盛装着在街头载歌载舞欢迎教宗本笃十六世的来访。这是教宗此次非洲之行的一部分,不日教宗还将前往安哥拉。
    Thousands of finely dressed Cameroonians danced and sang at the roadside this week as Pope Benedict XVI arrived on an inaugural African tour that will also take in Angola.

  • 旁白:通过他们的媒体公司和财富,寡头们支持了叶利钦竞选连任的运动,全俄罗斯载歌载舞,叶利钦在民意测验中大大胜出并赢得了选举。
    NARRATOR: With their media companies and wealth, the oligarchs backed Yeltsin's reelection campaign. Singing and dancing endlessly across Russia, Yeltsin surged ahead in the polls and to victory.

  • 《快乐的圣诞节》)快乐的孩子们载歌载舞欢庆节日的快乐,圣诞老人在孩子们的热情感染下出来了!看,圣诞老人正在给小朋友发礼物呢!
    A group of happy kids express their happiness with singing and dancing. Look! Santa Clause is handing out the gifts to the kids.

  • 载歌载舞造句相关
