
贩夫走卒  fàn fū zǒu fú







  • 他的门徒都是一些渔夫和贩夫走卒
    His disciples were fishermen and common people.

  • 于是贵人达官,下至贩夫走卒,无不啧喷想九霄者。
    So elegant Sheriff's down to the man in the street, without exception, Tut spray would like to Miracle person.

  • 所以我们不敢轻视任何人,贩夫走卒、市井小民都不例外。
    Therefore, we never look down on anyone, including the peddler and the underling.

  • 这是一个真理,任谁──达官显贵或贩夫走卒──都不能逃避的!
    That's a truth no one—king or commoner—can avoid.

  • 无论贩夫走卒还是明星政要,他们一样自由地呼吸着充满盈天地间的空气。
    Whether ordinary or star politicians, they like to breathe freely between heaven and earth are full of surplus air.

  • 《诗经》是中国古代的一部诗歌总集,上自君王,乃至文人百官、贩夫走卒,都藉着诗歌来传达他们的心意。
    The Book of Odes is a compilation of songs and poems from the kings, scholars, officials, and common people of ancient China: they used songs to express their thoughts and feelings.

  • 《诗经》是中国古代的一部诗歌总集,上自君王,乃至文人百官、贩夫走卒,都藉著诗歌来传达他们的心意。
    The Book of Odes is a compilation of songs and poems from the kings, scholars, officials, and common people of ancient China: they used songs to express their thoughts and feelings.

  • 我们仍然愿意与市井小民、贩夫走卒们共同生活,一起享受生活,终而成为一个平易近人,人人都喜欢亲近的人。
    We still like to live among common people, regaling our life. We want to be an amiable and lovely guy.

  • 好人、坏人、道德高尚的、道德低下的、有学问的、没学问的、贩夫走卒、官兵强盗,祂都一律平等的布施供应。
    It is done equally to the good, the evil, the noble, the mean, the learned, the ignorant, peddler, underling, official and robber.

  • 贩夫走卒造句相关
