
讳疾忌医  huì jí jì yī








  • 人不怕生病,就怕讳疾忌医或无药可治。
    People are not afraid of illness, fear or no fear cure.

  • 关键在于在发现错误之后不要讳疾忌医
    The key lies in the discovery of the error after not seeing.

  • 企图瞒天过海,过于讳疾忌医,乃三鹿奶粉前事之鉴;
    In an attempt to deceive, fear too, is a former Sanlu milk powder incident behind;

  • 任何犯错误的人,只要他不讳疾忌医,我们都要帮助他。
    Any makes a mistake human, so long as he does not hide faults for fear of criticism, we all must help him.

  • 正如一个人得了绝症尚茫然不知,讳疾忌医,那是最可怕的!
    It would be terrible if a terminally ill man, not knowing he is sick, fails to see a doctor.

  • 隐秘的沉溺让我们心神俱疲,讳疾忌医更影响了我们的判断。
    The secret addictions that consume our souls. And the diseases we deny which affect our judgment.

  • 你是来咨询心理问题的,却讳疾忌医,不肯说出心里的想法。
    You will refer psychological question, however conceal one's fault for fear of criticism, do not agree to speak the think of a way in the heart.

  • 因此很多精神病患者,甚至是自认为严重的患者,宁可讳疾忌医
    Perhaps it is understandable, then, that most people with "problems", even supposedly severe ones, prefer to keep their symptoms to themselves.

  • 美国每年有600万男子被诊断患有抑郁症,但其中讳疾忌医的大有人在。
    6 million U. S. men are diagnosed with depression each year, but many won't come forward.

  • 张医生称,过去见到不少病人埋首工作,讳疾忌医,以健康作赌注,因此他提醒市民要及早治病。
    Doctor Cheung said, he has seen many people devote so much in their work, and afraid to see the doctor, and take their health as bet. So he reminds people to seek treatment as soon as possible.

  • 现在再否认上海等城市房地产市场存在的大量投机色彩,不仅显得讳疾忌医般可笑,而且毫无意义。
    now again denied the existence of the property market in Shanghai and other cities large speculative color, and not only looked away as ridiculous and meaningless.

  • 而且,尽管中医早就提出了预防的重要,但公众重视治疗却一直甚于预防,其中对医生的不信任、讳疾忌医是重要原因。
    Moreover, while Chinese medicine has long been made to prevent important, but public attention has been treated rather than prevention, which doctors do not trust, fear is an important reason.

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