
觥筹交错  gōng chóu jiāo cuò








  • 因此,他每天都头痛,却每天晚上照例和朋友们觥筹交错
    He has a headache every day and he has his drinks with his friends every evening.

  • 而致辞声和觥筹交错的祝酒声也变小了,成了嘟囔和叮当作响之声。
    The speeches and the clash of toasts dwindled to murmuring and tinkling.

  • 觥筹交错之际,我向生态园老板打听附近的旅游景点,他给出很多建议。
    Between toasts, I probe the proprietor for nearby attractions. He suggests plenty.

  • 这是我们的一场聚会,席间不见觥筹交错,只有敏锐的触觉和优雅的舞步。
    This is our party, during which there is no clash of toasts, but a keen sense of touch and elegant dancing steps.

  • 觥筹交错的生活过后,对着那银白的月光,不由得想起了童年家乡的中秋。
    Gongchoujiaocuo life after the silver kept trained on the moon could not help but think of the childhood home of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  • 他搞接待,经常和客户联系,少不了请客吃饭,在觥筹交错之间达成交易。
    He is done receive, often contact with the client, little not entertain guests have a meal, in toast each other between reach trade.

  • 豪华会所——豪华会所星级大堂,觥筹交错之间,享受生活华丽之彩,领略生命巅峰之乐。
    Luxury club ——luxury club with star-level hall will let you enjoy life's happiness.

  • 包间里烟雾缭绕,觥筹交错:吵吵嚷嚷的男人们争得不可开交,看谁喝得多,拼的正是贵州名酿——烈酒茅台。
    In smoke-filled private rooms, boisterous men vie to best each other in downing shots of fiery mao-tai, the rice liquor that is this city's most famous product.

  • 所以这些天,广州大大小小的酒楼生意旺得不得了,去哪里都能看到一醉方休的年终庆功宴以及觥筹交错的联谊宴。
    So these days, Guangzhou small restaurant business Mong to go to the end where you will see Yizuifangxiu forces toasted each victory banquet and the friendship feast.

  • 觥筹交错中,宾客欣赏著国际级艺术家如吉姆.兰比与欧拉佛.艾里亚森的作品,这回喝的是画廊主人的私藏葡萄酒。
    Guests admired works by international artists like Jim Lambie and Olafur Eliasson as more drinks flowed – this time from the gallery owners' private wine label.

  • 冰冷苍白的月色下,美酒飘香,穿着优雅的人们觥筹交错,议论着基金的涨跌和基金经理的更替,各式口音交汇其中。
    Ice-cold pale moonlight, the wine fragrance, dressed in elegant Gongchoujiaocuo people, a discussion of Change Fund and the fund manager turnover, which meets all kinds of accents.

  • 现在,中国进入澳大利亚也让澳大利亚人感到疑虑。所以,也应该通过后院的“觥筹交错”,建起彼此的友谊和信任。
    Today, China has moved into our street. We are suspicious, so it's time for a few backyard barbies to help build the bridge of friendship and understanding.

  • 船家来上一桌农家饭,我们觥筹交错,笑语连连,丝管弦乐深深入耳,此刻怎能不让人心醉,醉倒在这古船仙乐之中。
    Boatman to farm rice on the table, we Gongchoujiaocuo, laughing again and again, silk orchestral deep ear, at the moment can not help people fascinated, being drunk in the Old Ship The Sound of Music.

  • 人头攒动,觥筹交错,欢声笑语,在翠竹与红灯笼为主背景的映衬下,那份愉悦与开心深深感染了踏进这里的每一个人。
    Rentoucuandong, Gongchoujiaocuo, Huanshengxiaoyu, Tsui Chuk and red lanterns in the main background Ying Chen, joyful and happy That deeply infected with the start of everyone here.

  • 他预想这不过是一场宴会(banquet)或者正式的签名甚至只是一次合影的机会,或者是国内人热衷的那套女孩献媚、觥筹交错的酒宴。
    He anticipated it would be just a banquette and a formal signing and perhaps a photo opportunity, and a lot of bar scenes and girl handling as the Chinese would like to do.

  • 那是个愉快的夜晚,我们推杯换盏,觥筹交错。但是当晚的高潮无疑是DVD播放着所有人三十多年来的照片那一刻。每个想得到的不体面的发型与时装都显得甚为醒目。
    It was a very happy, drunken evening but the highlight, by far, was a DVD showing pictures of us all taken over the past 30-odd years, with every possible hair and fashion faux pas much in evidence.

  • 觥筹交错造句相关
