
走马上任  zǒu mǎ shàng rèn








  • 此番走马上任让他得到了新的舞台。
    This time he took office to be a new stage.

  • 不久另四位官员也将走马上任
    A further four members will be appointed.

  • 鲍勃走马上任,坐船来到那个遥远的全国。
    Bob commenced his assignment and reached the distant country by boat.

  • 鲍勃走马上任,坐船来到这个遥远的国家。
    Bob commenced his assignment and reached the distant country by boat.

  • 团团和圆圆是中国刚走马上任的“熊猫外交官”。
    Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan are China's newest panda diplomats.

  • 在吴金贵下课之后,贾秀全走马上任执教上海申花。
    After Wu Jingui finishes class, Jia Xiuquan takes up an official post teaches Shanghai Shenhua.

  • 走马上任的时候,法律意见和其它工作的积压问题很严重。
    When I took office, there was a serious backlog of opinions and other work.

  • 走马上任时,哈萨克斯坦可能不会纵容这种对人权的恶意侵犯。
    It may not want to begin its tenure by conniving at such an outrageous violation of human rights.

  • 我们正在全力确保该地区的选举顺利进行,地方领导人也即将走马上任
    And we are trying to make sure that local elections take place so that local leaders are in place.

  • 一年前走马上任的马英九如今在各方对政府紧急响应的谴责声中饱受压力。
    Ma, who came to power more than a year ago, has come under pressure amid criticism of the government's emergency response.

  • 撒母耳走马上任作以色列民领袖和士师后的第一件工作就是呼召以色列人悔改。
    Samuel's first task as he entered into his new role as leader and judge was to call the people of Israel to repentance.

  • 想庆祝美国当选总统巴拉克奥巴马入主白宫、走马上任的人们本周日前就可以开始。
    People who want to celebrate President-elect Barack Obama's move to the White House early can start the party on Sunday.

  • 此次戴维营会面是布朗取代布什长期谋友布莱尔,走马上任后,两位领导人首次会面。
    The two leaders met at Camp David for the first time since Brown took office, replacing Bush's longtime ally Tony Blair.

  • 经济、金融类专业好比一个万金油,基本上所涉及的哪怕是擦边的经济行业都能走马上任
    Economic, financial professional like a snake oil, basically even involved rubbing the edge of economic sectors can take office.

  • 第二天,我走马上任,开始了我生活中最愉快却又最劳神、回报最多却又挫折连连的两年。
    The next day I went to work for what would prove to be two of the most exhilarating and exhausting, rewarding and frustrating years of my life.

  • 明天上午,美国总统奥巴马即将走马上任,在白宫接听每日来自安全部门官员的情报消息。
    Tomorrow morning, President Barack Obama will sit down in the White House to receive his daily intelligence briefing from security officials.

  • 夺取欧洲冠军后,阿拉贡内斯不情愿的辞去西班牙主教练的位置远去执教,博斯克走马上任
    To win the European championship, Aragones reluctantly resigned from the Spain coach's position coach away, Bosque took office.

  • 情急之下,西门子公司两位新官“首席可持续发展官”和“首席多元化官”将在本月走马上任
    S. dollars. Panic, Siemens AG, the two new officials, "chief officer of sustainable development" and "chief diversity officer" took office this month.

  • 总统艾哈迈德是一名温和伊斯兰教徒,他是于1月,在联合国介入达成和平协议之后走马上任的。
    President Ahmed is a moderate Islamist, who was installed in January after a UN-brokered peace deal.

  • 美国副总统当选人拜登表示,即将走马上任的白宫经济团队正在就一个经济刺激方案的细节达成一致。
    U. S. Vice President-elect Joe Biden says the incoming White House economic team is making progress toward agreeing on details of an economic stimulus plan.

  • 也就是这一年的国庆,现任董事长沙晓明正式走马上任担当当时的如皋市制卡和会员卡制作机械厂厂长。
    That is, this year's national day, the incumbent Director Cheung Sha began his duties on Sean formal play then Rugao business card printing and membership card-making machinery factory factory.

  • 亲联邦的比利时将在2010年下半年走马上任,并且它有意与强而有力的轮值主席的概念“划清界限”。
    Federalist-minded Belgium takes the chair in the second half of 2010, and intends to "break" for ever with the idea of a powerful rotating presidency.

  • 在被称为非常时期的那个月,新任英国首相即将走马上任,当您碰巧拿起他出版的一本关于勇气的书,是否觉得极具讽刺呢?
    HARD not to be cynical when picking up a book on courage by a politician which just happens to be published in the very month in which he becomes Britain's prime minister.

  • 戴维•卡梅伦(DavidCameron)走马上任,保守党已经在大选中接连三次败北,他屈服了,同意政府所有的支出提案。
    When David Cameron became leader, after a third straight defeat for the Tories, he capitulated, endorsing the government's overall spending proposals.

  • (新任联合国秘书长将在1月1日走马上任,科菲·安南却在12月17日任职)毫无疑问,他会花时间仔细考虑他必须处理的事务。
    Kofi Annan was not chosen until December 17th. ) He will no doubt spend the time contemplating the appointments he must make.

  • 根据选举初期结果,德国总统安吉拉·默克尔今天走马上任,与她的首选合作盟友亲商派自由民主党一道,着手组建一个中立偏右翼政府。
    The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, was today on track to form a centre-right government with her preferred coalition partners, the pro-business Free Democrats, initial election results showed.

  • 英格兰国王的解决方法非常具有代表性,他册封18岁的约翰为骑士,给了他一支300人的骑兵部队和一笔钱,然后把他派到了爱尔兰走马上任
    The English king's solution was typical. He knighted the 18-year-old John, gave him an army of 300 knights and a treasury, and sent him to Ireland to take charge of the situation.

  • 美国副总统当选人拜登表示,即将走马上任的白宫经济团队正在就一个经济刺激方案的细节达成一致。当选总统奥巴马的顾问们希望创造更多的就业机会。
    As he met with the economic team, Biden said Tuesday that America's job losses are more than experts had previously believed, and so a bigger stimulus package is needed.

  • 没有慷慨激昂的演讲——这不是他的风格——但他却以近乎百分之百的得票率当选,这样的数字通常情况下都是民主制度的警钟。2001年,正式走马上任
    There were no charismatic set piece speeches - not his style - but he won the election with nearly 100 per cent of the vote, the sort of figure which usually alarms democrats, and took office in 2001.

  • “当我的身体沉睡时,我发现我的灵魂乘坐着一个三角形的UFO到了金星,”鸠山美由纪,即将走马上任的总理鸠山由纪夫的妻子,在一部于去年发行的书中写道。
    "While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus, " Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of premier-in-waiting Yukio Hatoyama, wrote in a book published last year.

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