
面目可憎  miàn mù kě zēng








  • 一个面目可憎的男人拔出左手手枪。
    drew a revolver and thrust the weapon into his face.

  • 那鱼开始显得面目可憎
    The fish began to look loathsome .

  • 他将所有的鬼怪都变得面目可憎皮肤腐烂。
    He turns all the ghosts into some really scary looking - rotten - ghosts who start to mob the Mayor.

  • 黄氏所说的“面目可憎”,不是指身体上的丑陋。
    What Huang means by "hateful to look at" is not physical ugliness.

  • 有时搁置久了,他们变得更加严重和面目可憎了。
    Sometimes they get bigger and uglier when they are left along for long enough.

  • 在鹰旁边的笼子里关着的那些面目可憎的猛禽是什么?
    What are those repulsive-looking birds of prey in the cage beside them?

  • 一位面目可憎的男人拨出左轮手枪,猛然对准他的面部。
    A man of rather forbidding countenance drew a revolver and thrust the weapon into his face.

  • 就算你面目可憎,行经卑劣,是个厚颜无耻的奸佞小人;
    Even if you terrifying, via base, is a brazen Jianning villain;

  • 一个面目可憎的男人拔出左轮手枪,猛然对准他的面部。
    A man of rather forbidding countenance drew a revolver and thrust the weapon into his face.

  • 我以为你会是一个老护士---面目可憎的,还长了胡子。
    I imagined you might be a grim-visaed old nurse with thick legs and a moustache.

  • 他往镜子里看,发现镜中有个面目可憎的老家伙在愤怒地注视他。
    He looked into the mirror and found an old man with a dreadful face looking angrily at him.

  • 在很多电视剧里,太太往往以一个蛮不讲理、面目可憎的形象出现;
    Many in the television series, often with a wife impervious to reason, the image appears Mianmukezeng;

  • 门口站着一个面目可憎的犹太人,穿着我从来未看到过、最花俏的背心。
    A hideous Jew, in the most amazing waistcoat I ever beheld in my life, was standing at the entrance .

  • 尽信书不如无书!但如果不去大量的阅读是否又会堕入所谓的面目可憎呢?
    It would be better not to know so many things than to know so many things that are not so.

  • 死亡,面目可憎的人,每个人一辈子至少会碰到他一次,通常在弥留之际。
    DEATH, a hideous man who called at least once during a lifetime, usually toward the close.

  • 唯一的生命迹象是附近田里一只面目可憎的黑山羊,用一截短绳拴在一棵树上。
    the only sign of life being an ugly-looking black goat on a short length of rope tied to a tree in a field nearby.

  • 对于陆栖鬣蜥,他也没有想得太多:“这种动物虽然面目可憎,却是受人推崇的美食。”
    He didn't think much of land iguanas either: "hideous animals, but are considered good food".

  • 因为,白色,这样一种纯净无暇的颜色,没有人忍心将它浪费在面目可憎的路人甲身上。
    In some cultures white is worn at funerals. White is Monday's color. White daisies are a symbol of loyal love.

  • 由于水的冲刷作用,这里的石头和山形成了面目可憎的形状,现在人们把它称作“魔鬼之城”。
    And now people call it "The Devil's Town" since the stones and hills are all formed into terrible shapes.

  • 当奎托斯接近阻断通向命运宫殿大桥的深渊,断桥下爬上一个面目可憎,近乎精神错乱的老头。
    As Kratos approaches the chasm that separates him from the Palace of The Fates he encounters a vile looking man that appears to be on the edge of insanity climb up from the underside of bridge.

  • 但对于持怀疑态度的西方伊斯兰教观察员而言,卡拉达维对以色列自杀式袭击的辩解使其面目可憎
    But for sceptical Western observers of Islam, his justification of suicide attacks in Israel makes him an odious figure.

  • 飞船已经被一个邪恶的、面目可憎的危险外星生物侵占,它能将人类的尸体比为可怕而畸形的僵尸。
    Turns out the ship has been taken over by an evil and really gross alien menace that turns human corpses into horrible deformed zombies.

  • 但对于抱持怀疑态度的西方伊斯兰教观察家而言,格尔达威对以色列自杀式袭击的辩解使其面目可憎
    But for sceptical Western observers of Islam, his justification of suicide attacks in Israel makes him an odious figure.

  • 大多数人类对这些外星人无甚好感,“大虾”们面目可憎、粗暴无礼又常在垃圾堆里摸爬,且嗜食猫粮。
    Most people look upon them with distaste. The prawns are ugly, violent, and root around in the trash. They love to eat cat food.

  • 如果你曾经照顾一座花园或一块草皮,那你一定与棘手的杂草交手过;它们不仅面目可憎,且会破坏你的植物或草皮。
    If you've ever planted a garden or tried to maintain a lawn, you have no doubt encountered weeds, which are not only ugly but can ruin your crop or turf.

  • 我们见到的世界只是自己内心的反映;在心情开朗时,见到的人都友善亲切;在心情烦躁时,碰上的人仿佛都面目可憎
    The world we see is simply the reflection of our mind; when we are joyous, we see people are friendly; when we are agitated, everyone we meet may seem to look unpleasant.

  • 有些演讲内容其实很动人,但由于撰写者不善于使用准确、生动的语言,便使整个演讲过程艰涩、刻板,“面目可憎”起来。
    " Some of the content of speech is very touching, but not good writers use accurate and vivid language, then the whole process of incomprehensible speech, stereotypes, "Mianmukezeng" together.

  • 年轻的亚瑟惊异了,因为老巫婆驼背,面目可憎,只有一颗牙,体味臭气熏天,声音令人厌恶…他从未遇到过如此叫人反感的人。
    Young Arthur was horrified. She was hunchbacked and hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like sewage, made obscene noises, etc. He had never encountered such a repugnant creature.

  • 随着城市化运动的不断扩展,越来越多的城里人渴望在工作之余逃离面目可憎的钢筋水泥森林,享受“飞鸟相与还”的那份怡然自得
    With the urban developing, more and more people expect to run away form tired armored concrete forest, and enjoy that relax mind like as "birds fly go and forth".

  • 邪恶这个魔鬼生得面目可憎,开始时人们只需看上她一眼就无比厌恶;然而天长日久,对她的脸蛋渐渐熟悉起来,于是我们先是容忍,接着怜惜,最后将她揽身人怀。
    Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, as to be hated, needs but to be seen; yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, we first endure, then pity, then embrace.

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